GROUP 8 Presentation

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Define the meaning of staffing;

Describe the nature and scope of staffing;

Discuss the content of staffing procedure;

Identify the factors to consider in

compensating employees
Cite ways to ensure employee health and

Recognize the nature and importance of

employee relations
After deciding on a type of organization
structure that will best serve the
interest of the business firm and the
next step that will have to be made is to
fill the identified positions with the
most qualified persons available.

Business organizations are very sensitive

to whatever staffing errors are made
placing the wrong person in highly
specialized position like quality
control, for instance, may bring enough
damage to the firm to cause its
bankruptcy. Yet this refers to a single
error in staffing.


Makes the
company Growth and
• Staffing may be defined as
management function that
determines human resources,
needs, recruits, selects, trains
and develops human resources
for jobs created by an

• Staffing is undertaken to match

people with jobs so that the
realization of the organization's
objectives will be facilitated.
• The staffing process consists of the
following series of steps:

• 1. Human Resource Planning.

The planned output of any
organization will require a
systematic deployment of human
resources at various levels. To be
able to do it, the manager will
have to involve himself with
human resource planning. This
will be done in conjunction with
the efforts of the human resource
officer, that is, if the company has

Forecasting Evaluation and


Human resource planning may

involve the following activities:
Human resource planning may involve the
following activities:

Forecastin Programm and
g ing control
is an assessment of means translating the refers to monitoring
future human forecasted human human resource
resource needs of the resource needs to action plans in
organization in personal objectives evaluating their
relation to its current and goals. success.
Monitoring Method

Time-series Explanatory or
methods Casual

The forcasting of manpower needs may be

undertaken using any of the following
quantitative methods:
A. B.
Time Explanato
series ry causal
method model

use historical data Identifying major

to develop variables that have
caused in past
conditions and to
predict future
The 3 major types of explanatory
models are as follows:
3 major types of explanatory models

Regression models Economic models Leading Indicators

Regression model provides a system of regression refer to time series that

function that describes the equations estimated from anticipates business cycle
relationship between one or past time series data and turns.
more independent variables used to show the effect of
and a response, dependent, or various independent
target variable.  variables on various
dependent variables.
Monitoring methods
provide early warning
signals of significant
changes in established
patterns and relationships
so that the manager can
assess the likely impact and
plan responses if requiredA.
• 2. Recruitment. – Refers to
attracting qualified persons to
apply for vacant positions in the


Sources of Applicants. When

management wants to fill certain
vacancies, the following sources may
be tapped:
The Organization’s current

current employees may be

qualified to higher positions Newspaper advertising

Readership appears to be the Schools

universities in cooperation with
companies have become common


Previously trained by
Recruitment firms competitors

Recruiting applicants for

Referrals from employees executive positions.

Employees recommend relatives

and friend that are qualified


This refers to the act of choosing from

those that are available the individuals most
likely to succeed on the job. A requisite for
effective selection is the preparation of a
list indicating that an adequate pool of
candidates is available. The purpose of
selection is to evaluate each candidate and
to pick the most suited for the position
available. Selection can be complicated
depending on the costs of a wrong decision.
When the position under consideration
involves special skills like an airplane pilot,
a more elaborate selection process is
Ways of Determining the
Qualifications of a Job Candidate
Application Interviews
provides information about a person's
characteristics such as age, marital status, may be gathered in an interview by
address, educational background,
asking a series of relevant questions
experience, and special interests. After
reading the application blank, the to the job candidate
evaluator will have some basis on whether
or not to proceed further in evaluating the

References Testing

statements may provide some This involves an evaluation of

vital information on the the future behavior or
character of the applicant. performance of an individual.
There are various types of tests.
TYPES OF They may be classified as follows:

A. Physiological Test –
is an objective, standards measure
of a sample behavior of the
individual. It is further classified as
Personality Test-
Aptitude Test- measures personality
measures a person’s traits such as
capacity or potential dominance, sociability,
ability to learn and conformity

Performance Interest Test-

Test- measures person’s
measures person's interest in various
current knowledge field of works
of a subject
There are various types of tests.
They may be classified as follows:

TYPESA.OF Physiological Test –

is an objective, standards measure
of a sample behavior of the
individual. It is further classified as

B. Physical Examination-
- Done to asses applicant’s
physical health is adequate to
meet the job requirements.
- is the next step undertaken after applicant
responsibilities finally selected and subsequently

hired. The new employee is relayed about his/her the
duties, responsibilities and benefits. The new
employee is also explained about all the company

history, it’s products ,services and the organization

- Where the new employee is discussed and
introduced about the immediate working environment
and co-workers. Location, rules, equipment,
procedures, training plans, and performance
expectations. In addition, the new employee
undergoes the “socialization process” by pairing him
with an experienced employee and one-on-one
discussion with the manager.
5.Training and Development-

Training becomes a necessity if the new
employee is lacking the necessary skills
needed by the job. It refers to the learning
provided in order to improve job

Training Programs are classified Into:

A. Training Programs for Non-

Type of training that is directed to non-managers

to increase knowledge and skills to perform a
particular job. The 4 methods are :
On the Job training Apprenticeship Program
- The trainee is placed in an actual Combination of on-the-job training
work situation under the and experience with classroom
direction of his immediate instruction in particular subjects are
supervisor who i access trainer provided to trainees.
this situation motivate strongly
the trainee to learn.

Vestibule School Special Courses

- The trainee is placed in a situation almost Those that provide more emphasis on
exactly as the work environment. It education rather than training. Examples
duplicates the job as well as the required are those which concern specific uses of
machinery and materials employees are computers like computer-aided design
gained on the proper methods and safety bidding procedures and producing a
procedures before they are allowed to commercial advertisement
work in a department.
B. Training Programs for Managers

The training needs of managers may

be classified into four areas Decision-
making skills, Interpersonal skills,
Job knowledge, and Organizational
knowledge .
The decision-making skills may be enhanced through
any of the following methods of training:

In-basket Management Case Studies

games This present actual situation in
The trainee is provided with A trainee method where
a set of notes, messages, organizations and enable one to
trainee areare placed in a
examine successful and
telephone calls, letters, and simulated situation and are unsuccessful operations. Case
reports, all pertaining to a required to make an study emphasize the manager’s
given company situation. The ongoing series of decision enviroment, improve
trainee id expected to handle about that situation. comunnication skills, offers
the situation with in a given rewards in solving problem,
possess the quality of
period of 1 or 2 hours. illustration,and establish
concrete reference points for
commecting theory with
The Interpersonal competence of the mananger m
be developed through any of the following metho
Role-Playing Sensitivity Training
In this method, the trainees are assigned Under this method, awareness and
roles to play ina a given case incident. sensitivity to behavioral patterns on
They are provided with a script or a oneself and others are developed.
description of a given problem and of the
key person they are playing. The purpose
of this method is to improven the skills of
the trainees in human relations,
supervision and leadership.
Transactional Analysis
Behavoir Modeling This method intendsto help individual
not only understand themselves and
It attempts to influence the trainee by
others but also improve their
showing model persons behaving
interpersonal communication skills. This
effectively in a situation. The trainee
is actually the study of social
is expected to adapt the behavior of
transactions between people so as to
the model and use it effectively in
develope improved communication and
some instance later on.
human relationships.
In acquiring knowledge about the actual job
the manager
is currently holding the following methods ar
On-the-job Coaching Understudy
It provides valuable This method requires a senior Under this method, a
opportunities for the training manager to assist a lower-level manager works as assistant
to learn various skills while manager by teaching him the to a higher level manager
actually engaged in the included skills and generally and participates in planning
performance of a job. providing direction, advice, and other managerial
and helpful criticism. The functions until he is ready to
senior manager must be assume such position
skilled enough and have the himself. Once in a while the
ability to educate; otherwise, assistant is allowed take
the method will be ineffective. over.
In the attempt to increase the trainee’s knowledge of the
total organization exposure to information and events
outside of his immediate job is made. In this regard, the
following methods are useful:
Position Rotation Multiple
Under this method, the This method is premised on the idea that junior
managers is given executive must be provided with means to
assignments in variety of prepare them for hire management position. To
departments. The purpose is achieve this, junior board of directors is created
consisting of junior executives as members.
to expose him to different
The board is given the authority to discuss
functions of the problems that the senior board could discuss.
organizations. The members are encouraged to take a broad
business outlook rather than concentrating on
their specialized lines of work.
6. Performance Appraisal –

It is the measurement of employee
The purposes of performance appraisals
are as follows:
to influence, in a positive manager, employee performance
and development;

to determine merit pay increase;

to plan for future performance goal;

to determine training and development needs; and

to assess the promotion potential of employees.

Ways of Appraising Performance-
An employee’s performance may be measured using
any of following methods:
Rating-Scale Method Management by Objective method

Each traits or characteristics to be rated is Specific goals are set collaboratively

represented by line on which the rater for the organization as a whole, for
indicates the degree to which the
various subunits, and for each
individual possesses the trait or
characteristics. individual member, Individuals are
then evaluated on the basis of how
well they have achieved the results
specified by the goals.

Essay Method
Assessment Center Method
The evaluator int this method
composes statements that best One is evaluated by persons other than the
describe the person evaluated. Immediate superior. This method is used
for evaluating managers.
Checklist Method Ranking Method

The evaluator checks statement on a list Each evaluator arranges employees

that are deemed to characterize an names in rank order from the best to
employee’s behavior or performance the poorest.

Critical-Incident Method
Work Standards Methods The evaluator recalls and writes down
specific (but critical) incidents that
Standards are set for a realistic workers indicates the employee’s performance. A
output and later on used in evaluating critical incident refers to the specific
the performance of non-managerial instance of inferior or superior
employees. performance of the employee.
7. Employment Decisions –
After evaluating the performance of

employees (managerial or otherwise), the
management will now be ready to make
employment decisions. These may consist
of the following:
Monetary Rewards –
Promotion –
are given to
refers to the movement by a
employees whose
person into a position of
performance is at par
higher pay and greater
or above standard
responsibilities and which
is given as a reward for
competence and ambition.
Transfer – Demotion –
is the movement of a person to is a movement from one
a different job at the same or position to another which has
similar level of responsibility less pay or responsibility
in the organization. Transfers
attached to it. Demotion is
are made to provide growth
used as a form of punishment
opportunities for the persons
involved or to get rid of poorly or as a temporary measure to
performing employees. keep an employee until he is
8. Separation -
It is either a voluntary or involuntary
termination of an employee's services.

In the case of a made voluntary termination,
the organization's management must find out
the real reason. If the presence of a defect in the
organization is determined, corrective action is

Involuntary separation (or termination) is the

last option that the management exercises when
an employee's performance is poor. This is
usually made after training efforts fail to
produce positive results.
One of the important aspects of staffing is
employee compensation. Certain factors
determine the salary or wages to
employees. These are the following
The achievement of the Performance
organization's objectives will depend on
the individual and collective performance of its employees.
Hence, it is only night to compensate them according to their
ability to contribute to the attainment of goals.
When an individual's output is better than the others, this should
be recognized and he should be provided a higher pay rate. There
are instances, however, when it is difficult to measure an
individual's performance. An example is when an employee's job
is to assist in assembling products. In this case, the performance
of the team where the individual belongs is measured.
The Relative Worth of Each Job
The compensation of the individual employee may also
be determined according to the relative worth of each
job. To determine a job's relative worth job evaluation is
undertaken. This activity allows the organization to rank
jobs and determine their hierarchy of importance across
all jobs in the organization. Up-to-date job descriptions
and job specifications are useful tools of job evaluation
Job description represents the written summary of a job
as an identifiable organizational unit. Job specification is a
statement of qualifications such as-education prior
experience, and skill required for a person to perform a
given job.

Methods of Job Evaluation. There are several methods used

in evaluating jobs. These are the following:
a. The point method
which requires the evaluators to
quantify the value of the elements of
a job. Points are assigned to the
degrees of various compensable
factors required to do the job. This is
done using job descriptions and
interviews as bases. Examples of
compensable factors are: skill
required, physical and mental effort
needed, degree of dangerous or
unpleasant working conditions
involved, and amount of
responsibility involved in the job.
The objective is to determine the total
b. The comparison method

which uses a factor-by-

factor comparison and as a
result, a factor comparison
scale is used. To evaluate
the jobs, five job factors are
used as bases for
comparison: responsibility,
skills, physical effort,
mental effort, and working
c. The classification or
grading method
wherein jobs are grouped
together in sets of grades or
classification, such as
clerical or managerial. Jobs
within each individual sets
are ranked in a job-to-
standard comparison.
d. The ranking method

wherein the evaluator

assigns ranks to jobs from
the simplest to the most
challenging. This method is
most convenient for small
organizations since they
have fewer jobs than the
larger ones.
Labor Market Conditions and Prevailing Wage
Some jobs may be similar with other jobs in terms
of difficulty, responsibility, and other factors. Some
of them, however, will be paid higher rates because
of bigger demand for them. Companies in dire need
of certain skills will pay premium rates if these skills
are not readily available. Nursing jobs are good
examples of the effect of demand on wages paid to
certain types of jobs.
Types of Pay System Used
Differences in pay among similar jobs in and out of the
company depend on the type of pay system adapted.
Wages may vary because of seniority, company
productivity, and profit-sharing considerations.
Seniority reflects loyalty to the company as well as
experience. Improvement in company productivity
makes production more efficient, and therefore, less
expensive. When the company makes profits, employees
are sometimes provided opportunities for sharing
A requisite to organizational productivity is the
maintenance of employee health and safety Employees
who are healthy and who feel safe in PENYEBAB
their places of work
can contribute immensely to the achievement of the
organization's objectives.
This is made possible when management is concerned
with the following:
1. organizational work environment, including air, water, and
noise pollution;

2. other health hazards like poor diet, alcohol, and drugs;

3. the safety of the work area; and

4. the safety of the equipment used.

o address such concerns, the following are usually undertaken:

1. installation of accident prevention programs; and

2. elimination of health hazards in the work areas.


Peace and harmony in the workplace is a requisite for efficiency in

production. This happens when employees consider their relationship with
the organization as worthwhile. As such, employee or PENYEBAB
labor relations
constitute an important aspect of management's concerns.
The organization must be able to manage employee relations, DAMPAK
which are
sometimes made in cooperation with unions. This is PENANGGULANGA
not to downgrade the
importance of managing employee relations in a nonunionized situation.
Employee relations are characterized by concerns on
managing and
administrating the union contract (in unionized organization), grievance,
compensation, work rules, and other issues.

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