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The Israeli-Palestinian


Khadija Bouzelmat
Table of contents:

• Introduction
• How did it start?
• What is life like for the Palestinian people?
• How does the rest of the world view the conflict?
• The solutions
• My opinion
• Brief summary
• Questions
• The Israeli-Palestinian conflict
• Interesting
• Hundreds of years
• The news
How did it start?:
• Jewish-Austrian activist
• Palestine
• After World War I
• Jews settled in Palestine
• the United Nations
• A plan
• Arab lands invaded Palestine
• Greater territory
What is life like for the Palestinian person?:

• All aspects of daily life

• Israeli ground forces
• A military blockade
• 82% of the area
• Water
• New wells
• The power plant
• Passenger traffic
How does the rest of the world view the
• Palestinian refugees
• Neighboring countries
• BBC poll
• Recognition of Palestine
• Non-member state
• UN organizations
• Pro-Israel
• Saudi Arabia
The solutions:
• The two-state solution
• A One-State solution
• A federation
• The division of the territory
My opinion:
• The two-state solution
• The division of territory
• The distribution
• The Jews should leave
• Kill and mistreat
• A video
Brief summary:
• the UN
• No choice
• Own territory
• New borders
• The best pieces of land
• Peace
• Your opinion

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