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By 2028, a world-class Army that is a source of national pride.

Honor. Patriotism. Duty.

By 2028, a world-class Army that is a source of national pride.

Honor. Patriotism. Duty.

By 2028, a world-class Army that is a source of national pride.

Honor. Patriotism. Duty.

By 2028, a world-class Army that is a source of national pride.

Honor. Patriotism. Duty.

By 2028, a world-class Army that is a source of national pride.

Honor. Patriotism. Duty.

By 2028, a world-class Army that is a source of national pride.

Honor. Patriotism. Duty.

By 2028, a world-class Army that is a source of national pride.

Honor. Patriotism. Duty.

By 2028, a world-class Army that is a source of national pride.

Honor. Patriotism. Duty.

By 2028, a world-class Army that is a source of national pride.

Honor. Patriotism. Duty.

By 2028, a world-class Army that is a source of national pride.

Honor. Patriotism. Duty.

By 2028, a world-class Army that is a source of national pride.

Honor. Patriotism. Duty.

By 2028, a world-class Army that is a source of national pride.

Honor. Patriotism. Duty.

By 2028, a world-class Army that is a source of national pride.

Honor. Patriotism. Duty.

By 2028, a world-class Army that is a source of national pride.







Honor. Patriotism. Duty.

By 2028, a world-class Army that is a source of national pride.

 Mobile phones

Honor. Patriotism. Duty.

By 2028, a world-class Army that is a source of national pride.


 Sleepy cadets student

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 Cadets student questions

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 Ten (10) minutes break

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 Cadets student are allowed to use the rest room

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By 2028, a world-class Army that is a source of national pride.

 In case of emergency

Honor. Patriotism. Duty.

By 2028, a world-class Army that is a source of national pride.

 In case of fire

Honor. Patriotism. Duty.

By 2028, a world-class Army that is a source of national pride.

 In case of earthquake

Honor. Patriotism. Duty.

By 2028, a world-class Army that is a source of national pride.

Military Customs and Traditions

Honor. Patriotism. Duty.

By 2028, a world-class Army that is a source of national pride.

Military Professional: Military Customs and Traditions

(Code Nr: 7CEO) Instructional Vidoes
TC 7-22.2 NCO guide 2015.pdf
TRADOC Pam 600-4 IET Soldiers Handbook V 2008.
AFP Code of Ethics

Honor. Patriotism. Duty.

By 2028, a world-class Army that is a source of national pride.

 To prepare the ROTC Cadets as responsible,

capable, knowledgeable, skilled and with the right
character as an Infantry Man.

Honor. Patriotism. Duty.

By 2028, a world-class Army that is a source of national pride.

1. To inculcate to the students, on the values of citizenship, and

personal responsibility, which is essential in preparing them, as
responsible Infantry Personnel
2. To train the students, on basic skills, that is essential being
an Infantry Man and
3. To prepare the students, in developing their camaraderie,
and team work attitude, in preparing them to become future
leaders, of the Infantry Squad.

Honor. Patriotism. Duty.

By 2028, a world-class Army that is a source of national pride.

Definition of Terms
Different Military Customs
Different Military Traditions

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By 2028, a world-class Army that is a source of national pride.


 Customs - accepted practices

 Courtesy - good manners and politeness
 Traditions - inherited principles and practices

5 Honor. Patriotism. Duty.

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These are accepted practices realized through
continued usage that has force, and effect of a
common law.
Customs include positive actions- things you do,
and taboos-things you avoid.

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Different Military Customs

 Salute

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1. Salute
Men of arms execute salute, as an exchange of
greeting, courtesy, and respect among themselves.

It has been preserved, and its use continued in all

modern armed forces, which inherited their military
traditions from the Age of Chivalry. The method of
rendering the salute has varied through the ages, as it
still varies in form among the armed forces for today.
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In the Navy, saluting with the left hand is allowed,

when the right hand is occupied with something, or not
available for the execution of the same.

All soldiers in uniform are required to salute, when

they meet and recognize persons entitled to a salute,
except when it is inappropriate or impractical (in public
conveyances such as planes and buses, in public
places such as inside theaters, or when driving a
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By 2028, a world-class Army that is a source of national pride.

A salute is also rendered:

a. When the Philippine National Anthem, "To the Color," "Hail to the
Chief," or foreign national anthems are played.
b· On ceremonial occasions such as changes of command or funerals.
c. At reveille and retreat ceremonies, during the raising or lowering of
the flag.
d. During the sounding of honors.
e. When pledging allegiance to the Philippine flag outdoors.
f. When turning over control of formations.
g. When rendering reports.
h. To officers of friendly foreign countries.
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By 2028, a world-class Army that is a source of national pride.

SALUTE are not required

• when Indoors, unless reporting to an officer, or when on duty as a
· A prisoner.
· Saluting is obviously inappropriate. In any case not covered by
specific instructions, render the salute.
· Either the senior or the subordinate is wearing civilian clothes.
In general, you don't salute when you are working (for example,
under your vehicle doing maintenance), indoors (except when
reporting), or when saluting is not practical (carrying articles with both
hands, for example).
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By 2028, a world-class Army that is a source of national pride.

Simple courtesy is an important indicator of a person's

bearing, discipline, and manners. It is a fact that most people
respond positively to genuine politeness, and courtesy. Walk
down a street in most towns and cities and see the response
you get from people when you just say "good morning." It is
no different for soldiers. Some units substitute the greeting
with their unit motto, such as "Deeds, not Words," or "Keep
up the Fire." These reiterate pride in the unit, and
demonstrate the discipline, and professionalism of a unit's
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By 2028, a world-class Army that is a source of national pride.

 Flag Raising Ceremony

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The Philippine Flag symbolizes our country, and

The Filipino Soldier honors the Flag, by raising it with
the troops, singing the National Anthem, and to the
accompaniment of the band, before the start of the
official day’s work, to pledge, that all his efforts for
the day is dedicated, to God, his country, and people.

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By 2028, a world-class Army that is a source of national pride.

 The Retreat Ceremony

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In our service, it is known to have been in use,

during the early days of the American occupation.
The sounds of the evening gun, during a
combined ceremonial parade, and retreat
ceremony, one of the inspiring customs of the
service. Military personnel in camps, or
garrisons, pause for a moment ,either to salute
the Nation's' Flag, or sing the National Anthem.

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By 2028, a world-class Army that is a source of national pride.

 The Three Volleys Over Graves

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This is a sign of respect, and gesture of farewell,

tendered to a departed comrade-in-arms. In the
older days, they did it, by throwing, or casting
earth three times upon the grave, calling the
name of the dead, and saying “Farewell” three

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By 2028, a world-class Army that is a source of national pride.

 The White Flag of Truce

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This is a world wide custom used, to signal

the temporary cessation of hostilities,
between warring parties.

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By 2028, a world-class Army that is a source of national pride.

 The Wearing of Decorations

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By 2028, a world-class Army that is a source of national pride.

Military personnel, who honorably earned

decorations, in the performance of duty,
displays them as part of the uniform,
during appropriate occasions.

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By 2028, a world-class Army that is a source of national pride.

 The Raising of the Right Hand in Taking Oath

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By 2028, a world-class Army that is a source of national pride.

The taking of oath for truth of statement of

testimony, has always been solemn, and
serious matter, accompanied by ceremony. In
essence, the taker of the oath, calls upon his
God, to bear witness that the truth would be

Honor. Patriotism. Duty.

By 2028, a world-class Army that is a source of national pride.

Different Military Traditions

 Tradition of Valor
 Tradition of Duty
 Tradition of Honor
 Tradition of Solidarity
 Tradition of Loyalty

Honor. Patriotism. Duty.

By 2028, a world-class Army that is a source of national pride.

The following are the significant military traditions:

1. Tradition of Valor
Boldness or determination in facing great
danger, especially in battle; heroic courage;

Honor. Patriotism. Duty.

By 2028, a world-class Army that is a source of national pride.

2. Tradition of Duty

The Filipino soldier has exemplified himself

throughout history, as a dedicated public servant,
who performed his tasks with a deep sense of
responsibility, and self-sacrifice by making himself
available at all times, whenever situation
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By 2028, a world-class Army that is a source of national pride.

3. Tradition of Honor

Honor is a matter of carrying out, acting, and

living the values of respect, duty, loyalty,
selfless service, integrity and personal
courage in everything you do.

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By 2028, a world-class Army that is a source of national pride.

4. Tradition of Solidarity

The strongest, most enduring, and powerful military tradition,

that bound the soldiers in oneness to the people they serve.
In every endeavor the Filipino soldier has undertaken, he
always worked as part of the team, and ally in the
accomplishment of the mission, an indispensable partner of
the people, whose support he treasures as vital in the
attainment of national objectives.

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By 2028, a world-class Army that is a source of national pride.

5. Tradition of Loyalty

The Filipino soldier has held the respect of the nation,

by shedding blood, and offering the supreme
sacrifice, in defense of the country. He has given
consistently his loyalty to God, country, to our
constitution, people, seniors, peers, junior and the
AFP Chain of Command. (What you see/hear, leave it
Honor. Patriotism. Duty.
By 2028, a world-class Army that is a source of national pride.

 Courtesy of the Post

 Presentation of Recruits to Colors
 Welcome/Farewell Tendered to a Newly
Assigned/Departing Officer
 Happy Hour
 Ceremony Tendered to a Retiree
 Pipe Calls, Trumpet or Bugle Calls
 Courtesy Calls

Honor. Patriotism. Duty.

By 2028, a world-class Army that is a source of national pride.

 Call of Newly Promoted Generals/Flag


Honor. Patriotism. Duty.

By 2028, a world-class Army that is a source of national pride.

 Survivor Assistance to Bereaved Family

 "I Wish" and "I Desire" Statement
 Place of Honor
 New Year’s Call on the Commanding Officer
 Military Weddings
 Christmas Holiday Entertainment
 Rank has its Privileges
 Visiting the sick
 Use the word “Sir”
Honor. Patriotism. Duty.
By 2028, a world-class Army that is a source of national pride.

The customs of the Army have its common law:

 Never criticize the Army or a leader in public.

 Never go "over the heads" of superiors-don't jump the
chain of command.
 Never offer excuses.
 Never turn and walk away to avoid giving the hand salute.
 Never run indoors or pretend you don't hear (while driving,
for example) to avoid standing reveille or retreat.
 Never appear in uniform while under the influence of
Honor. Patriotism. Duty.
By 2028, a world-class Army that is a source of national pride.

Definition of Terms

 Customs
 Courtesy
 Traditions

Honor. Patriotism. Duty.

By 2028, a world-class Army that is a source of national pride.

Summary cont…
Different Military Traditions

 Tradition of Valor
 Tradition of Duty
 Tradition of Honor
 Tradition of Solidarity
 Tradition of Loyalty
Honor. Patriotism. Duty.
By 2028, a world-class Army that is a source of national pride.

Summary cont…
Different Military Customs
 Salute
 Flag Raising Ceremony
 The Retreat Ceremony
 The Three Volleys Over Graves
 The White Flag of Truce
 The Wearing of Decorations
Honor. Patriotism. Duty.
By 2028, a world-class Army that is a source of national pride.

Summary cont…
Different Military Customs
 The Raising of the Right Hand in Taking Oath
 Courtesy of the Post
 Presentation of Recruits to Colors
 Welcome/Farewell Tendered to a Newly
Assigned/Departing Officer
 Happy Hour
 Ceremony Tendered to a Retiree
Honor. Patriotism. Duty.
By 2028, a world-class Army that is a source of national pride.

Summary cont…
Different Military Customs
 Pipe Calls, Trumpet or Bugle Calls
 Courtesy Calls
 Call of Newly Promoted Generals/Flag Officers
 Survivor Assistance to Bereaved Family
 "I Wish" and "I Desire" Statement
 Place of Honor

Honor. Patriotism. Duty.

By 2028, a world-class Army that is a source of national pride.

Summary cont…
Different Military Customs
 New Year’s Call on the Commanding Officer
 Military Weddings
 Christmas Holiday Entertainment
 Rank has its Privileges
 Visiting the sick
 Use the word “Sir”

Honor. Patriotism. Duty.

By 2028, a world-class Army that is a source of national pride.


Honor. Patriotism. Duty.

By 2028, a world-class Army that is a source of national pride.

“Respect others Customs and Traditions, be

courteous to your superiors and elders so that
they returned courtesy from you"

Thank you for your cooperation!!!

Honor. Patriotism. Duty.

By 2028, a world-class Army that is a source of national pride.

That concludes our lesson for today,

"Good luck on your chosen career,

Do your Best and God Bless"

Honor. Patriotism. Duty.

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