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Ashtang Hridaya

Sutrasthan 5-
Group Discussion Members
46- Vaibhav khande
47- Bhakti kharat
48- Mrunali kharat
49- Pooja kodrul
50- Dattatray korde
• Vagbhatta in the chapter of “Drava
Dravya Vijnaniya” mentions different
types of “drava dravyas” with their
usage & properties .In all the liquids
are categorized in the following 7
• 1. Toya 5.Taila varg
2. Dugdha varg 6. Madya varg
3. Ikshu varg 7. Mutra varg
4. Madhu varg
Here , we are going to discuss
about mutra(urine) of 8 types of
animals and their qualities and
Those animals are 5. Elephant (hastini)
1. Sheep (avika) 6. Camel (Oushtraka)
2. Goat (aja) 7. Horse Eka -shapha
3. Cow (Gavya) 8. Donkey }
4. Buffalo (Mahisha)
They are pittala (increases pitta dosha),
ruksha, tikshna, ushna, lavana in anurasa
( secondary taste), katu in rasa.
They help in curing.
Krimi (intestinal worms) Kapha dosha
Shopha (swelling) Vata dosha
Udara (ascites) Gulma (abdominal tumors)
Anaha (abdominal Aruchi (loss of apetite)
distension) Visha (toxins)
Shula (pain in abdomen Shwitra (vitiligo)
area) Arsha (haemorrhoids)
Pandu (anemia)
They are prescribed as Appetisers,
Kushta (skin disaeses)
Antitoxins, Bacteriacidals💊
Best remedies for those affected by
Panduroga (anaemia).
Urine of Avika 🐑
Bitter, unctuous, and good for pitta
Urine of Aja. 🐐
Astringent, sweet, wholesome and it alleviates dosha.
Urine of Gavya. 🐄
Slightly sweet, it is bactericidal ,
cures kushtha ,equally useful for
doshas and udara.and cures severe
itching of skin.
Urine of Mahisha. 🐃
It is alkaline, laxative
Cures - piles, sopha, udara(ascitis).
Urine of Hastini 🐘
It is saline, useful against bacterial
infection 🦠and kushta , in case of
retention of faeces & urine, toxic
Urine of Camel 🐪
It is bitter and decreases svasa
(dyspnoea), kasa (bronchitis) and piles
Urine of horses 🐎
It is bitter and pungent Play,
cures- kushta ,vrana (ulcers) and toxic

Urine of donkey.
cures- epilepsy, insanity and
In all the varities of urine,
female urine is the most useful ,because
of its lightness . It is due to the
lightness of the body of females that
their urine is also light.
To ,sum up a faminine urine serves as the best
efficacious drug in the preservation and cure of
diseases. Next in order comes masculine urine . The
urine of an impotent animal is too inasuspicious and
useless .
Thank you
Thanku for pateintly listening to us and we hope our
presentation was helpful for everyone ❤️

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