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Background of the case

The case is from the point of view of Al Ruskin, whos nature appears to be highly emotional and sensitive. A graduate from HBS, Al Ruskin is working as an analyst in market research division in Amalgamated Industries. He prepares reports which are used for strategic decisions by the higher management. Ruskin is discontented about the setup of the organization.

Problem with the supervisors. According to Ruskin, the senior management does not recognizes his effort and hardwork. Every job is handled as a crisis. Too much fault findings into the work done. The subordinates just try to impress their seniors and dont look into the actual matter or work. Ruskin doesnt feel tied to the organisation.

Structure of the Department

(a) Organization included: Vice President Manager - Market Research Division which had 30 people Two Assistant Managers Four Section Heads One Clerical group

(b) Ruskin works in one of the sections as an analyst.

Al Ruskin s Behaviour
Openness to learning Proactive Personality Hard Working and Ambitious Enthusiastic Frustrated Lack of courage Conceited

Dynamics of Amalgamated Industries

Lack of innovation and creativity. There is duplication of effort, right from top to bottom of the organisation. Lack of effective communication and no delegation. Unhealthy competition and egoistic needs of manager. No trust or participation among work groups.

A Behavioural Perspective
The organization uses an engineering approach in the sense that it treats its employees only as a resource. Poor performance Taking into consideration the HUMAN aspect . Growth from within. Lack of Motivation Job Challenge

Alternative 1
He could adapt to the working style of the organisation. Accept the reality of the organisation. Assume the organisational values and culture. Accept the slow-moving mediocrity of a large bureaucracy.

Alternative 2
He should leave the organisation and look for other opportunities. The growth in the organisation is very much restricted for Al Ruskin. No challenging opportunities as per his expectations and needs. Ruskin does not have the tolerance or temperament for this type of organisation. He is lost and isolated in a bureaucracy, where the speed of movement is slow. No rewards and recognition for the work done. He is fortunate in that with a Business School degree he has an ease of job mobility.


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