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In the name of Allah , the compassionate , the Merciful

University of Kerbala/collage of education/dept.of

M.A Program

MLA Style: Citation

Presented By :
Legends group
Supervised By: Haider Khadhim Bairmani
The final step to completing your research project is to
finalize your Works Cited page. Preparing the Works
Cited list will be relatively simple if you have carefully
developed your working bibliography as a computer file
with detailed publication data for each source cited in the
In this session , we will discuss and examine:

• Writing Works Cited references in MLA style

Formatting Works Cited entries for online and print source
Creating Works Cited entries for special sources
The MLA documentation style gives all scholars in the field a consistent
way to consult the sources that are cited in your project.
Works Cited for a list of works including books, articles, films,
recordings, Internet sources, and so on that are quoted or paraphrased in
the research paper.
Works Consulted if your list includes works not cited in your research
Annotated Bibliography for a list of references that includes a
description of the contents of each source .
Selected Bibliography for a list of readings on the subject.
The title Works Cited is usually most appropriate,
because it lists scholarly works of printed books and
articles, Web sources, and non-print items
Works pertinent to the paper but not quoted or paraphrased, such as
an article on related matters, can be mentioned in a content endnote
.and then listed in the Works Cited
14a Formatting the Works Cited Page

Arrange items in alphabetic order by the surname of the author

using the letter-by-letter system. Ignore spaces in the author’s
Consider the first names only when two or more surnames are
When two or more entries cite coauthors that begin with the
same name, alphabetize by the last names of the second
The list of sources may also be divided into separate alphabetized sections for
primary and secondary sources, for different media (articles, books, Internet
sources), for different subject matter (biography, autobiography, letters), for
different periods (Neoclassic period, Romantic period), and for different areas
.(German viewpoints, French viewpoints, American viewpoints)
.HINT: MLA style uses italics in place of underlining for titles
14b Works Cited Form—Online Sources
The Internet gives us access to a cornucopia of information
from millions of sources
Citing Sources Found Online

.Author/editor name .1
Title of the article within quotation marks, or the title of a .2
posting to a discussion list or forum followed by the words
.online posting, followed by a period
If the document has a printed version, provide the .3
publication information and the date. Titles of books and
.journals should be formatted in italics
Information on the electronic publication, such as the title .4
of the site, the date of the posting, and the sponsoring
.organization, followed by a period
”.The medium of publication—“Web .5
.Date of your access, followed by a period .6
Bellis, Mary. “History of Observing Small Things.” About: Inventors. 6
Apr. 2013. Web. 13 May 2013
NOTE: Do not include page numbers unless the online article shows
original page numbers from the printed version of the journal or
magazine. Do not include the total number of paragraphs nor specific
paragraph numbers unless the online article has provided them
14c Works Cited Form—Citing Database and CD-ROM Source

Databases provide information in four different ways, and each

method of transmission requires an adjustment in the form of the entry
.for your Works Cited page
Full-Text Articles with Publication Information
for the Printed Source
Full-text articles are available from national distributors, such as
ProQuest, ERIC, InfoTrac
HINT: Complete information may not be readily available; for
example, the original publication data may be missing. In such cases,
provide all available information
Abstracts to Articles and Books Provided by the National

As a service to readers, the national distributors have

members of their staff write abstracts of articles and books if
.the original authors have not provided such abstracts
Full-Text Articles with No Publication Information for a Printed

Sometimes the original printed source of an article or report will not be

provided by the distributor of the CD-ROM database. In such a case,
.conform to the examples that follow, which provide limited data
Complete Books and Other Publications on CD-ROM
Cite this type of source as you would a book, and then provide
information to the electronic source that you accessed
Nonperiodical Publication on CD-ROM
Cite a CD-ROM or DVD-ROM as you would a book, with the
addition of a descriptive word. If relevant, show the edition
(3rd ed.), release (Rel. 2), or version (Ver. 3)
Encyclopedia Article
For an encyclopedia article on a CD–ROM, use the following
form: “Abolitionist Movement.” World Book Encyclopedia. CD-
ROM. Mac Kiev, 2013
Multidisc Publication
When citing a multidisc publication, follow the term CD-ROM
with the total number of discs or with the disc that you cited
from: Springer, Alice G. Barron’s AP Spanish. 7th ed.
Hauppauge: Barron’s, 2011
Other Electronic Sources
Some distributors issue packages that include different media,
such as CD-ROM or a book with accompanying DVD. Cite
such publications as you would a nonperiodical CD-ROM with
.the addition of the media available with this product
14d Works Cited Form—Books
Enter information for books in the following order. Items 1, 3, 7, and 10 are
required; add other items according to the circumstances explained in the text that
follows. 1. Author(s)
Chapter or part of book .2
Title of the book .3
Editor, translator, or compiler .4
Edition .5
Volume number of book .6
Place, publisher, and date .7
Page numbers .8
Number of volumes .9
”.Medium of publication—“Print .10
14e Works Cited Form—Periodicals

For journal or magazine articles, use the following order: 1.

Author(s) 2. Title of the article 3. Name of the periodical—
italicized 4. Series number (if it is relevant) 5. Volume and
issue number (for journals)—(e.g., 70.4) 6. Date of publication
7. Page numbers 8. Medium of publication—“Print
14f Works Cited Form—Newspapers

Provide the name of the author, the title of the article, and the
name of the newspaper as it appears on the masthead,
omitting any introductory article (e.g., Wall Street Journal,
.not The Wall Street Journal)
14g Works Cited Form—Government Documents

Since the nature of public documents is so varied, the form of

the entry cannot be standardized. Therefore, you should
provide sufficient information so that the reader can easily
locate the reference. As a general rule, place information in the
Works Cited entry in this order (but see below if you know the
author, editor, or compiler of the document): 1. Government 2.
Body or agency 3. Subsidiary body 4. Title of document 5.
Identifying numbers 6. Publication facts 7. Medium of
14h Works Cited Form—Other Sources

Advertisement Provide the title of the advertisement, within

quotation marks, or the name of the product or company, not
within quotation marks, the label Advertisement, and publication

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