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Dr / Sahar Elkheshen
Assistant Professor of Maternity and Neonatal Nursing
Faculty of Nursing
Review on previous lecture
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Brain Storming

• Values, believes and attitudes

• Types of value.
• Value of caring
• Ethical and non-ethical behaviors
• Dimensions of caring
At the end of this lecture the student will be able to:

•Define values, believes and attitudes

•Identify Value of caring

•Clarify dimensions of caring

•Differentiate between ethical and non-ethical behaviors

Definition of Value
• Measure of worth or efficiency.
• A quantitative measurement of the activity, concentration, or 
some  other quality of something.

Important and lasting beliefs or ideals shared by the

members of a culture about what is good or bad and
desirable or undesirable. Values have major influence on a
person's behavior and attitude and serve as broad
guidelines in all situations.
Types of values
Religious (strength from religious beliefs)
Theoretical (holds truth, rationality, and respectable)

Political (values power)

Economic (values usefulness and practicality)

Aesthetic (values beauty, harmony, and form)

values human interactions, is kind, sympathetic,

and unselfish)
Values clarification

It is a process by which people identify, examine, and develop their

own individual values.

Values clarification promotes personal growth by fostering

awareness, empathy, and insight. Therefore, it is an important step

for nurses to take in dealing with ethical problems.

Examples of values in nursing field

• Integrity

• Professionalism

• Caring

• Teamwork

• Stewardship
Definition of believe

• A belief is probably the most basic value and the one

that changes least. A belief is a type of attitude that is
based more on faith than fact.
Examples of believes
• I am in charge of my life
• I am not separate from the rest
• People are catalysts not barriers to success
• Positive thoughts are powerful and empowering
• My past can be reviewed and rewritten
• Don’t take it personally
• What I learn can be improved and refined
• Forget, forgive, rejoice

• A predisposition or a tendency to respond positively or negatively

towards a certain idea, object, person, or situation.

• An attitude is a disposition or selected behavior. Attitudes usually

made up of different believes, they can be positive or negative
Components of attitude
Example of an attitudes
• For instance, in case of a person who is scared of an injection or a needle, the cognitive
component might be the fact that an injection would hurt. On the other hand, the affective
component would be the feeling that he/she is scared of injection. The behavioral
component would be that the person would completely avoid getting an injection or cry
at the sight of one. So, an attitude is essentially like an evaluative statement that is either
positive or negative depending on the degree of like or dislike for the matter in question.
Types of Behaviors

•Ethical behavior usually refers to behavior that conforms to

generally-accepted social norms.

• Unethical behavior, then, is behavior that does not conform

(match) to generally-accepted social norms.
Values of Caring:

• Caring is a response to some one who matters, simply because the

person is there.

Elements of caring

• There are three elements :



Values of health care

It is truism that every aspect of health care is constantly changing.

The patients are free to choose which treatment to have where and

To be implemented, it pre-supposes that : The patients are well

informed about available choices.

• Patients are in a position mentally and emotionally to make these


• The patient have the cash resources to pay for them,

• The treatment chosen are available where and when they are wanted
or needed
Decide which
of the
following is an
ethical or
1. Searching for a colleague who is an expert in
deriving blood samples from persons having very
week veins for a seventy years old patient having
kidney cancer in its second degree.

2. Leave your seat in a bus that is not assigned for old

age persons.
• While you are trying to put a patient in a certain X-Ray
position he asked for a cup of water and you tell him that,
taking the film will take 5 minutes then he could take the
water later.

• A woman came to visit her sister in ICU unit bringing her

1year old baby and you refuse to allow her baby to enter ICU
because this is against rules.
Choose one value and write the corresponding
believe and attitude

Accuracy, beauty, Competition, Creativity, freedom, Silence


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