The Material/Economic Self: Group 7

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The Material/Economic Self


01 02 03 04
What is Consumer Situational Factors Personal Factors Social Factors

05 06 07
Cultural FactorsPsychological Factors Economic Factors
“The way we dress affects the way we think,
the way we feel, the way we act and the way
others react to us.”
What is
Consumer behavior is the
study of individuals and
organizations and how they
select and use products and
services. It is mainly
concerned with psychology,
motivations, and behavior.

Common favorite street food of Filipinos

Factors that can influence
consumer behavior
Situational Factors, Personal Factors, Social Factors,
Cultural Factors, Psychological Factors, Economic Factors
The process of assigning the cause of
behavior to some situation or event
outside a person's control rather than
to some internal characteristics.
Personal factors refer to personal
characteristics that influence a
buyer's decision include age and
stage in the life cycle,
occupation and economic
circumstances, personality and
self-concept, and lifestyle and
Social Factors
Culture is a set of beliefs shared by a group
of people or believers. This factor,
therefore, greatly affects a person's choice
of products and services, depending on the
culture a person lives by.
Culture and Subculture

➢ Subculture is a group that lives

differently from, but not opposed to,
the dominant culture. A subculture is a
culture within a culture.
❖ Ilocanos are known for being
“matipid” or sometimes they are called
❖ In Pampanga, they are known
for liking beautiful things,
clothes, houses accessories etc.
Filipinos are popular for some cultural trait and
❖ Hiya is a kind of anxiety, a fear of being left exposed, unprotected,
and unaccepted.
❖ Amor propio can be explained as similar to self-esteem. To make sure
this is not hurt the Filipino is expected to be sensitive about the
feelings of others.
❖ Pakikisama is very popular among the teenagers, and it may mean
anything from camaraderie to cooperation. is a typical trait of a
Filipino, in its simplest sense meaning “getting along with others”
❖ Utang na loob would mean debt of honor or debt of gratitude.
Social class is a group of individuals
with similar status commonly sharing
comparable levels of wealth and power.
Society is subdivided to three class:
❖ Upper Class consumes high-grade goods as their
status can attain such high-quality standards.
❖ Middle Class are careful buyers as they compare as
their purchasing power is standing neutral.
❖ Lower Class is limited to basic needs and struggling
to live on their means.
“Sosyal” is a slang term for “upper class.”
It can have a mildly negative connotation as
when rich people are dressed and behaving
pretentiously. But it is often used in light-
hearted ways. You can be called "pasosyal"
meaning you are acting pretentious or
putting on airs.
❏ Motivation is defined as the drive to satisfy a
need. A person has various needs at any given
time. Some needs are pro given in nature like,
thirst, and discomfort. Other needs are
psychogenetic. These are the result of
psychological state of tension that is not potent
enough to motivate a person to act out on them
Freud’s Theory of Motivation
❏ Freud assumes that the real psychological
forces shaping people’s behavior largely
unconscious. He sees the individual repressing
many desires while in the process of growing
up and accepting social rules.
Why do people collect
Toy collection is a source of
comfort and a specific presence
Action Figures Collection
when the collector is alone.
The toy collections can bring relief to the
collector and in a deeper sense, it may lessen
the feelings of doubt and even depression.
Beliefs ➢ A belief is a descriptive thought that a
person holds about something. A
customers decisions-making ability can
also be driven by beliefs and attitudes
towards a certain product.

Attitude ➢ Attitudes would be in the form of negative

or positive. Attitude in a brand maybe
influenced by what the brand represents
like they are propoon or eco-friendly.
Hiyang is a state of compatibility between
one’s body and something external
evaluated through individuals experience.
Attention ➢ People are more likely to notice stimuli
that are related to a current need. Stimuli
that they anticipate and stimuli that
attracts attention

Retention➢ The consumer retain information that
they want to keep like remembering the
best features of a product or services.
This includes a person's financial capacity ana stability to spend money on a product.
An individuals may find himself/herself wanting to purchase something that he need
or want but lacks money. A student relies on his parents allowance to purchase what
he needs. Family income influences the buying behavior of the family as a whole this
covers the basic needs, educational need, shopping goods, furniture, appliances home
and leisure expenses of individuals and as a unit. If the family Dirty ice cream as a
cheap thrill for those lacking in money income is good you may more or less more
buy what you need but if not the money goes to the most important purchase like
education needs or tuition fee. Savings is an increase or decrease in the amount of
money to keep affects the purchasing decision of a person. lt he/she wants to save
money, his/her spending will be limited to the basic necessities and will veer away
from spending money on luxury.
➔ Physical Vanity. A concern for physical appearance, means
that one feels the need to corporate with others in terms of
physical appearances, while a positive view of physical
appearance means that one gets validated from others
regarding their attractive physical appearance. Example
would be you want to look good and attractive because you
want to tell people you that you are attractive (Bloch &
Richins, 1992; Hirschman, 1992; Kleine & Kleine, 2000).
➔Achievement Vanity. A concern for Selfie shots are achievement
common means that one has made a successful achievement, in
social media and a view for achievements means people that other
know about one's successful achievement (Netemeyer et al., 1995).
The use of tarpaulin to announce that a students received honors or
passed the licensure examination is an achievements and by showing
the tarpaulin you let other people know your success. There is
numerous evidence that creates a link between consumption of
products and personal achievement and shows that people concerned
with their achievement buy items in order to convey status or
success (Belk, 1985; Hirschman, 1990). You get promoted, you
become successful so you buy a new car or purchase a new house.
➔Consumer vanity. Consumer vanity connects the two concepts for it
is viewed as a self-identity concept that induces both physical and
achievement views and concerns. A shift in consumer culture
affected the notion of self-identity making material achievement and
physical appearance have an increasingly important role to define
oneself. (Wang & Weller, 2006) defines consumer vanity as the
underlying consumer value orientation wherein consumer behavior
is influenced by a fixation with physical appearance and success,
thus making consumers spend more for aesthetics than for function
or need. Goods and services that advertisements have linked to
consumer vanity include perfumes, cosmetic surgeries, luxury cars,
dietary products, fashion, and so on.
➔Materialism and Consumer Vanity. There is a strong
positive relationship between consumer vanity and materialism
(Netemeyer et al., 1995; Chang, 1999). Pursuing brand name
goods and expecting praise reveal that consumers use
possessions as a symbol of one's personal success. If this also
applies to Filipinos, it suggests that those who give high
importance to physical appearance and personal achievement
would also score high in materialism.
CREDITS: This presentation template was created by Slidesgo,
including icons by Flaticon, infographics & images by Freepik

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