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Hiraya Manawari

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Hiraya Manawari Search

Hiraya Manawari Leika Tombado Myles Mallari Naizelle Robles Kim Tindugan James Santiago

Stop Catcalling …

< >
Hiraya Manawari Search

Hiraya Manawari Alysha Ramirez Sharyll Matining Justin Serilla

Educate Yourself Before It’s Too Late: Safe Sex Education …

< >
Hiraya Manawari Search

Stop Catcalling
Active Now

Stop Catcalling
7:41 am
Active Now ‘’Psst 150’’

Educate Yourself
Before It’s Too Late: ‘’Wit-wit!’’
Safe Sex Education
Active 1hr ago
Cat calling can be defined as a whistle, unwanted comment, or action imposed on an individual in public
Slay Girls: Women without their consent as a result of gender-based violence. Many harassed people, particularly women,
Empowerment feel less safe in public places and limit their time there, but they fail to treat this behavior as such, instead
Active 1hr ago accepting catcalling as a societal norm and dismissing it as “boys will be boys." It also causes emotional
and psychological harm, which is quite unfair because everyone deserves to be safe and free from
My Body, My Choice:
harassment for all the right reasons.
Abortion Access
Active 1hr ago Catcalling is too often brushed off as being considered ‘a compliment’. However,
being shouted at from a vehicle or across the street from a stranger is not ‘a
Depresso: Mental compliment’. It is indeed a harassment.
Health Awareness
Active 1hr ago
Hiraya Manawari Search
Hiraya Manawari Search

Educate Yourself Before It’s Too Late: Safe Sex Education

Active Now

Educate Yourself
Before It’s Too Late:
7:41 am
Safe Sex Education
Active Now

Educate Yourself Sex education gives us, young people the knowledge and skills we need to
Before It’s Too Late:
Safe Sex Education
maintain sexual health throughout our lives. We’ll learn in sex education how
Active 5mns ago to have healthy relationships, make informed decisions about sex, think
critically about the world, be a good ally to those who are marginalized, and
Slay Girls: Women love ourselves for who we are.
Active 1hr ago

Most of all, sexuality education is essential to prevent and combat sexual

My Body, My Choice: abuse against children, sexual violence, sexual exploitation also better
Abortion Access prevention in STDs and unwanted pregnancy. Furthermore, it decreases the
Active 1hr ago
risks of having unsafe sex and increases responsible family planning.

Depresso: Mental
Health Awareness
Active 1hr ago
Hiraya Manawari Search

This Week

Naizelle Robles started following you. 3d Following

Slay Girls: Women Empowerment

Women's empowerment is defined in several ways, including accepting women's Naizelle Robles
viewpoints, making an effort to seek them and raising the status of women through
education, awareness, literacy, and training. Women's empowerment equips and allows
women to make life-determining decisions through the different societal problems. They
may have the opportunity to re-define gender roles or other such roles, which allow them
more freedom to pursue desired goals. The wellbeing and socioeconomic advancement of
families, communities, and nations depend on the empowerment of women. Women can
realize their greatest potential when they lead secure, contented, and fruitful lives.
Raising happier, healthier children and contributing their skills to the workforce.
Hiraya Manawari Search

My Body, My Choice: Abortion Access

Every woman should have the freedom to choose whether or not to have an
abortion if she wants or needs one, regardless of tradition or religion. No
< woman should be forced into having a child they don't want to have. Despite
popular belief, women do not use abortions as a way to escaping obligations. A
woman may have a number of conditions that can negatively impact her
physical and mental health after giving a birth. Women are entitled to the
freedom to choose whether or not to have an abortion. Stop trying to control
women's bodies!

Liked by darscia and 355, 439 others

girlbossclub very well said.
Hiraya Manawari Search

Depresso: Mental Health Awareness

Depression is a disorder that causes a person to experience persistent feeling of

sadness and loss of interest. It is also called major depressive disorder or
< clinical depression. Depression increases the risk of suicide and it is the 2nd
leading reason of death in the world for those that are 15 years old to 24 years
old. In addition, there are nearly 800,000 people die each year, which is
roughly one death per 40 seconds. Some people just need someone to talk to, to
tell what they feel. Taking what they feel seriously can help them get out of that
dark place their minds are in.

109, 645 likes

user001 to everyone who is reading this, please know that there are better days ahead. hang on, comrades!
Hiraya Manawari Search

Don’t be mean, behind the screen: Anti-Cyberbullying Movement

Cyberbullying includes sending, posting, or sharing negative, harmful, false, or mean

content about someone else. This happens in the form of catfishing, leaving nasty

< comments, and even creating fake accounts to send hateful messages behind the mask
of anonymity. By Anti-cyberbullying (campaign), we can help people become aware >
and unafraid of cyberbullying, speak out against it, and encourage others to do the
same. It is important to understand that silence, inaction, and indifference are some of
the greatest enablers of bullying. Each time people stand up and denounce bullying,
we're taking one more step toward ending cyberbullying altogether.

114, 966 likes

baddiexoxo bullying someone is not a cool thing to do. tama nga mga proud laitera 
Hiraya Manawari Search

I can do anything you can do: A Fight for Gender Equality

Gender inequality is one issue we all have experienced. Gender norms are ideas on how
women and men must act and these ideas started from childhood up to now. For example,
girls must play with dolls while boys must play with cars. Females must be feminine, wear

< makeup, and wear women's clothes while males must be masculine, wear men's clothes, and
be aggressive. Aside from that, there is a hard time accepting LGBTQ+ in our society. >
In conclusion, there is nothing wrong in showing your true colors instead, it is the society we
live in. Ignore all derogatory remarks on what society says no matter what we do in life
others will still degrade us We must have the willingness to be open-minded especially in this
modern era we live in some people struggle to be themselves just because of these

Liked by mndz_ysha and 3, 093, 820 others

aki.cutie slay madam !!! <3
Hiraya Manawari Search

Profile • Stop Catcalling
• Educate Yourself Before It’s Too Late: Safe Sex Education
• Slay Girls : Women Empowerment
Saved • My Body, My Rules Abortion Access
• Depresso: Mental Health Awareness
< • Don’t be mean, behind the screen: Anti-Cyberbullying Movement
• I can do anything you can do: A Fight for Gender Equality
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Liked by mndz_ysha and 3, 093, 820 others
aki.cutie slay madam !!! <3
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