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Technology as a Way

of Revealing
GE 3: Science, Technology, &
Lesson Objectives
At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
1. Explain the concept of human condition before
science and technology;
2. Identify the change that happened in human
condition after science and technology; and
3. Name ways on how technology aided in revealing
the truth about the human being.
Lesson Topics
01 02
The Human The Human
Condition Before Condition in the
the Common Era Common Era

03 04
The Essence of Backtracking the
Technology Human Condition
Watch this video on Technology as a Way of Revealing

Video sourced from Youtube:

Science and technology has been part of human activity since the beginning of our
species. It has aided us in survival and helped us outsmart our adversaries, provided us
comfortable living, allowed us to explore the world, and assisted us in discovering more
about ourselves and the truth. However, it also leads us to a paradox in which we are only
able to see the world in the lenses of technological innovations. In our pursuit of growth,
we had conveniently forgotten that technology only presents one approach in viewing the
world. This forgetfulness leads us to evaluate objects as consumable or not – transcending
to other human beings, determining their capacity to be productive. Our valuation of
things became one-dimensional, geared toward production of goods for more
consumption, which we believe would lead us to the good life. This is only one
conception of technology, as Heidegger also proposed that technology is what humans do.
Advancements in the field expose us to previously unknown predicaments, effectively
helping us to reveal our own natures and enforcing one perspective in finding the truth.
Now that it is acknowledged, we can try and divert our search to other approaches.
INSTRUCTION. Answer the following questions: (One
paragraph each; DO NOT COPY-PASTE ON THE
1. In your opinion, what would have happened to
humankind if technology did not exist?
2. Do you agree with Martin Heidegger in his idea that
technology should only be seen as one of the approaches
in perceiving truth? Explain why you agree or disagree.
ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTION. Encode your answers on
the submission bin in the Google classroom for GE 3:
Science, Technology, and Society.
The Good Life
GE 3: Science, Technology, &
Lesson Objectives
At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
1. Examine what is meant by a good life;
2. Identify how humans attempt to attain what is
deemed to be a good life; and
3. Recognize possibilities available to human being
to attain the good life.
Watch this video on The Good Life

Video sourced from Youtube:

Man is constantly in pursuit of the good life. Every person has his perspective when
it comes to what comprises the good life. Throughout history, man has worked hard in
pointing out what amounts to a good, happy life. Some people like the classical theorists
thought that happiness has to do with the insides of the human person. The soul, as the
seat of our humanity, has been the focus of attention of this goal. The soul has to attain a
certain balance in order to have a good life, a life of flourishing. It was only until the 17 th
century that happiness became a centerpiece in the lives of people, even becoming a full-
blown ethical foundation in John Stuart Mill’s utilitarianism. At present, we see multitudes
of schools of thought that all promise their own key to finding happiness. Science and
technology has been, for the most part, at the forefront of man’s attempts at finding this
happiness. The only question at the end of the day is whether science is taking the right
path toward attaining what it really means to have a good life.
INSTRUCTION. Cut out pictures in magazines or
newspapers that demonstrate how technology has made the
man’s desire for a happy life more realizable and create a
COLLAGE. You may also opt to print out pictures from
websites and other sources. Explain how these
technological advancements have made reaching a good life
easier or more difficult.
ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTION. Take a photo of your
collage then turn in. In the private comments, encode your
End of Lessons 6-
Please accomplish the
corresponding activities and
submit on Google classroom.

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