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• Greetings

Asking about and S
One’s Condition
• Taking Leave
• Thanking
• Apologizing

Back to
Daftar Isi
Listen and repeat.
Study the following expressions of greetings.
Practice the dialog with your friend.

Good morning,
Sir. How are
Good morning,
Randy. I’m fine.
Thank you. And
I’m great.
Thank you.
Answer the following questions.

1. When does the dialog probably occur?

2. What expressions do you find in the dialog?
3. How does the students greet the teacher?
4. How does the teacher respond to it?
5. Why should we greet others when we meet them?
6. What are the other examples of greetings and the
The following are expressions of greeting and their responses.

Greeting Response
• Hello./Hi. • Hello./Hi.
• Good morning./Morning. • Good morning./Morning.
• Good afternoon. /Afternoon. • Good afternoon./Afternoon.
• Good evening./Evening. • Good evening./Evening.
• Hi. How are you? • I’m fine, thanks. How about you?
• Hello. How are you doing. • Hello. I’m great. Thanks.
• Morning. How’s life? (informal) • Morning. Not bad, thanks, and you?
• Good to see you (again). • Good to see you too.

Do the activities in your PR Bahasa Inggris on pages 3−5.

Back to Chapter I
Asking about and Stating One’s Condition
Listen and repeat.
Practice the dialog with your friends.
Wisnu : Hi, Kinar.
Kinar : Hi, Wisnu.
Wisnu : How are you doing?
Kinar : I’m fine, thanks. And you?
Wisnu : I’m not feeling well.
Kinar : What’s the matter with you?
Wisnu : I have sore throat.
Kinar : Get well soon.
Wisnu : Thanks.
Answer the following questions.

1. What is the dialog about?

2. How does the speaker ask about one’s condition?
3. How does the speaker state one’s condition?
4. When should we ask about one’s condition?
5. What is the purpose of asking about one’s condition?
The following are the expressions of asking about and
stating one’s condition.

Asking about One’s Stating One’s Condition

• How are you? • I am fine.
• How are you doing? • I am great.
• How’s life? • Very well.
• How are you feeling now? • I am not very good.
• Are you O.K.? • No, I am not. I have a flu.

Do the activities in your PR Bahasa Inggris on page 7.

Back to Chapter I
Taking Leave
Listen and repeat after your teacher.
Observe the expressions of taking leave in the following dialogs.
Practice the dialog with your friends.

Goodbye, Kinar.
See you tomorrow.

Bye, Edo.
See you.
Answer the following questions.

1. What expressions do you find in the dialog?

2. When do we use those expressions?
3. How does the boy take a leave?
4. How does the girl respond to it?
5. What are the other examples of taking leave and the
The following are the expressions of taking leave and
the responses.

Taking Leave Responding

• Goodbye./Bye./Bye-bye. • Bye./Bye-bye.
• See you (later/tomorrow). • See you.
• Good night. • Good night.
• So long. • See you.
• Take care. • You too.
• Take care of yourself. • Thanks. Bye.
• Sorry, I have to go now. • O.K. Let’s keep in touch.
• Sorry, I need to go now. • O.K. Take care.
• Sorry, I think I should go now. • It’s nice to see you.
• Sorry, I think I must go now. • It’s nice to talk to you.

Do the activities in your PR Bahasa Inggris on pages 9–12.

Back to Chapter I
Listen and repeat after your teacher.
Practice the dialog with your friend.

Please take
my seat, Sir.

Thank you.

My pleasure.
Answer the following questions.

1. Why does the man thank to the girl?

2. What does the man say to thank?
3. How does the girl respond to it?
4. What occasions should we thank?
5. What are the other examples of thanking and
the responses?
The following are the expressions of thanking and
their suitable responses.

Thanking Responding
• Thanks. • Never mind.
• Thank you. • You’re welcome.
• Thanks a million. • Don’t mention it.
• Thank you very much. • My pleasure.
• Thank you so much. • That’s O.K.
• I’d like to show my gratitude. • No problem.

Do the activities in your PR Bahasa Inggris on pages 14–15.

Back to Chapter I
Listen and repeat after your teacher.
Practice the dialog with your friends.

Sorry. I didn’t
mean to drop
your book.

It’s all right.

Answer the following questions.

1. What do the speakers say to apologize?

2. What do the speakers say to respond to the apologies?
3. Why do the speakers apologize?
4. In what situation, do you apologize to your friend?
5. What do you say to apologize?
The following are expressions of apologizing and
the responses.

Apologizing Responding
• I am really sorry. • Never mind.
• I am sorry for arriving late. • O.K., but don’t do it again.
• Please forgive me. • Sure.
• I do apologize. • It’s all right.
• Sorry for what I have done. I didn’t mean • It’s O.K. Forget it.
Complete the following dialogs with suitable expressions.
Practice the dialog with your friend.

1. Arka : Ouch!
I’m really sorry.
Tari : ______________ I didn’t mean to step on your foot.
Never mind.
Arka : ______________ It is crowded anyway.

Do the activities in your PR Bahasa Inggris on pages 17–20.

Back to Chapter I
• Introducing Oneself
• Prepositions: at, on, in
• Asking for and Providing Informati
on about One’s Identity
• Introducing Oneself and Other Peo
• Subjective and Objective Pronouns
• Possessive Adjectives
• Family Relationship and Profession
Back to
Daftar Isi
Introducing Oneself
Listen and repeat.
Then, read the texts in turns.

Hello, everybody. My name’s Good morning, my name’s Ayu

Randy Nugraha and I’m from Class Wardani. Please call me Ayu, and I’m
VIIB. You may call me Randy. from Class VIID.
I’m from Jakarta. I live at Jalan I’m from Madura, East Java. I live
Nilam Raya number 24, Sumur Batu, on JalanBarito, Kebunagung,
Kemayoran, Jakarta. I’m good at Sumenep, Madura. I love math and
javelin throw and archery. I was the dancing. I’ll be very glad if we can
gold medalist of archery in the study together someday.
provincial level of Student Sports
Championship in 2018.
Answer the following questions orally.
1. What is Randy Nugraha’s nickname?
2. What are Randy Nugraha’s skillful at?
3. What is Randy Nugraha’s best achievement?
4. What is Ayu’s address?
5. What is Ayu’s wish after introducing herself?

1. Randy.
2. Javelin throw and archery.
3. He was the gold medalist of archery in the provincial level of
Student Sports Championship in 2018.
4. It is on Jalan Barito, Kebunagung, Sumenep, Madura.
5. She can study together with her new friends.

Do the activities in your PR Bahasa Inggris on pages 29-30.

Prepositions: at, on, in
Read the sentences and pay attention to the words in bold.

1. Precisely, I live at Jalan Adam Malik Kompleks 38 number 381 Ambacang

Angang, Pasaman.
2. I live on Jalan Barito, Kebunagung, Sumenep, Madura.
3. I live in West Manokwari, West Papua.
The words at, on and in are prepositions of place. Study the following
AT (very specific) a complete address (with a number) or a
specific location
ON (more specific, a longer area) streets or evenues without numbers, rivers,
IN (in a larger area, very general) neighborhood, city, province or country; inside
buildings or open areas

Back to Chapter II
Asking for and Providing Information about
One’s Identity
Practice the following dialogs with your friend.

Dialog 1
Randy comes across the school gardener at school every morning.
He always greets him.
Randy : Good morning, Mr. Roni.
Mr. Roni : Morning, Randy. How are you?
Randy : Fine, thanks. How about you, Sir?
Mr. Roni : I’m fine too, thanks. By the way, who’s the girl with you?
Narra : Good morning, Mr. Roni. I’m Narra from Class VIIB.
Mr. Roni : Are you new here?
Narra : No, Sir. In fact, I always see you working at the garden, but
I never greet you. Sorry.
Mr. Roni : Never mind.
Randy : Well, we have to go to our classes now. Bye, Sir. Have a nice
Narra : Bye, Sir.
Mr. Roni : Bye, Randy, Narra. You too!
Dialog 2
Zaky and Kinar are queueing at a food stall after school. They are chatting
while waiting for their orders.
Zaky : Hi, I’m Zaky. May I know your name, please?
Kinar : Hi, Zaky. I’m Kinar. What’s your order?
Zaky : Gado-gado. You?
Kinar : Me too.
Zaky : By the way, where do you study?
Kinar : In SMPN 60. And you?
Zaky : I study at MTs. N 2.
Kinar : I see. Well, I’ve got my order. Nice to talk with you, Zaky.
Zaky : Me too, Kinar.
The following are expressions to ask for and provide information
about one’s identity.
Asking for Information about One’s Identity Providing Information about One’s Identity
• Where do you study? • I study at MTs.N 1, North Jakarta.
• Who is the girl in white? • She is my nextdoor neighbor.
• Where do you come from? • I come from Palu.
• What are your hobbies? • My hobbies are fishing and cooking.
• What is your brother? • He is a nurse.
• What does your mother do? • She is a police officer.
• How many brothers do you have? • I have two brothers.
Work in groups of three or four students.
Introduce yourselves and spell your names, in turns.
You may use the following paragraphs.

Hello, my name is ________________. I am ________________ years old and

from ________________. I am a student of ________________. I live at
I like/My hobbies are ________________. My favorite color is _______________
and my favorite food is ________________. Glad to know you.

Do the activities in your PR Bahasa Inggris on page 33.

Back to Chapter II
Introducing Oneself and Other People
Practice the following dialogs with your friend.
Do it in turns.
Dialog 1
Randy and Vemy meet on their way to the school yard to attend a flag
Randy : Hello, my name’s Randy. May I know your name, please?
Vemy : Hi, Randy. I’m Vemy.
Randy : Nice to meet you, Vemy.
Vemy : Nice to meet you too, Randy.

Dialog 2
Randy and Ilyas are on their way to the classroom after the first break. They
meet Vemy. Randy introduces Ilyas to her.
Randy : Hi, Vemy. We meet again.
Vemy : Hi, Randy.
Randy : Vemy, please meet my classmate Ilyas. Ilyas, this is Vemy. I
met her this morning.
Ilyas : Hello, Vemy. Glad to meet you.
Vemy : Hello, Ilyas. Glad to meet you too.
The following are expressions to introduce oneself and other people.

Introducing Oneself Responding

Hello, I’m Edo. What’s your name? Hi, Edo. I’m Delia.
Hi, I’m Kinar. May I know your name, please? Hi, Kinar. My name is Billy.
Please allow me to introduce myself. Hello, Bagas. I’m Intan Pertiwi.
My name’s Bagas Budi Sejati. You can call me Bagas. Please call me Intan.
Good morning, everyone. I’m Mr. Yoko, your English Good morning, Sir.

Introducing Other People Responding

Arka, this is Lala. Lala, this is Arka. Hello, Lala./Hello, Arka.
Mom, please meet Mrs. Nunuk, my teacher. Mrs. How do you do?/How do you
Nunuk, this is my mother, Mrs. Khalisa. do?
Here’s Aldo! Aldo – Berlian. Berlian – Aldo. Hi, Berlian./Hi, Aldo.

Do the activities in your PR Bahasa Inggris on pages 34–36.

Back to Chapter II
Subjective and Objective Pronouns
Read the following sentences. Pay attention to the words in bold.
1. By the way, I’m Harvey.
2. She sits near me.
3. We just met.
The words in bold are called subjective pronouns. A subjective pronoun is
a pronoun which acts as the subject of a sentence. Here are more examples.
• Randy is my classmate. He is smart and friendly.
• Cindy always arrives at school early. She is never late.
• Randy and Cindy are diligent. They become role models for their friends.

Do the activities in your PR Bahasa Inggris on pages 36-37.

Back to Chapter II
Possessive Adjectives
Pay attention to the words in bold in the following sentences.
1. By the way, Randy, please meet my cousin Dani.
2. Ganung told me that she would come with her friend from Australia.
3. Let’s benefit the opportunity to improve our speaking skills.
4. O.K., let’s start our meeting now.
5. His name is Oliver Rasmunsen.
The words in bold are possessive adjectives. A possessive adjective shows
possession or ownership. It always refers to the owner of items.

Pattern: possessive adjective + noun

Mention possessive adjectives. Show the examples.

Do the activities in your PR Bahasa Inggris on pages 38-39.

Back to Chapter II
Family Relationship and Professions
Look at the picture.

Back to Chapter II Do the activities in your PR Bahasa Inggris

on pages 40–48.

Asking and Telling
about Time
• Ordinal Numbers

Asking and Telling a
bout Time Related t
o Days, Dates, Mon
, and Years
Back to
Daftar Isi
Asking and Telling about Time
Listen and repeat.
Practice the dialogs with your friends.
Dialog 1
Randy : Excuse me, Mom. What time is it?
Mrs. Nugraha : It is a quarter to three. What’s up?
Randy : The course will start earlier today, Mom. So, I have
to prepare now.
Mrs. Nugraha : O.K.

Dialog 2
The coach: What time is it, Kinar?
Kinar : It is five o’clock.
The coach: I think the basketball practice is enough for today. See
you tomorrow.
Kinar : See you.
Answer the following questions based on the previous

1. What are the dialogs about?

2. Who are the speakers in each dialog?
3. When does each dialog happen?
4. Where does each dialog take place?
5. What expressions are used to ask about time?
6. What expressions are used to tell about time?
The following are expressions of asking and telling about time.

Asking about Time Telling about Time

• What time is it?/What is the • It is 1 p.m.
• What time do you usually go to • I usually go to school at
school? 6 o’clock.
• When do you do your • At 4 o’clock.
• What time does Arka have • He has dinner at half past six.
Ordinal Numbers
The words ‘first’, ‘second’, and ‘third’ are ordinal numbers.

An ordinal number is a number that tells the position of an item or a

person in a list. Meanwhile, the word ‘twelve’ is a cardinal number.
The following are several ordinal numbers.
1st : first 2nd : second 3rd : third
4th : fourth 5th : fifth 6th : sixth
7th : seventh 8th : eighth 9th : ninth

Read the following sentences and pay attention to the words in bold.
1. Mr. And Mrs. Nugraha have two children. (a cardinal number)
Randy is their second child. (an ordinal number)
2. The students have to answer ten questions. (a cardinal number)
The tenth question is the most difficult one. (an ordinal number)
Back to Chapter III
Asking and Telling about Time Related
to Days, Dates, Months, and Years
Listen and repeat.
Dialog 1
Kinar : What month is it?
Randy : It is September.
Kinar : Wow … it is Cindy’s birthday.
Randy : Yes. Her birthday is on September 30.

Dialog 2
Aldo : What date is today?
Delia : It is October 6.
Aldo : Today is the opening of a computer fair. Let’s go there.
Delia : O.K.

Dialog 3
Mr. Yoko : When are you going to Bromo?
Mrs. Nadia : On Saturday, November 20.
Mr. Yoko : Have a nice trip!
Mrs. Nadia : Thanks.
Answer the following questions based on the previous

1. What is each dialog about?

2. What expression is used to ask about months?

3. What expression is used to ask about dates?

4. What expression is used to tell about months?
5. What expressions are used to tell about dates?
The following are expressions of asking and telling
about time related to days, dates, months, and years

Asking about Time Related to Days, Responding

Dates, Months, and Years
• What is the date today? • It is October 20, 2019.
• When were you born? • I was born on May 26.
• When did you move here? • In 2015.
• What month will you go abroad? • In February.
• When will you send your e-friend • Next Sunday.
an e-mail?

Back to Chapter III

Stating Dates, Months, and Years
We use preposition ‘on’ to state dates. Meanwhile, we use
preposition ‘in’ to state months and years.
1. I was born on January 19.
2. Mr. Nugraha will go to Singapore in December.
3. Arka and his family moved here in 2010.
There are two different ways of stating dates:
1. We put the date before the month (British English).
– Tari will celebrate her birthday on 9 November or 9th
November. (written)
– Tari will celebrate her birthday on the ninth of November.
2. We put the month before the date (American English).
– Wisnu was born on January 19. (written)
– Wisnu was born on January nineteenth. (spoken)
Complete the dialogs based on the

Ayu : When is the grand opening Diana : When will you have
of the 3D museum? a drama performance?
It is on October 1.
Ilyas : _______________ Randy : It is on November 12.
Work in pairs.
Write short dialogs using the following words.
See the example.

do gardening – Sunday
Randy : When do you usually do gardening?
Wisnu : On Sundays./Every Sunday.

1. have a robotic class – Wednesday

2. visit grandparents – Sunday
3. attend a natural lovers’ club – Thursday
4. attend a Japanese course – Saturday
5. clean the bedroom – every day

Do the activities in your PR Bahasa Inggris on pages 66–70.

Back to Chapter III

• Kinds of Items at School
and Home, Animals, Pub
lic Places
• Articles: a/an, the
• Singular and Plural Noun
• There is …./There are ….
• How many
• This/That/These/Those

Back to
Daftar Isi
In a Classroom
Look at the pictures.
Draw lines to connect each word to a suitable picture.

whiteboard cupboard dustbin pencil-case

ruler duster globe sharpener

Back to Chapter IV
Article: a, an, the
Read the sentences and pay attention to the words in bold

I have a tart cake. I have a keychain.

The cake is sweet. The keychain is so

I have an umbrella. I have an envelope.

The umbrella is black. The envelope is
white and small.
Read the following explanation.
The words in bold in the sentences are called articles (a/an, the) or
kata sandang in Indonesian.
We use articles before nouns.
1. We use a/an for indefinite singular nouns.
• Put a before nouns which begin with consonant sounds.
For example: a book, a crocodile,
a flower, a mouse, a snake, a shirt, a unicorn.
• Put an before nouns which begin with vocal sounds (a, i,
u, e, o). For example: an ant, an architect, an elephant, an
envelope, an hour, an honor.
2. We use the for definite nouns.

If you’d like to study further about the use of articles,

please log onto:

To check your understanding, please open your PR Bahasa Inggris

on page 79 and do Activities 6 and 7.

Back to Chapter IV
Singular and Plural Nouns
Read the following dialogs.
Answer the questions that follow.
1. Randy : Wow, a new backpack!
Cindy : Yeah! The old one is thorn.
Randy : So, now you only have one backpack.
Cindy : I do. What about you? How many backpacks
do you have?
Randy : I have two backpacks.
2. Randy : What do you have in your backpack?
Cindy : I have four notebooks, three textbooks, a
ruler, pencil-case and drawing book. What about you?
Randy : I have three notebooks, two textbooks, two
Questions:a pencil-case, calculator and lunch box.
1. How many number are the items shown by the words in blue?
2. What do the words in red express, related to the number of items?
3. What is the difference of writing items of which consist of one,
compared to the items of which consist of more than one?
Study the explanation below.
Pay attention to the singular and plural nouns in the previous dialog.
Singular means one, while plural means more than one.
For plural form, the pattern is noun + -s/-es.
Many nouns end in -s and many others end in -es (if they end in s, x, ch, sh). However, if a
noun ends with a consonant + -y, the plural form ends in -ies.
If a noun ends in -f or -fe, change -f to -v and add -es.
Now, please read the following nouns and remember the changes.
Singular Plural Singular Plural
cup cups baby babies
stove stoves theory theories
bus buses leaf leaves
match matches life lives

The above nouns are regular plural nouns, and the following are irregular ones.
Singular Plural
child children
man men
woman women
mouse mice Back to Chapter IV
In My House
Look at the picture and read the sentences.
I have a nice house.
It has a small garden at the front, on the right side.
There is also a carport on the left side.
There is a front porch between the garden and
I use to sit there in the afternoon.
From the entrance door there is a living room.
Next to the living room, on the right and left sides,
are three bedrooms.
They are my bedroom, my parents’ and my sister’s.
There is a toilet between my parents’ and my
sister’s bedrooms.
Then, there are a dining room and kitchen.
At the back part of the house is a bathroom.

Discuss with your friend.

• How many rooms does the house consist of?
• What are they?
• What items are there usually available in each room?

Back to Chapter IV
There is .../There are ...
Practice the following dialogs.
Complete the statements that follow.

1. Cindy : I have a cozy living room. There are wooden

chairs and table.
Deni : Is there a cushion on each chair?
Cindy : Yes, there is a cushion on each chair. There is
also a vase of flowers on the table.
2. Deni : What are there on the wall of your living
Cindy : There are a big painting, clock and my family
Deni : What about the lamp?
Cindy : There is a lamp on the ceiling. Besides, there
Statements:is a fan hanging on the ceiling. It is altogether with the
1. “There is” is followed by ______________________.
2. “There are” is followed by ______________________.
Read and understand the following information.
‘There is’ and ‘There are’ are used to say that a person or an object exists.
There is + singular noun
1. (+) There is a sofa in the living room.
(–) There is not (isn’t) a sofa in the living room.
(?) Is there a sofa in the living room?
2. (+) There is a table in the living room.
(–) There is not (isn’t) a table in the living room.
(?) Is there a table in the living room?
There are + plural noun
1. (+) There are two cushions on the sofa.
(–) There are not (aren’t) two cushions on the sofa.
(?) Are there two cushions on the sofa?
2. (+) There are three newspapers on the table.
(–) There are not (aren’t) three newspapers on the table.
(?) Are there three newspapers on the table?

If you want to learn further, log onto:
Back to Chapter IV
How many ...?
Read the following dialog.
What do the words mean?
What do we use the words for?
1. Edo : How many dolls are there?
Denti : There is one doll.
2. Edo : How many pillows are there?
Denti : There are two pillows.
3. Edo : How many books are there on the desk?
Denti : There are five books.
4. Edo : How many drawers does the desk have?
Denti : It has two drawers.
5. Edo : How many wardrobe are there?
Denti : There is only one wardrobe.
Read and understand the following information.
Use “How many ...?” to ask the number of people, animals, countable objects, etc.
1. Randy : How many tables are there in your living room?
Cindy : There is one table in my living room.
Randy : How many cushions are there on your chairs?
Cindy : There are two cushions on my chairs.
2. Deri : How many pens do you have?
Tia : I have two pens.
Deri : How many pens does Arif have?
Tia : He has four pens.

The words ‘how many’ are always followed by nouns in plural forms. See the
above examples.
To answer the questions with ‘how many’, we usually use the verb ‘have’ for
plural subjects or ‘has’ for singular subjects.

Log on to:

how-much-how-many.htm, to study further
about 'how many'.
Look at the pictures.
Write the items you find in each picture.

1 2
3 4

In pairs, create short dialogs

about the items in each picture.
Use “There is .../There are ...”
and “How many ...?”

Back to Chapter IV
Kinds of Animals
Look at the picture.
Read the sentences.

This is a chicken farm. There are

many hens and chicks. They are
eating seeds. Look, that is a nice
rooster! It’s perching on the fence.

These are cows. The

cows eat grass.
Those are horses. Those
horses are running around
the stable.

Answer the following questions based on the above pictures.

1. Where are the speakers?

2. What animals can you see there?
3. What other animals can be found in such a place?
4. Do you like visiting such a place? Why?
5. In your opinion, why do people keep those animals?
Back to Chapter IV
• The sentence “This is a chicken farm.” in Indonesian means
• The sentence “That is a nice rooster.” in Indonesian means
• After the words “This is ....” and “That is ....”, there are
________________________ nouns.
• The sentence “These are cows.” in Indonesian mean
• The sentence “Those are horses.” in Indonesian mean
• After the words “These are ....” and “Those are ....”, there are
________________________ nouns.
• The words 'this' and 'these' are used to show items which are
• The words 'that' and 'those' are used to show items which are
• Complete the following patterns:
This/That + ___________________ + ___________________
These/Those + ___________________ + ___________________
Back to Chapter IV
Public Places
Look at the picture and read the text.
That is my school.
It is located beside a restaurant.
Behind my school is a post office.
Between the post office and movie
theater is a drugstore.
The city park is across from my school.
There is a stadium next to the city park.
Across from the market is a hospital.
There is also a bank.
It is located across from the post office.
Next to the bank are a police station
and store.
Next to the hospital is a train station.
Answer the following questions based on the previous text.

1. What does the text tell us about?

2. What building is located between the post office and movie
3. Where is the train station located?
4. Where is the police station located?
5. What is located across from the school and post office?

Do the other activities in your PR Bahasa Inggris on page 93

To check your understanding about kinds of items at school and house,

animals, public places, there is/there are, how many, and
this/that/these/those, please open your PR Bahasa Inggris on Chapter
IV and do all the activities attentively.

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