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ENT Formative OSPE

Station 1
 Identify the picture?
“ Septal hematoma”
 How you treat this condition?
Smal hematoma-Aspiration
large hematoma-Incision and drainage
Systemic Antibiotics
 What are the complications?

Permanently thickened septum

Septal Abscess
depression of nasal dorsum
Station 2

 Identify Picture?

X-ray Waters View

 Conditions in which its done?

Facial fractures
Nasal tumor
 Labell the markings?
Station 3

 Which investigation has been shown ?

Pure Tone Audiometry

 Whats the interpretation?

Conductive Deafness
 What ate the positive findings for your diagnosis?
Graph showing Air –bone gap
loss is around 20db ( not more than 60db)
Speech discrimination is good
low frequencies affected more
Station 4
 Identify picture?

“ Ottits Media with Effusion”

 what would be the finding on PTA and tympanometry?

PTA- Conductive deafness

Tympanometry- Type B
 Medical and surgical treatment?
medical- Antibiotics, Decongestant, Antiaergic
Surgical- Myringotomy and aspiration, Grommet insertion
Station 5
 Identify the instrument?
Boyle Davis Mouth Gag
 In which procedures it is used?
Tonsillectomy. Adenoidectomy.
Nasopharynx and palate surgery
 Indications?
to visualise oropharynx
to stabilise TT during tracheostomy
 Complications?
Aspiration. Accidental dislodgment of TT
Station 6

 Indications of this instrument usage?

By-pass upper airway obstruction
high risk of aspiration
Increased amount of secretions
Mechanical ventilation
 Procedures in which its used?
Mechanical Ventillation

 Complications?
Increased risk of tracheal injury
Disuse atrophy of upper airway
Station 7

 Perform Throat examination

Station 8

 Perform nose examination

Station 9

 Perform ear examination

Station 10

 Counselling for Tonsillectomy

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