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Drugs for Anemia


 On completion of session you will be able to:

 List the drugs used in the treatment of anemia.

Explain different types of iron preparations

Describe the actions, uses, general adverse reactions,

contraindications, precautions, and interactions of
drugs used to treat anemia.

Anti-anemic Drugs

Iron preparations

Vit B12

folic acid

 Anaemia is defined as a condition of having less than
the normal number of red blood cell or less than the
normal quantity of hemoglobin in the blood

 The oxygen carrying capacity of the blood


Classification of Anemia
I. Etiologic Classification

1. Impaired RBC production

2. Excessive destruction

3. Blood loss

II. Morphologic Classification

1. Macrocytic anemia

2. Microcytic hypochromic anemia

3. Normochromic normocytic anemia

 Macrocytic anaemia:

large red cells, few in number

 Normochromic , Normocytic anaemia:

fewer normal sized red cells each with a normal

haemoglobin content
Impaired RBC Production
1. Abnormal bone marrow
1.1 Aplastic anemia
1.2 Myelophthisis : Myelofibrosis, Leukemia,
Cancer metastasis
2. Essential factors deficiency
2.1 Deficiency anemia : Fe, Vit. B12, Folic acid, etc
2.2 Anemia in renal disease : Erythropoietin
3. Stimulation factor deficiency
3.1 Anemia in chronic disease
3.2 Anemia in hypopituitarism
3.3 Anemia in hypothyroidism
Iron deficiency anemia
 Result from inadequate iron intake, malabsorption,
blood loss, or an increased requirement, as with
 The major role of iron in mammals is to carry O2 as
part of the heme protein that, in turn, is part of
 O2 is also bound by a heme protein in muscle,
 Without iron, cells lose their capacity for electron
transport and energy metabolism; in erythroid cells
hemoglobin synthesis is impaired, resulting in anemia
and reduced O2 delivery to tissue.
 is a critical element in iron-containing enzymes,
including the cytochrome system in mitochondria
 Treatment : Iron preparations + treatment of
the cause
Iron preparations and supplements :
 Dietry iron; present in liver , heart , yeast , wheat germ ,
egg yolk , dried beans , cereals , milk and its Products
 Oral preparations :

 Ferrous sulfate 300 mg TID

 Ferrous gluconate 600 mg TID

 Ferrous fumarate 200 mg TID

 Given after meals to avoid gastric irritation

 Treatment with oral iron should be continued for 3-6 months

after correction of the cause of the iron loss.
 This corrects the anemia and replenishes iron stores

 An increase in the reticulocyte count is not observed for at

least 4–7 days after beginning therapy.
 An increase in the Hb level takes even longer, about three wks
Orally administered ferrous sulfate is the treatment of
choice for iron deficiency.
Ferrous salts are absorbed about three times as well as
ferric salts, and the discrepancy increases at high
Variations in the particular ferrous salt have relatively
little effect on bioavailability.
Parenteral iron preparations

 Iron dextran (50 mg / ml given im or iv)

 sodium ferric gluconate complex in sucrose

 iron sucrose

 Used if oral iron therapy fails

 A test dose is given ( 0.5 ml ) initially followed by 2 ml

every few days until a total dose 1-2 g Is reached
 Parenteral iron therapy should be used only when clearly
Common indications are iron malabsorption, severe
intolerance of oral iron, as a routine supplement to
total parenteral nutrition, and in patients who are
receiving erythropoietin.
Parenteral iron also has been given to iron-deficient
patients and pregnant women to create iron stores,
something that would take months to achieve by the
oral route.
Absorption and metabolism of iron :
 Absorbed well from GIT in the ferrous form .

 Gastric acidity and presence of reducing substances e.g.

Vit.c in the diet favour its absorption
 Meat stimulates iron absorption by stimulating gastric
acid secretion.
 Vegetables decrease iron absorption due to its contents of
phosphates that form unabsorbable complex with iron ,
like magnesium trisilicate
 The ferrous ion enter the mucosal cell (of the duodenum )
and converted into ferric ion
 ferric ion bound to apoferritin (protein) to form ferritin
then ferritin combines with trans - ferrin
 Iron - transferrin complex bind to the receptor - mediated
endocytosis and taken up into the reticuloendothelial cells
to be stored .
 The receptor returns the opoferritin again to the cell
surface to be reused
Iron toxicity :

 Occurs with oral over doses or even with therapeutic

doses given parenterally .
 include ;
 GIT disturbances , haematemesis and acidosis ( occurs with oral iron )
 Headache Constipation Black stools
 Epigastric pain Heartburn Joint pains
 Faintness Tachycardia Collapse
 Hypotension Bronchospasm Chills
 Fever Skin rash Encephalopathy
 Convulsions coma or even death .
 Treatment of acute toxicity :

 Gastric lavage with 1 % sodium bicarbonate ( if given

orally )
 Iron chelating agent (Deferoxamine) either with
gastric tube , im. or iv. (2 mg / 12 hours ).
 Symptomatic treatment for collapse , dehydration ,
acidosis , convulsions .....etc .
 Taken with food to lessen gastric intolerance.
 Eggs, coffee, tea, milk inhibit iron absorption and should be avoided
when taking ferrous sulfate.
 Consider switching patient to newer forms of iron such as ferrous
gluconate and ferrous fumarate which have less GI toxicity.
 drug interactions
 Drugs that increase effects/toxicity of ferrous sulfate: ascorbic acid
(vitamin C).
 Drugs that decrease effects/toxicity of ferrous sulfate: antacids,
cholestyramine, tetracyclines, chloramphenicol.
Pernicious or Megaloblastic
Hyperchromic Anaemia
 Megaloblastic anemia is characterized by the appearance
of large cells in the bone marrow and blood
 Due to defective maturation of hematopoietic cells

 Result from Folic acid or vitamin B12 deficiency

 Malabsorption, impaired use, chronic infections, and drugs

can lead to folic acid or vitamin B12 deficiency
Vitamin B12 and folic acid are essential to DNA
 Deficiency of either vitamin B12 or folate decreases the
synthesis of methionine, thereby interfering with protein
biosynthesis, a number of methylation reactions, and the
synthesis of polyamines.
The daily nutritional requirement of 3–5 mg must be
obtained from animal by-products in the diet
 Vitamin B12 is needed for normal erythropoiesis and for
neuronal integrity
 It is a cofactor needed for the isomerization of
methylmalonyl coenzyme A to succinyl coenzyme A, and
for the conversion of homocysteine into methionine (which
also utilizes 5-methyl THF).
 Vitamin B12 is also involved in the control of folate
metabolism, and B12 and folate are required for
intracellular nucleoside synthesis.
 Deficiency of vitamin B12 ‘traps’ folate as methylene
tetrahydrofolate, yielding a macrocytic anaemia with
megaloblastic erythropoiesis in the bone marrow, and
possible neurological dysfunction,

i.e. peripheral neuropathy, subacute combined

degeneration of the spinal cord, dementia and optic
 Vitamin B12 deficiency due to a lack of gastric
intrinsic factor results in pernicious anemia
 This type of megaloblastic anemia causes neurological
damage if it is not treated
 Treatment of Vitamin B12–deficient megaloblastic
anemia with folic acid may improve the symptoms
however, neurological damage may still occur if
vitamin B12 intake is not supplemented.
 Vit. B12 is essential for CNS function and formation of
myelin sheath
 Preparations & dosage :
• Given intramuscularly ( alone ) or in combination with
intrinsic factor orally
 Cyanocobolamine injection ( 100 - 1000 ug / ml)
 Vit. B12 + intrinsic factor capsules and tablets given orally
 Dose :
 1000 ug / day for 2 weeks then 100 - 200 ug monthly for
life time
 Folic acid :

 Is a water soluble member of vit. B12

 Folic acid is essential for the synthesis of nucleoproteins

 present in yeast , liver , fresh green vegetables .

 It is destroyed by prolonged cooling

 Folic acid or folate salts are administered to correct

folate-deficient megaloblastic anemia
 Dose : 10 - 20 mg / day orally
 Rapidly dividing cells are highly sensitive to folic
acid deficiency.

 Antifolate drugs are useful in the treatment of various

infections and cancers.

 In vitamin B12 deficiency, folates accumulate as N 5-
methyltetrahydrofolate; the supply of tetrahydrofolate is
depleted; and the production of red blood cells slows.

 Administration of folic acid to patients with vitamin B12

deficiency helps refill the tetrahydrofolate pool and partially or
fully corrects the anemia.
 The exogenous folic acid does not correct the neurologic
defects of vitamin B12 deficiency.
 vitamin B12 deficiency must be ruled out before one
selects folic acid as the sole therapeutic agent in the
treatment of a patient with megaloblastic anemia
 Supplementation with folate at the time of conception is
known to reduce the risk of neural tube defects in the
 Erythropoietic agents stimulate erythropoiesis, and therefore
increase the red blood cell production rate
 Available erythropoietic agents include epoetin alfa, and
darbepoetin alfa
 They are glycoproteins manufactured by recombinant DNA
technology that have the same biological activity as endogenous
 The amino acid sequence of epoetin alfa is identical to
endogenous protein; however,BYthe
carbohydrate structure differs.34
Debela G
 Epoetin alfa is used for anemia of chronic kidney failure.

 Epoetin alfa may be administered by either the IV or subcutaneous

(SC) routes.

 Bioavailability with SC administration is poor

 Darbepoetin alfa differs from epoetin alfa by the addition of two

N-linked carbohydrate side chains.

 Darbepoetin alfa has a longer half-life and prolonged biological

activity compared with epoetin

12/12/22 alfaG
BY Debela 35
 The prolonged half-life of darbepoetin offers the advantage of less

frequent dosing, starting at once-a-week when given IV

 Evaluation and treatment of iron deficiency should occur prior to

initiation of erythropoietic therapy

 Failure to respond to erythropoietic therapy requires evaluation of

other factors causing resistance, such as infection, inflammation,

chronic blood loss, aluminum toxicity, malnutrition, and

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 Hypertension is the most common adverse effect

 Dosing and Administration.

 Starting doses of epoetin alfa are 80 to 120 units/kg per week for


 120 to 180 units/ kg per week for IV administration divided in two

to three doses

 If a patient is converted from IV to SC epoetin and is not at the

target Hgb/Hct, the weekly SC dose should remain the same as the
12/12/22 BY Debela G 37

IV dose.
 If they have achieved the target Hgb/Hct, a one-third reduction

in dose is appropriate.

 The starting dose of darbepoetin alfa in patients not previously

receiving erythropoietic therapy is 0.45 mcg/kg IV or SC

administered once weekly.

Aplastic anaemia

 Causes :

 Inhibition of the bone marrow by drugs e.g.

Chloramphenicol & cytotoxic drugs .
 Treatment :

 Removal of the cause , blood transfusion , vit b12 folic

acid , vit. C. , corticosteroids ( 60 mg prednisolone for
3 months ) , testosterone and anabolic steroids .
 Haemolytic anaemia

 Causes : blood haemolysis due to drugs , poison

( snake venom ) ,malignant spleen , incombatible
blood transfusion ... Etc
 Treatment :

• removel of the cause , fresh blood transfusion and

corticosteroids .

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