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Islamic Beliefs and Worships

Dr. Hifza Batool.
Islamic beliefs and worships.
Tawhid, (there is one God) and sovereignty of God. The first pillar of

Surah Ikhlas, “He is the Allah, the One, Allah is eternal and Absolute, None
is born of him, nor he born, and thee is none like him”.

(Quran 6: 101-103),” originator of earth and heaven, he has no children no

wife, he created everything so worship him”.

Categories of tawhid, there are three categories.

I) Tawhid ar ruboobiya (Maintaining the unity of lordship).
II) Tawhid Al asma wal Sifa’at ( Maintaining the unity of Allah’s name and
III) Tawhid Al Ibadah ( Maintaining the unity of worship).
Meaning of Kalma.
Illah, one who is worshiped on account of greatness.

La Illaha Illal Lah, there is no Allah other than one

great being known by name Allah.

That is only to him that heads should go in

Faith in Prophets.
Faith in prophecy that hazrat Adam is first and Hazrat
Muhammad PBUH is the last prophet of Islam.

From the very first day to today Allah sends prophets

to all mankind.

Prophets are messenger to all human beings.

Walla kinla Rasool U llah e khatimun nabe’en.

(The last prophet)
Belief in life after death.
Belief that the world one day will be vanished and after
that we all appeared before Allah for the judgment.

“ O’ soul who is at rest return to the lord, well pleased

with him, well pleasing him, so enter among my
servants and enter my garden.” (89: 27-30)

Death is termination of worldly life and beginning of

eternal life which is life after death.
End of World. (judgment day)
Allah will resurrect everyone from their graves on the
day of judgment.

“Do not these think that they shall be raised again for a
mighty day, the day on which men all stand before the
lord of the worlds” (83: 4-6)

Prophet Muhammad pbuh, “O children of Abdul

Muttalib the guards do not lie to their folks. By Allah,
you will die as just as you go to sleep and as you awake
from sleep, you would also be raise up after death”.
Literal meaning of jehad is to “strive for anything
good, including strive for peace and welfare of

The word jehad is interpreted by different section of

society, for the rulers and the political it means the war
effort and conquest to expand Islamic rule. For the
sufis it means to conquer one’s own desires and greed,
and for the theologies class it means an effort to
impose shariah law.
The holy Quran,
“ Those who believe fight in the way of God and the
unbelievers fight in the way of Taghut (devil)” (4:76)

No use of force in Islam to spread the Islam

“ Quran says, “ La ikraha fid din” there is no
compulsion in religion.
Individual impacts.
Belief makes a person firm, resilient and honest.

Social harmony.

Individual peace and love.

The fear of God prevails.

Responsible individual.

Purify after recitation of kalma.

Impacts on society.
Cohesion force of tawhid.

Societal evils dampen due to sovereignty of God and


Rule of law and Islam. (equality of people)

Balance in society.

Ideology of Days and Nights, goodness and badness and other

daily matters.
Islamic worships and fundamental of
Islam a complete code of life and way of surrender you
will to Allah almighty.

There are five fundamental pillars of Islam i.e. kalma.

Salat, Fasting, zakat and Hajj.

“Worship is an all inclusive term for all that God loves

of external and internal sayings and action of person.”
Salat and impacts.
• Respect oneness of Allah.
• Comes under the beneficiary of Allah.
• Bodily cleanliness.
• Sense of responsibility.
• Punctuality.
• health.
• Humanity.
• Purity of soul.
• Consciousness.
Fastings and impacts.
“if a man has nothing to eat fasting is the most
inteligent thing ha can do” (Herman Hesse).

“ Through prayers and fasting God will answer”

(Monica johnson)
Taqwa, piety and reverance.
Zaakat and impacts.
Aqeemos Salat Wa Atuz Zakat (Al Quran).

Purity of Assets.
Success in life.
Circulation of money.
Eradication of poverty.
Eradication of Hoarding .
Social harmony.
Hajj and impacts.
Hajj means “to intent to visit”
“And the pilgrimage to the house is duty unto Allah for
mankind, for those who can afford to go their” (Al
imran 97)
“ faith in the unity of Allah”
Purify the soul.
Spirit of sacrifice.
Bond of love.
Manifestation of all good deeds.
Political aspects of hajj.
Unifying Muslim world.

Universal brotherhood.

Hajj conference.

Friendly relationship.

Discuss issues.

Annual meeting.

Economic aspects.
Exchange technical knowledge.


Imports and exports.

Trade and commerce.

Economic policies.
Collective importance.
An obligatory art of devotion.

Greatest of all worships.

Strengthening faith of Muslims.

Spiritual experience.

Basis of equality.

Show pr unity and discipline.

Means of unifying Muslim world.

Social Aspects.
According to prof. Dk Hitti “ The socializing impact of
hajj is hard to over estimate, he says it affords equal
opportunities to Chinese. Negros, Persian etc rich and
poor, high and low to fraternize at and meet together
in the ground of faith”

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