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Digestion experiments

Digestion experiments.
• Digestion experiments started at the same
time –weende analytical station developed
in Germany.
• Chemical composition-potential value &
not give the nutritive value of the feed.
• Actual nutritive value include the losses
from urine,faeces&gases –digestion,
absorption &metabolism of nutrients
Digestibility of feed stuff
• Dig. coefficient of nutrient =

• Amount of nutrient Amount of nutrient
consumed - in faeces * 100
Amount of nutrient consumed

Apparent Dig. coefficient

True Dig. coefficient
Dig. coefficient estimated for all organic
nutrients except ash &mineral because,
1.Not contribute to energy content of feed
2. Mostly Absorbed mineral excreted thro
minerals digestibility- isotope only.
• In vivo method by difference
by markers
• In sacco method
• In vitro method
In vivo determination of digestibility
• 1.digestion & metabolism trial
• digestion trial -evaluate the utilization of
feed stuff.
• metabolism trial-balance nutrients retained
in the body which requite quantitative
collection of urine, faeces&milk.
• Norms:
• 1.selection of animals
• same breed,sex,age, b.wt.
• minimum 4 adult animals.
• healthy &free from disease
• males are preferred,
• 2.preliminary period:
• Test feed fed to the animal for an extended
period as per the requirement of the
• Purpose-make G.I tract free from
undigested feed material of previous trail.
• Pig- 2-3 days (3-5 days)
• Ruminants -7-14 days.
• Water and salt lick provided all the time.
• 3.collection period:
• 2-3 days adoption period followed by 7-10 days
of collection period .
• 4.test feed:
• not the deficient of minerals.
• Some feed like concentrate can not fed alone as
they do not supply the the digestibility
cannot determined by bulk.
In direct method
• 1. digestibility by difference:
• First trial-basal maintenance type fodder.
• 2nd trial- basal maintenance type fodder + test
• 3 rd trial – test feed along with concentrate feed.
• it may not very correct. Addition of oilseed cake
to the roughage diet enhance the digestibility of
basal diet- associative effect.
• 2. indicator method:
• ideal qualities of indicators:
• 1. indigestible &unabsorbable
• 2.not have any pharmacological action
• 3.innert to the G.I.tract
• 4.uniformly distributed In the digesta
• 5.Pass thro G,I.tract at uniform rate.
• 6. natural constituents.
• 7.readily determined uniformly.
e,g.lignin,silica, AIA
• Maker

external. E,g.chromicoxide,magnesium
ferrite,carmine red,cr 51-EDTA,ce 144
• Dig, Coe. Is determined by estimating the
concentration of marker in feed &faeces
and that of nutrient in feed &faeces with
out the quantitative collection of total
faeces &measuring the feed consumption.
Laboratory method
• 1.digedtibility&TDN of the feed – chemical
composition – regression equation.
• 2.semi in vivo technique
• vitro technique.
• by regression equation:
• CF- depress the digestibility.
• ruminants Y=90-0.85X
• Horses& pigs Y= 90-1.60X
• Poultry Y= 90-2.30X
• X-% of CF in the dry matter.
• Y-dig, Coe. Of organic matter.
• 2.semi in vivo technique:
• digestibility of the sample is calculated by
keeping the sample in the bags.
• Bag – undigestible -nylon, silk, Dacron.
• Immerse the bag in the rumen content of
fistulated animals.
• Bags- removed at different interval,
washed till the wash water is clear.
• Dried at 60oc for 48 hr.
• The % disapperance of DM,CP,and fiber
fraction are determined.
• Uses:
• 1.used to understand the rumen process.
• 2.large number samples can be analyzed
used in forage breeding experiments.
• Limitations:
• bag is not subjected to total ruminal
• factors affect the degradability:
• 1.praticle size.
• Larger & coarser particle –slow rate
• 2.bag porosity:
• optimum porosity 40-60 µm.
In vitro digestibility technique
• stage technique:
Rumen microbial technique is simulated in
the laboratory- feed stuff –incubated at
390c under anaerobic condition.
Then the sample s are removed
disapperance of DM&organic matter is
2.two stage technique:
• first stage simulate the digestive process
in the rumen- residue left over after first
stage is treated with acid-pepsin or neutral
detergent solution.
• It stimulate the in vitro break down of feed
and microbial protein by the digestive
enzyme of the lower gut.
• Estimate the true digestibility rather than
Factors affecting digestibility of
feed stuffs
• 1.species of the animal:
• CF-Ruminants,CP –monogastrics
• 2.age of the animal:
• Fat –more in adult chicken then young chickens.
• Digestion process decreased in older animal –
poor teeth &declining health.
• exercise –improve digestibility of
• Heavy –decrease digestibility
• 4.individuality:
• Individual variation occur up to 25% in the
digestive ability of Same feed.
• 5.level of feeding:
• High level of feeding faster rate of passage
of digesta &decrease the digestibility.
• 6.chemical composition of feed:
• Early cut rich in protein, vitamin &mineral.
• 7.soaking:
• 8.processing of grains/feed:
• Boiling,steamprocessing,micronization,pelleting,extrusio
n cooking.
• 9.nutrient content of the ration:
• Protein level:
• more dietary protein level-more digestibility.
• carbohydrate :
• excess level of soluble CH2O lower the microbial break
down of crude fiber.
• High crude fiber-lower the digestibility.
• Lipids:
• Addition of fat or oils improves the
dig.coe.of EE.generally high level of oil
reduce the digestibility of other nutrients.
• Minerals:
• Reduce the microorganism growth.
TDN calculation
• factors affecting TDN value of the feed:
• 1.percent of dry matter:
• more water in the feed less of other nutrients-low TDN
• 2.digestibility of dry matter:
• Low digestibility –low TDN value.
• 3.amount of mineral matter in the dry matter:
• More mineral matter –lower organic matter &TDN value.
• 4.digestibility of fat in the dry matter:
• More digestible fat –greater TDN value.

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