g6 l13 The Church Is One

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Learning targets

At the end of the session, I can:

D: discuss the sources of unity in the Church ;

M: manifest willingness to help achieve unity in the
midst of diversity; and
W: ask the Holy Spirit to help the Church overcome
divisions among her members.

The Pendulum
That Refused
to Work
The clock couldn’t point out the
correct time anymore because
Pendulum was sick and tired of
doing much of the clock’s work. He
thought it was unjust to have swing
to and fro at every second while
Minute hand moves only every 60
seconds and Hour hand, only after
every 3,600seconds or 60 minutes.
Numbers, on the face of the clock
were even the worst, for they
didn’t move at all! And so, because
of what he thought of as an
injustice, he refused to swing.
Because of Pendulum’s refusal to
move, the whole clock stopped.
“Why should I do all the work?”
Pendulum said sadly.
Minute hand and Hour hand argued
with Pendulum. They pointed out
that each of them had a different
duty and were made for that duty.
Minute hand explained that all of
them worked toward a common
goal, to give people the right time.
At last Pendulum was convinced
and agreed to do its duty again.
And all the parts of the clock
started to work together
peacefully. The people became
very happy.
Let’s pause and reflect.

1. Why did the clock stop working?

2. Do you sometimes feel the same way as

Pendulum did?
Let’s pause and reflect.

3. What are the parts of our body? What

would be the effect if one part of the body
refuses to function?

4. What lesson do we learn from the story?

The Church, One Body
1 Corinthians 12: 13-21;25-31
St. Paul tells the Corinthians that
their community- the Church- is
united. He compares the Church to a
body that has many parts, but these
different parts belong to just one
body and work together for the good
of the whole body.
The unity or oneness of the Church
does not mean that all members look
the same. It means that all of us are
children of God, created by Him,
saved by Jesus Christ and given new
life in Baptism by the Holy Spirit.
This means that everyone in the
Church belongs to just one family-
the family of God. As one family,
everyone pursues one aim: TO WORK
through HIS SON, JESUS in the HOLY
How do the
members of the
Church show that
they are ONE?
1. The members
of the Church
profess the
same belief.
2. This unity of
the members is
seen in their
celebration of
the Holy Mass
and the
3. The members of
the Church
are bound
together by one
visible head,
the Pope.
Though the Church has
unity, there is also
diversity among the
members. This arises
because of the
different kinds of gifts
God bestows on each
of us and because of
our different cultures.
So we do not have
same physical, mental
and emotional
Neither do we have
same ranks, duties,
situations and ways
of life.
Nor do we have the
same opinions and
reactions on issues.
These differences
enable the members
of the Church to
contribute to the
mission of the Church
in a variety ways.
The different talents that
we have are important in
building up the Church.
As with any family there
may be differences in
ideas and
characteristics. But the
family of God is united in
loving God and following
The Church says…

1. The Church is one because the source

of her mystery is the unity in the Trinity of
Persons, of one God, the Father, and the
Son in the Holy Spirt.

CCC 813
The Church says…

2. The Church is one because of her

founder, Jesus Christ, who by His death on
the cross restored the unity of all in one
people and one body.

CCC 813
The Church says…

3. The Church is one because the Holy spirit

who dwells in those who believe and brings
about that wonderful communion of the
faithful and joins them intimately in Christ.

CCC 813
How can we help the Church work for
greater unity among all her members?

1. Treat each one as our own

2. Be instruments of peace and
How can we help the Church work for
greater unity among all her members?

3. Spend time with and show real

acceptance to those who feel “left-out”.

4. Be selfless and humble.

• How do you describe the Church as
• How do the members of the Church
show that they are ONE?
• How do we achieve unity in the

In your Religion notebook,

compose a prayer for unity in our

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