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Culture Industry

culture industry
is a term used by social thinkers Theodor Adorno and
Max Horkheimer to describe how popular culture in
the capitalist society functions like an industry in
producing standardized products which produce
standardized people.
A more advanced definition of culture industry
draws on the seeming contradiction between
human culture and mechanical industry.
Adorno and Horkheimer's point in "Culture
Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception"
(which is a chapter inside "Dialectic of
Enlightenment"). They argue that culture
industry is associated with late capitalism.
simplified example which can help explain culture
industry is TV lifestyles.
The concept of culture industry become widely held in
sociology, media studies and critical theory and it
remains functional till this days in describing how
mass culture and big business are inherently bound
together to make up a large scale system of control and
Agenda-setting theory suggests that media
institutions shape political debates by
determining what issues are most important and
featuring them in news broadcasts. It describes
the media as the main entity that selects what
news stories to report and prioritise based on
what they think people might care about.
The agenda setting theory is a mass
communication philosophy that asserts
that news media influences the public
agenda regarding which issues are most
Examples of agenda setting: Focussing on the violent
aspects of a political protest, rather than the arguments
behind why the protest is taking place. Focussing on the
'drama of the London riots' and the harms done to victims
rather than on the reasons why people took part in the
London riots.
Thank you 🙂❣️
Reporters :
Sebastian R. Seva
albert obliedor
John rommie mijares

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