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Types of Intellectual Property Rights (IP)

01 02
Patent Trademark

Appellations of Origin

03 04
Industrial Design Geographical indication

An intellectual property right

What is patent?

A patent is an intellectual property right relating to inventions

and is the grant of exclusive right, for limited period, provided by
the government to the patentee, in exchange of full disclosure of
his invention, importing the patented product or process of
producing that product for those purposes.
The word patent originates from the Latin patere, which means "to
lay open" (i.e., to make available for public inspection).
Utility patent Design patent Plant patent
It be granted for “any new It protects any “new,
and useful process,  It protects a new and
original, and ornamental
machine, article of unique plant’s key
design for an article of
manufacture, or composition characteristics from being
manufacture.” This type of
of matter, or any new and copied, sold or used by
patent can protect the
useful improvement thereof.” others. A plant patent can
unique way your invention
In other words, a utility help an inventor secure
patent protects the function higher profits during the 
or method of a new patent protection period by
machine, chemical, system preventing competitors
and other useful invention. from using the plant.
Design patent applications
Advantages and Disadvantages of Patents

Advantages Disadvantages
 Applying for a patent can be a
 A patent gives you the right
very time-consuming and
to stop others from copying,
lengthy process.
manufacturing, selling or
importing your invention
 It will cost you money whether
without your permission.
you are successful or not -
 You can then use your the application, searches for
existing patents.
invention yourself.
Example of Design Patent Infringement

An intellectual property
What is trademark?

A trademark is a sign capable of distinguishing the goods

or services that identifies and differentiate from one
enterprise to another; signature mark.
Trademarks are protected by intellectual property rights.
Designation and Symbols of Trademark
A trademark may be designated by the following symbols:
Registered Trademark symbol ™
The trademark symbol (TM) is a mark that companies often
use on a logo, name, phrase, word, or design that represents
the business.

Registered symbol ®
The registered symbol (R) represents a mark that is a registered trademark with
the United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO).

Unregistered Service mark ℠

The unregistered service mark symbol may be used for service marks not yet
registered with the relevant national authority.
Examples of business logo with trademark
Trademark infringement?
 It is defined as the unauthorized use of
a trademark or service mark. This use
can be in connection with goods or
services and may lead to confusion,
deception, or a misunderstanding
about the actual company a product or
service came from. 
 Trademark owners can take legal
action if they believe their marks are
being infringed. If infringement of a
trademark is proven, a court order can
prevent a defendant from using the
mark, and the owner may be awarded
monetary relief.
Examples of trademark infringement
Industrial Design

An intellectual property
The ornamental or artistic aspect of an article.
It is made up of three-dimensional features, such
as the shape or surface of an article, or of two-
dimensional features, such as patterns, lines or
Geographical indication

An intellectual property
A Geographical Indication (GI) is an intellectual
property that refers to a sign, name, or symbol used on
products having a specific geographical origin and
possessing qualities or reputation that are due to that
origin itself. A GI tag represents a geographical
indication. To achieve the GI tag, both the product and
its quality must depend on the geographical place of
Example of geographical indication
Appellation of Origin

An intellectual property
An appellation of origin is a special kind of
geographical indication generally consisting of
a geographical name or a traditional
designation used on products which have a
specific quality or characteristics that are
essentially due to the geographical
environment in which they are produced.

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