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1 What kinds of movies are you
fond of?
What’s in it? 2 What makes you like these
kinds of movie?

3 Do you set standards in

assessing movies you watch?

4 What do you think are the

factors that make good

Merriam-Webster simply
defines the word “motion” as
“an act or process of moving”.

Information that moves


Sources of Information

A. Motion Graphics Blogs

and Resources
 Sample Sites

• Video Capilot
• GreyScaleGorilla
• AE Tuts
• Video Hive
• AE Portal News

Sources of Information

B. Movie Clips
 Can be helpful especially in
setting examples that represent
ideas, however should be chosen
with utmost care by the
information giver. Otherwise, they
may mislead the audience.

Sources of Information

C. Short Films
 These films run from 1 to 15
minutes that convey complete
theme and idea. This is too short
and cannot be considered as
feature film. This source is
concise and can be used in
synthesizing information during

Sources of Information

D. Original videos
 Anyone can create videos,
especially nowadays, this is
already a common source of

Importance of Information

 Showcasing of Complex Ideas.

Assessment of One’s Values.
Learners and Culturally Relevant Events.
Theoretical Connections

Lesson 2:
“Production, Organization, and Dissemination of Motion
Information and Media”

Core 14 Media and Information Literacy

“Production and Organization of Motion

Motion information can be easily produced, it all

happens when all necessary elements are
combined to come up with mise-en-scene, or the
setting of a motion picture which includes scene
in the frame. It is needed to avoid putting
irrelevant things which do not contribute anything
on the scene.
“Production and Organization of Motion

Different ways to get raw elements in producing


a. Film recording – recording used to provide

images through the use of film negatives; one
of the pioneers of recording which has been
improved and used until now.

b. Digital recording – a kind of recording that

converts signal into discrete numbers that
produce quality video outputs; done using
digital camcording devices.
Video Editing
Production is assisted by kinds of software
programs that can be combined.
Zoopraxiscope – a device used in projecting
images through a rotating glass disk that
gave the image of motion. Created by
Eadweard Muybridge in 1879.
Kinetoscope – a commercial motion
exhibition system developed by the American
inventor Thomas Alba Edison and his
employee William Dickson.
Examples of Known Video Editors


Known for producing Created by Macromedia, This software was not
Oscar-winning films. Inc. and Apple, Inc. initially considered a giant
The top choice of Despite some issues of video editing, however
professional editors who about its complicated because of its continuous
are responsible for functionality, its improvement, many
producing Hollywood innovative features editors started preferring
movies that constantly hit capture the interest of this as their platform
the international box several filmmakers in the because it’s easier to use.
office. world.
Dissemination of Information

Motion information is disseminated depending on the needs of the

information seekers. Because it is not clearly categorized.

Censorship – the system of examining media materials to avoid

causing offense, harm, or violence towards the public. In the context
of information, this pertains to viewing the elements involved to
ensure that the contents do negatively affect the viewers. Such
offense might include violence, drugs, sexual acts, gore and others.
Lesson 3:
“Reliability and Validity of
Motion Information and
Media Sources Using
Selection Criteria”

Media and Information Literacy

Core 14
The criteria set by focuses
on the visual elements of
the information; and how
these elements exists in
accordance with the need
of information
A. Catchy
B. Concise
C. Comprehensive
D. Convincing
Lesson 4: Design Principles
and Elements of Motion
Information and Media

Media and Information Literacy

Core 14
Elements of Film
A. Mise-en-scene
 This term means “put into the scene”. All necessary elements that complete a
scene have to be properly arranged.
B. Cinematography
 This element pertains to the manipulation of the movie shots.

Three kinds of cinematography:

1. Camera Angles –perspectives used in shooting a film; includes high, low,

bird’s-eye, etc.
2. Camera Distance – distance of the camera from the elements being recorded;
includes extreme long shot, long shot, medium, close-up, extreme clos-up
3. Camera movement – the manner of how camera shots create motions by
moving the said device; includes tracking/dollying, hand held, crane, pan, tilt,
Elements of Film
C. Editing
 This element involves combining separate film pieces together.
However it should be always known that stitching these pieces
does not entirely define it as a process. Thus, there should always
be a consideration on the sequence, whether it make sense or not.

D. Sound
• It is also important element of video production. There are certain
parts of a video that are best accompanied by sound to further
explain scenarios, or to add emotions to scenes that have to be

1. Diegetic – sound heard within the film world; includes conversation

of characters, horns of cars passing by, knocking on doors, etc.
2. Non-diegetic – sound heard outside the film world; includes
background or mood music, narrator’s commentary etc.
Motion Media Principles
The elements discussed above need effective principles for them to make sense in
creating a video. Hence, there are steps that can be followed in doing such. These
are the following:

A. Gather information – Firstly a video maker has to have a clear plan in order to
set his or her objectives in making video.
B. Choose a format – Refers to the ways a video maker executes the video. Here
are some choices for preferred formats:
1. Interview – Question and answer scenario between an interviewer who asks for
information and interviewee
2. Documentary – can be done through a narration of events while showing
footages or pictures of the event
3. Video Magazine – less formal; uses hosts to narrate important points; increased
entertainment value.
4. Story based – used script in narrating a story; involves actors
5. Talking head – less complicated compared to an interview; interviewee first
answer the questions and questions by the interviewer are recreated in the end;
used multiple cameras.
Motion Media Principles
C. Select a style – it determines the overall mood of the video. Combination
of moods is possible; however a video maker must be able to apply it

D. Add Appropriate Elements – Should be based on the research made

during the planning process. It may help reinforce the importance of the
The Storyboard

These are graphic organizers represented by the use of frames,

which show the sequence of the video before its creation. This
can be done manually or digitally. Through this, video makers
may have a guide to know the order of scenes to create a
sensible video.
Thanks & God Bless!!
Prepared by: Mr. Reymart B. Saladas

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