Non Verbal Communication

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The Communication Equation

 What you hear
 Tone of voice
 Vocal clarity
 Verbal expressiveness 38% of the message

 What you see or feel

 Facial expression
 Dress and grooming
 Posture 55% of the message
 Eye contact
 Touch
 Gesture

 WORDS … 7% of the message!

The First Impression Lasts
Facial Expression
 surprise
 fear
 disgust
 anger
 sadness
 happiness
Oculesics/Eye Cues

 Eye contact- confidence and respect

 Upside
Left- Visual Recall
Right- Visual Reconstruction
 Going towards ears- Thinking Auditory
 Downside
Left- Internal Talk
Right- Feeling Emotionally
Head Movements

 Talking Heads
Head held high
Lowered head

 Listening Heads
Commonality of Behaviour
Intellectual interest

Hand and Arm Gestures

 Rubbing the Palms Together- positive expectation
 Hands Clenched Together- frustrated or hostile attitude
 Steepling Hands- confident/ know-it-all
 Gripping Hands, Wrists and Arms- superiority/confidence, self control, get a
good grip on yourself
 Thumb Displays
 The Collar Pull
Posture and Stance
 Standing
Slumped posture
Stiff posture

 Sitting
Lean forward
Lean away

 Arm folded across the chest/folded arms

 Crossed arms
 Uncrossed arms
 Folded arms
Posture and Stance
 Standing
Slumped posture – Low spirit
Stiff posture – High spirit, energy and confidence

 Sitting
Lean forward – Open and interested
Lean away – Defensive and disinterested

 Arm folded across the chest/folded arms- Unsympathetic attitude

 Crossed arms – Defensive
 Uncrossed arms – Willingness to listen
 Folded arms – Self wrapping
 Upright-High status
 Moderately upright-Enthusiasm, warmth and friendliness
 Sagging- Submissiveness and humility
 Mirroring- Agreement
 Extreme relaxation- Lack of respect
Proxemics: The space study

 0-.5m- intimate zone

 0-1.2m- personal zone
 1.2-3m- social zone
 Over 3m- public zone
Haptics : The touch behaviour

 Form of non- verbal communication using a sense of touch

 Handshakes
Chronemics (perception and use of
 Time perceptions include punctuality, willingness to wait, and interactions.

 Monochronic/polychronic

Voice inflection
 TED Talk: Cuddy, Amy. Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are. TED Talk. June, 2012.

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