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de Proyecto
en Idioma
Aristizabal & Asociados
This company is a law firm that is
characterized by defending the rights of
people and companies to lower prices and
better means of payment for any type of
person or sector.
The Law Firm's main function is to provide • OfferOBJECTIVES
a quality Legal Service to
legal advice and consultancy to a large people who are in controversies in
number of people in the different branches various branches of Law, providing
of law, such as criminal, commercial, civil, confidence and respect to each
banking, intellectual property law, Amparo, client, obtaining satisfaction in the
labor, contracts, offering the new system of results of their matters that they
oral trials that will be implemented as of request.
2016 throughout the Mexican Republic.
Taking the litigation matters that are
presented in said courts or government
• Link society, through the provision
of free legal services to resolve
putting into practice the knowledge
conflicts of individuals and families
acquired, showing that they have the
in economically and socially
disadvantaged situations.
disciplinary and procedural skills sufficient
• Contribute to the academic and
to develop the exercise of the profession of
professional training of the
students of the Law Degree
To be a Company that provides legal This project was born because throughout
service of quality and professionalism to the three years I have realized the needs
assist with the resolution of controversies that the population has and the lack of
of people who have a legal problem in the justice in our country, I consider that for
different branches of Law. As well as someone to be able to do justice it must be
offering Legal Advice, for better a legal representative like this to avoid
clarification of their problems. problems. , one of my proposals to solve
the conflict would be to resolve the dispute
VISION through conciliation and/or mediation to
avoid the trial to omit both procedures. In
Being a leading and recognized company
addition to different reasons, they are the
in the state of Puebla as in the country,
ones that drive us to develop my
providing a Service
Knowledge to help people who are affected
by a trial.
Efficient and honest legal responsible for
the entire population that requests the
Areas in which the firm specializes Banking Law: Study and prior advice on
Civil law: Claims of amount, traffic possible abusive practices, floor clause,
accidents, actions to protect property and expense clause, preferred and subordinated
possession, evictions and leases… shares, foreclosures...
Family right: De facto unions, marital Commercial Law: Public limited companies
crises, alimony obligations, parental and limited companies, liability of
authority, filiation actions, protection of administrators, study and preparation of
contracts, insurance...
minors, guardianship and guardianship,
Tax Law: Inheritance taxes, onerous
disability, liquidation of the community
property transfers, capital gains and
recourse possibilities.
Criminal law: Assistance to the detainee
Maritime Law: Responsibility of
in police proceedings and in the courts in
maritime navigation agents, accidents
all types of crimes, blood alcohol levels
and claims on ships, claims for
and crimes committed with motor
vehicles, robberies and thefts,
Administrative law and administrative
responsibility of minors.
litigation: Local administration
Labor law and social security:
(municipalities) and the Xunta de Galicia,
Processing of pensions, dismissals,
advice and study of all types of
collective agreements, retirement...
administrative licences, responsibility of
the administration for damages and
Closeness good training
One of the most important characteristics Obviously, a professional in the sector
that a lawyer must have is closeness to has to know very well everything that
their clients. A lawyer has to know how to happens in this world. For this reason, it
listen to the needs of each person, in is not only enough to have good training,
order to offer the best solution to each it is also necessary to be aware of all
case. In this way, the expert will better current events. In addition, it is also
understand the problems and will be able recommended, once the studies are
to provide you with the best personalized finished, to continue training to be the
legal advice. best.

A good law firm is one that has good
professionals working for it. Respect for
justice and for all those affected during
the judicial process are some of the basic
points to be able to carry out serious
work, and thus more easily achieve the
…..planned objectives.
How did I start my company?

My company started since I decided to achieve

great things and more in law I really like that
subject and I want to give the best in law to the
country to have very good lawyers and better
prices, generally a lawyer is very expensive and
people do Whatever they are to defend your family
member, my company will be able to finance a
lawyer more easily and with the best disposition
The traditional way of practicing law is
We are a forward-thinking group of
professionals who have created a new type of
law firm based on a more passionate and
personal way of practicing law.
The idea of ​this law firm is to create and
promote the best legal advisors for anyone
in the city who requires a lawyer in any
be able to solve all kinds of situations.
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