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Reported by: Dana Faith
1. Write from the “you” attitude. Every person is interested primarily
in himself and thus responds to a letter written from his point of
view. To test the effectiveness of your letter on this point, count the
number of I’s and you’s in your letter and then compare.

I : I was happy to hear that my letter of January 5th provided
sufficient information for the completion of the order for us.
You : Thank you for your assurance that you had sufficient
information for the completion of your order.
2. Accentuate the positive. Even a letter that has to say “NO” can be
written from a positive point of view. Make it an absolute rule never
to start or end your letter with a negative. Avoid words with a
negative connotation, such as argument, careless, complaint,
disagreeable, error, neglect, and unfair.


Positive: Thank you for your order. The merchandise will go out to
you as soon as…..
Negative: We regret to inform you that we will not be able to ship
your order until…
3. Make your letters smile. A business letter should leave a pleasant
impression. Get a smile into your letter, a bit of your personality, and
atmosphere of good will.

Some phrases have a built-in smile. Here are some friendly phrases
that you can and should use freely.

We shall be glad to…

It is a pleasure…
Thank you..
We appreciate very much..
With our compliments..
4. Make your copy live. The reader should feel what you say. If
possible, create a visual experience. Let the reader see himself
doing something-running a machine, telling his friends about his
triumphs, selling more accounts, reinterpreted the same copy.

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