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XI 4


Awirah 1 6 Siti
Rahmah Fadhillatuzzahro

Kurratu 2 5
A’yun Dwi Putra

3 4 Septiani Febriani
Putri Dwi Aprinita
Asking opinion
The expression of asking someone's opinion
about something, or asking someone to convey

their ideas, ideas or thoughts about
:What do you think about this plan?
(Bagaimana pendapatmu tentang rencana ini?)
Giving opinion
an expression of giving an opinion about
something, or responding to someone who asks
our opinion about something.

In my opinion, this book is good

Example enough. (Menurut pendapatku, buku
ini cukup bagus)
Asking And
Asking and giving opinion is a way
for someone to ask and give opinion
Asking and giving opinion is
to others. used when there is an
interactive chat or dialogue to
this can happen in a variety of situations, such as discuss something.
discussing work with coworkers, chatting with
friends, family, friends, or spouses, then during
deliberation to find problem solving from a
problem, and many more
Situation: There are 4 students.Putri,Dhilla,Ananda and Ayun.
Dialogue They talked in the canteen on the second break. What did they
see? Let's find it!
(Situasi: Ada 4 siswa.Putri,Dhilla,Ananda dan Ayun. Mereka
berbicara di kantin pada istirahat kedua. Apa yang mereka
lihat? Mari kita cari itu!)
Dhilla: Hey GESSSSS, do We have a “Music Art Lesson” class?
(Dhilla: Hei Gaess, apakah kalian ada mata pelajaran “Pelajaran Seni Musik”?)
Ananda: Yup, at the end of the schedule. Why?
(Ananda:Yups,di akhir jadwal.mengapa?)
Putri: He wanted to say something about Mr. Arya. Hahahaha…
(Putri: Dia ingin mengatakan sesuatu tentang Pak Arya. Ha ha ha ha…)
Ayun: What's that, guys? (Ayun: Apa itu, teman-teman?)
Ananda: Yes… What's wrong? (Ananda : Iya… Ada apa?)
Dhilla: All right. I want to ask you, yun. It's something about Mr. Arya. What do you think about
(Dhilla : Baiklah. Aku ingin bertanya padamu, Yun. Ini sesuatu tentang Pak Arya. Apa yang Anda
pikirkan tentang dia?)
Ananda: Yeah. He's charming, funny and friendly to us too, right?
(Ananda : Iya. Dia menawan, lucu dan ramah kepada kita juga, kan?)
Dhilla : Yes, that's right. But do you know what? He is cool!
(Dhilla : Ya, benar. Tapi tahukah Anda apa? Dia keren! Ha ha
ha ha…)
Ananda : Oh my God. That's what I thought. He is cool when
he plays guitar and sings romantic songs.
(Ananda : Ya Tuhan. Itulah yang saya pikir. Dia keren saat
bermain gitar dan menyanyikan lagu-lagu romantis.)
Putri: Yes, he has a natural expression and he is good enough
to play the guitar.
(Putri: Ya, dia memiliki ekspresi alami dan dia cukup pandai
bermain gitar.)
Dhilla : Let's see the video of him singing in our class.
(Dhilla : Mari kita lihat video dia bernyanyi di kelas kita.)
Thanks !

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