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1.Which does NOT define what a literature review

a) The process of reading and analyzing published
research for the purpose of completing
manuscript for publication.
b) The process of scrutinizing published research.
c) The activity of doing an internet search on a
topic and looking through the results.
d) The written component of a research project that
discusses concepts from other references and
2. Why does a researcher conduct a
literature review?
a) To familiarize themselves with the strand
or the field they are in.
b) They are paid to review it.
c) The students are required to by their
d) To reproduce existing research and
create a similar result from it.
3. To start your literature review, what
should you do first?
a) Formulate your hypothesis
b) Ask your teacher
c) Write about the articles on your
d) Identify the research questions
4. Where should you LEAST go to
find the literature on your topic?
a) Wikipedia
b) Library
c) Government Database
d) Periodicals
5. Which is NOT a way to organize a
a) By theme or concept
b) By research questions
c) By methodology
d) By type of source
6. The following entry written in APA format is taken from
Dino, C. M. & Gustilo, L. E. (2015). Literature and
Linguistics. Digitalk: An exploration of the linguistic
features of CMC. International Journal of Languages,
1(1). doi: 10.7763/IJLLL.2015.V1.11
a) Book
b) Dictionary
c) Journal
d) Magazine
7. The following entry written in APA format is
taken from what?
Coulmas, F. (2005). Sociolinguistics: The study
of speakers’ choices. NY: Cambridge
University Press.
a) Book
b) Dictionary
c) Journal
d) Magazine
8. What words or phrases establish the
connection between the ideas that a
writer present as part of the review?
a) Verbs
b) Sentences
c) Transitional devices
d) Proofreading marks
9. What manual of style asserts that you
must have a Works Cited page at the end
of your research paper?
a) Chicago Style
b) APA Style
c) MLA Style
d) ISO 690
10. Which of the following is an ADVANTAGE of
searching the world wide web?
a) Some materials may be not be appropriate one’s
b) It has a variety of materials that can be accessed
c) Because it is for free, anyone can just make and
post it
d) Downloading and using them can be tricky due to
copyright law
Arrange the following jumbled letters to
reveal the hidden words/phrases
Arrange the following jumbled letters to
reveal the hidden words
Module 3:Learning from
Others and Reviewing the
1. identify key points in writing review of
related literature
2. classify relevant literature and studies
3. explain the importance of the review of
related literature
•Activity 2 Recall the
objectives for your research.
These will allow you refresh
your focus in doing your
study. Use your answer sheet
or yellow paper for this
activity when needed.

to determine 1. Determine the business profile of the selected

the restaurants
strategies of
restaurants 2. Find out the competing strategies done by the
located in the restaurants
vicinity of
Quezon. 3. Create a business model based on the competing
strategies done by the restaurants?
Review of Related Literature
According to Taylor (n.d.), the review of
related literature is a part of research
paper that takes into account the
different published journals and other
written work that has already delved
into the same topic that the researcher
is currently studying.
Review of Related Literature

Helen Mongan-rallis (2014)

emphasised that a literature review
must not only be a summary of
professional literature but also a critical
analysis of relationship among different
published works and relate to the
researcher’s own work
Objectives of the Review of
Related Literature
1. information seeking: the
ability to scan the literature
efficiently, using manual or
computerized methods, to
identify a set of useful articles
and books
Objectives of the Review of
Related Literature
2. critical appraisal: the
ability to apply principles
of analysis to identify
unbiased and valid
Importance of the Review of
Related Literature
Look at the following
importance of review of related
literature in your research as
cited by Bermundo et al.2010.
Importance of the Review of
Related Literature
1. It provides the needed
information on the theories,
concepts and principles which
are essential in developing the
conceptual and theoretical
framework of the panned topic.
Importance of the Review of
Related Literature
2. It provides the investigator with
information about past researches
related to the topic under study. In
other words, the review of related
literature and studies is a proof that
the current undertaking is not
duplicative of any study.
Importance of the Review of
Related Literature
3. It also helps the researcher identify
the variables which were already
studied in the past and thus serve as
basis for identifying new a new or other
variables in his present study. In
short, it is a proof that the new current
research is filling-in a research gap
Importance of the Review of
Related Literature
4.The sufficiency of related
literature and studies also gives
the researcher a feeling of
confidence or that there is a
sufficient reason to pursue the
Importance of the Review of
Related Literature
5. It gives the researcher information about
the research design, the method used, the
data-gathering instrument, sampling
techniques and others. Therefore, when
related literature and studies are sufficient,
the researcher can proceed writing the
proposal without much problem and
assistance from the research adviser.
Importance of the Review of
Related Literature
6. it provides the findings the
conclusions and
recommendations offered by
the researcher by which the
present researcher could
Structure of
Review of Related
Structure of Review of Related
1. Conceptual Literature – It
contains literature coming from
books, journalism, and other forms of
material, concerning or relevant to the
study, but are data-free or non –
empirical material, coming from both
foreign and local sources.
Structure of Review of Related

2. Scholarly Literature - these are

empirically – based, like scientific
paper, theses, and dissertations,
both published and unpublished,
coming from local and foreign
Structure of Review of Related
3. Local literature - information
found in books, professional
journals and magazines,
newspapers and University
publications published by he
different colleges and universities in
the Philippines.
Structure of Review of Related

4. Foreign literature -
These are manuscripts,
theses researches and
dissertations conducted in
other countries.
Other structures include:
1. Concept one related to Research
Question 1
2. Concept two related to Research
Question 2
3. Concept three related to
Research Question 3
TRUE or FALSE. Write T if the statement is correct F if not.
1. Review of related literature must go beyond just
summarizing professional literature.
2. A literature review is a part of the research paper that
considers the different published journals and other
written work had already delved into the same topic
that the researcher is currently studying.
3. Review of Related Literature is the same as the
Annotated Bibliography.
4. Familiarizing in online databases and trying to narrow
down your searches help in gathering the right result.
5. A literature review is collection of unrelated studies
and literature.
6. Considering research objectives are crucial in
identifying related literature.
7. An example of conceptual literature is a thesis
published electronically.
8. Foreign literatures are data and information
gathered from the Philippines.
9. Old or past researches are considered useless
even if it is connected to your study.
10.The sufficiency of related literature and
studies also gives the researcher a feeling of
confidence or that there is a sufficient reason to
pursue the study.
Lesson 2:
Follow the standards:
The Ethics and The Goods
in reviewing
•Before we dig deeper into this
topic, try to figure out which
among the following words can
be associated to Ethical
Standards in research.
Ethical Standards In Research
-Rules -Method -Procedure -
Perspective -Knowledge -Truth
-Avoidance of error -Falsifying
-Misrepresenting research -Norm
-Accountability -Prejudice -Bias
-Honesty -Objectivity
-Intellectual property
Words/Phrases associated Why is it associated?
•What have you chosen?
•Did you happen to choose
falsifying, misrepresenting
research, prejudice, and bias?
•If you did, then you are probably
not yet familiar about the ethical
standards of research as those
four defy such standards.
Defining Ethics
Cambridge dictionary defines “Ethics” as
the study of what is morally right and
wrong. Check the related words from the
initial activity.
As a student-researcher it is a must for
you to acknowledge these standardized
rules that guide the design and conduct
of your research.
Importance of
Standards in
David B. Resnik, J.D., Ph.D., 2018
Importance of Ethical Standards in Research

1. Promotes the aims of research, such as

knowledge, truth, and avoidance of error.
o prohibitions against fabricating,
o Falsifying
o misrepresenting research data promote the
truth and minimize error.
Importance of Ethical Standards in Research

2. Promotes the values that are essential to

collaborative work, such as trust,
accountability, mutual respect, and fairness.
o guidelines for authorship
o copyright and patenting policies
o data sharing policies
o confidentiality rules in peer review,
Importance of Ethical Standards in Research

3. Helps to ensure that researchers can be

held accountable to the public.
o policies on research misconduct
o conflicts of interest
o the human subjects protections
o animal care and use

Honesty - Strive for honesty in all

scientific communications. Honestly
report data, results, methods and
procedures, and publication status.
Do not fabricate, falsify, or
misrepresent data. Do not deceive
colleagues, research sponsors, or the

Carefulness - Avoid careless errors

and negligence; carefully and critically
examine your own work and the work
of your peers. Keep good records of
research activities, such as data
collection, research design, and
correspondence with agencies or

Intellectual Property – Honor

patents, copyrights, and other forms
of intellectual property. Do not use
unpublished data, methods, or results
without permission. Give proper
acknowledgement or credit for all
contributions to research. Never
The Philippines' scrapped "Pilipinas Kay
Ganda" logo (right) and Poland's "Polska”(left).
Switzerland's campaign in 1951 (bottom)
and the Philippines' current tourism
The above images belong to the most
controversial plagiarisms scandals in the
Philippines. Yes! Pictures could be
plagiarized. More so in writing.
Research Ethical Standard in writing review
of related literature strongly prohibits
PLAGIARISM as it is unethical to copy and
use someone’s’ words and ideas without
giving them proper recognition or citation.
Here are the three different types of
plagiarism that you should avoid.

1. Global Plagiarisms: When

someone steals an entire
project from one source
Lucas, 2001).
Here are the three different types of
plagiarism that you should avoid.

2. Patchwork Plagiarism:
Someone edits together two or
more different sources and
presents the result as his or her
own work (Lucas, 2001).
Here are the three different types of
plagiarism that you should avoid.
3. Incremental Plagiarism. This is when the
bulk of the project is yours and the
organization is yours, but passages or bits of
information have been taken from others’
work without being acknowledged. A reader
or listener has no way of knowing where these
bits came from or that they were not your
original ideas (Lucas, 2001).
Avoiding Plagiarism in Review of Related
Plagiarism completely violates the principle
and aims of the ethical standard in research.
Hence, you must learn techniques on avoiding
this in writing your review of related literature.
Remember that as student-researcher, you
must cater honesty and protect intellectual
property interests while encouraging
collaboration among other authors/
The best strategy in avoiding
plagiarism in your work is by
giving proper citation and
recognition to the rightful
owner the words or ideas
gathered for your studies.
There are different ways of citing sources. The most
common styles are as follow:
 American Psychological Association (APA) – most
commonly use style of citing sources within the social
sciences (Angelie et al.,2010).
 Modern Language Association (MLA)- most
commonly use when writing research topics in liberal
arts and humanities scope of study
 Chicago Manual Style – most commonly used and
respected style guides in the United States (Spencer,
1. What type of Plagiarisms
occurs when someone steals an
entire project from one source?
a) Global plagiarism
b) Patchwork plagiarism
c) Incremental plagiarism
d) Instrumental plagiarism
2. Which of the following does not express
the importance of ethical standards in
a) Promotes knowledge and truth
b) Promotes the values for collaborative
c) Ensure accountability
d) Neglects errors policies and misconduct
in research
3. What are the 3 type of plagiarism?
a) Patchwork, global, and intermodal
b) Global, Patchwork , and incremental
c) Plain, Global, and International
d) Global, Incremental, and patch
mate plagiarism
4. What kind of plagiarism occurs when the
bulk of the project is yours and the
organization is yours, but passages or bits of
information have been taken from others’
work without being acknowledged?
a) Global plagiarism
b) Patchwork plagiarism
c) Incremental plagiarism
d) Instrumental plagiarism
5. What style is most commonly
use in the social sciences?
a) MLA
b) Chicago
c) APA
6. What do we call the labels inserted
next to each piece of information that
comes from another sources?
a) Paraphrasing
b) Quotation
c) In-text Citation
d) Referencing
7. Below is an example of in-text citation.
Identify what style is followed.
According to Verns (2020), research writing
develops students information seeking and
critical thinking skills (p.25)
a) MLA
b) Chicago
c) APA
8. It contains literature coming from books,
journalism, and other forms of material,
concerning or relevant to the study

Foreign literature
Local literature
Scholarly Literature
Conceptual Literature
9. Which ethical principle pertains to
the Giving of proper acknowledgement
or credit for all contributions to
A. Intellectual Property
B. Honesty
C. Carefulness
D. All of the above
10. In APA format what will you do if a work cited has six or
more authors?
a) Verzo, Vidal et al (2020) concluded that attitude towards
English shows high significant relationship in the level of
communicative competence of the learners.
b) Verzo et al. (2020) concluded that attitude towards English
shows high significant relationship in the level of
communicative competence of the learners.
c) Verzo, Vidal, Agustos, Andrade et al (2020) concluded that
attitude towards English shows high significant relationship
in the level of communicative competence of the learners.
d) Verzo et al. concluded that attitude towards English shows
high significant relationship in the level of communicative
competence of the learners.
Let’s answer
1. What type of Plagiarisms
occurs when someone steals an
entire project from one source?
a) Global plagiarism
b) Patchwork plagiarism
c) Incremental plagiarism
d) Instrumental plagiarism
2. Which of the following does not express
the importance of ethical standards in
a) Promotes knowledge and truth
b) Promotes the values for collaborative
c) Ensure accountability
d) Neglects errors policies and misconduct
in research
3. What are the 3 type of plagiarism?
a) Patchwork, global, and intermodal
b) Global, Patchwork , and incremental
c) Plain, Global, and International
d) Global, Incremental, and patch
mate plagiarism
4. What kind of plagiarism occurs when the
bulk of the project is yours and the
organization is yours, but passages or bits of
information have been taken from others’
work without being acknowledged?
a) Global plagiarism
b) Patchwork plagiarism
c) Incremental plagiarism
d) Instrumental plagiarism
5. What style is most commonly
use in the social sciences?
a) MLA
b) Chicago
c) APA
6. What do we call the labels inserted
next to each piece of information that
comes from another sources?
a) Paraphrasing
b) Quotation
c) In-text Citation
d) Referencing
7. Below is an example of in-text citation.
Identify what style is followed.
According to Verns (2020), research writing
develops students information seeking and
critical thinking skills (p.25)
a) MLA
b) Chicago
c) APA
8. It contains literature coming from
books, journalism, and other forms of
material, concerning or relevant to the
A. Foreign literature
B. Local literature
C. Scholarly Literature
D. Conceptual Literature
9. Which ethical principle pertains to
the Giving of proper acknowledgement
or credit for all contributions to
A. Intellectual Property
B. Honesty
C. Carefulness
D. All of the above
10. In APA format what will you do if a work cited has six or
more authors?
a) Verzo, Vidal et al (2020) concluded that attitude towards
English shows high significant relationship in the level of
communicative competence of the learners.
b) Verzo et al. (2020) concluded that attitude towards English
shows high significant relationship in the level of
communicative competence of the learners.
c) Verzo, Vidal, Agustos, Andrade et al (2020) concluded that
attitude towards English shows high significant relationship
in the level of communicative competence of the learners.
d) Verzo et al. concluded that attitude towards English shows
high significant relationship in the level of communicative
competence of the learners.

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