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Research 2
Nature of
Inquiry and
The lesson is divided into three, namely:

 Lesson 1 – Characteristics, Strengths

and Weaknesses, and Kinds of Quantitative

 Lesson 2 – Importance of Quantitative

Research Across Fields

 Lesson 3 – Kinds of Variables and Uses

At the end of this module, you are
expected to:
1. describe characteristics, strength
and weaknesses, and kinds of
quantitative research;
2. illustrate the importance of
quantitative research across fields; and
3. differentiate kinds of variables and
their uses.
1.Which of the following best defines quantitative

a. It is an explanation associated with libraries, books,

and journals.
b. It is a systematic process obtaining numerical
information about the world.
c. It is an activity concerned with finding new truth in
d. It is an activity of producing or proving a theorem
2. It uses numbers in stating a
generalization about a given problem or

a. Quantitative research
b. Applied research
c. Qualitative research
d. Basic research
3. People inclined to do quantitative
research wants to discover the truth in
a. an exact manner
b. a careful way
c. an indirect way
d. a personal way
3. People inclined to do quantitative
research wants to discover the truth in
a. an exact manner
b. a careful way
c. an indirect way
d. a personal way
4. One of these is NOT a strength of
quantitative research.

a. Real and unbiased

b. Analyzed in a quick and easy way
c. Requires a large number of respondents
d. Replicability
5. In the acronym SMART, what
does R stands for?
a. Reliability
b. Reasonability
c. Realistic
d. Rigor
Lesson 1
Kinds of Quantitative Research,
Characteristics, Strength and
Direction: Put a check (/) if the statement
describes qualitative research.

______1. It uses smaller pools of participants.

______ 2. It relies more on the researcher’s interpretation.
______ 3. It uses statistical analysis to prove or disprove a particular hypothesis
based on theory or previous studies.
______ 4. It could test the relationship between the scores on an intelligence test and
scores on a personality test.
______ 5. It observes the effects of using a treat as a reward to teach a dog to sit on
(REVIEW) Direction: Put a check (/) if the
statement describes qualitative research.
______1. It uses smaller pools of participants.
______ 2. It relies more on the researcher’s interpretation.
______ 3. It uses statistical analysis to prove or disprove a
particular hypothesis based on theory or previous
______ 4. It could test the relationship between the scores on an
intelligence test and scores on a personality test.
______ 5. It observes the effects of using a treat as a reward to
teach a dog to sit on command.
Read and analyze these two statements.
Which of these two sets of statements is more
precise and easier to understand?

Set A – 85% of the examinees passed the

National Achievement Test.

Set B – A big number of examinees passed

the National Achievement Test.
Read and analyze these two statements.
Which of these two sets of statements is more
precise and easier to understand?

Set A –Thirty pages of the book contain

ungrammatical sentences.

Set B –Several pages of the book contain

ungrammatical sentences.
Quantitative Research
Quantitative research makes you focus
your mind on specific things using
statistics that involve the collection and
study of numerical data. (Baraceros,2017).
Quantitative Research
involves the utilization and analysis of numerical
data using specific statistical techniques to
answer questions like who, how much, what,
where, when, how many, and how.
Quantitative Research
Quantitative research is described as
objective research in contrast to
qualitative research that is quite
Characteristics of Quantitative Research
1. Objective – accurate, data are gathered
2. Clearly defined research questions - research
questions are well-defined
3. Structured research instruments -
Standardized instruments guide data collection,
4. Numerical data - Figures, tables, or graphs
showcase summarized data collection
Characteristics of Quantitative Research
5. Large sample sizes - avoid the
researcher’s bias in interpreting results
6. Replication - Quantitative methods can
be repeated to verify findings in another
7. Future outcomes - emphasizes proof,
rather than discovery.
Strengths and Weaknesses of
Quantitative Research
ADVANTAGES of Quantitative Research
1. It is objective.
2. The use of statistical techniques to comprehend a
huge amount of vital characteristics of data.
3. It is real and unbiased.
4. The numerical data can be analyzed quickly and
5. Quantitative studies are replicable.
6. Quantitative experiments are useful for testing
the results
DISADVANTAGES of Quantitative Research
1. Requires a large number of respondents.
2. It is costly.
3. The information is contextual factors to help
interpret the results or to explain variations are
usually ignored.
4. Much information is difficult to gather using
structured research instruments
5. If not done seriously and correctly, data from
questionnaires may be incomplete and
ACTIVITY 1: Put a check (/) if it describes the characteristics of
Quantitative research.
_______1. It tends to be associated with small-scale studies and a
holistic perspective, often studying a single occurrence or a small
number of occurrences/case studies in great depth.
_______ 2. It tends to be associated with emergent research design,
using a wide range of approaches
_______ 3. The data is usually gathered using structured research
_______ 4. Data are in the form of numbers and statistics, often
arranged in tables, charts, figures, or other non-textual forms.
_______ 5. The results are based on larger sample sizes that are
representative of the population.
Activity 1.
Put a check (/) if it describes the characteristics of Quantitative
_______6. It is not based upon numerical measurements and
does not use numbers and statistical methods as key research
indicators and tools.
_______ 7. Researchers face problems to control the environment
where the respondents provide answers to the questions in the
_______ 8. Data is observed in the form of words, pictures, or
_______ 9. All aspects of the study are carefully designed before
data is collected.
_______ 10. The research study can usually be replicated or
repeated, given its high reliability and generalizability.

_______1. It tends to be associated with small-scale studies and a

holistic perspective, often studying a single occurrence or a small
number of occurrences/case studies in great depth.
_______ 2. It tends to be associated with emergent research design,
using a wide range of approaches
_______ 3. The data is usually gathered using structured research
_______ 4. Data are in the form of numbers and statistics, often
arranged in tables, charts, figures, or other non-textual forms.
_______ 5. The results are based on larger sample sizes that are
representative of the population.
Activity 1.

_______6. It is not based upon numerical measurements and

does not use numbers and statistical methods as key research
indicators and tools.
_______ 7. Researchers face problems to control the environment
where the respondents provide answers to the questions in the
_______ 8. Data is observed in the form of words, pictures, or
_______ 9. All aspects of the study are carefully designed before
data is collected.
_______ 10. The research study can usually be replicated or
repeated, given its high reliability and generalizability.
Activity 2. Concept Elaboration
Direction: Read each statement carefully and fill in the
blank(s) with the correct answer found inside the box below


Direction: Read each statement carefully and fill in the
blank(s) with the correct answer found inside the box
1. _______________ uses numbers in stating
generalization about a given problem or inquiry.
2. Quantitative research involves looking at
______________ data.
3. Close ended _______________ can be conducted in
quantitative research.
4. Quantitative research is described as _______________
research in contrast to qualitative research that is
5. Only ______________ quantitative data are being
gathered and analyzed.
6. ___________________ describes the characteristics of
research were data are in a form of statistics.
7. ___________________ refers to its necessity to arrive at
more reliable data analysis.
8. The process of _____________ is central to quantitative
research because it provides the fundamental
connection between __________________ and
mathematical expressions of quantitative relationships.
9. ___________________ described a research when all
aspects of the study are carefully designed before data
are gathered.
10. The main activity for which quantitative research is
especially suited is the testing of ________________.
1. _______________ uses
numbers in stating
generalization about a
given problem or
2. Quantitative
research involves
looking at
______________ data.
3. Close ended
_______________ can be
conducted in
quantitative research.
4. Quantitative research
is described as
_______________ research
in contrast to qualitative
research that is
5. Only
quantitative data are
being gathered and
6. ___________________
describes the
characteristics of
research were data are
in a form of statistics.
refers to its necessity
to arrive at more
reliable data
8. The process of _____________ is
central to quantitative research
because it provides the fundamental
connection between
__________________ and
mathematical expressions of
quantitative relationships.
9. ___________________
described a research when all
aspects of the study are
carefully designed before data
are gathered.
10. The main activity for
which quantitative
research is especially
suited is the testing of
Activity 2 ANSWER
1.Quantitative research
6.numerical data
7.large sample size
8.measurement/empirical observation
9.Clearly defined research questions
Activity 3. Concept determination
Direction: Read the statement carefully. Determine if the given statement
is a strength or weakness of quantitative research.

1. It is assumed that the larger the sample is, the more

statistically accurate the findings are.
2. It is costly.
3. It is real and unbiased.
4. The most reliable and valid way of concluding results,
giving way to a new hypothesis or disproving it.
5. It does not consider the distinct capacity of the
respondents to share and elaborate on further
information, unlike qualitative research.
Direction: Read the statement carefully. Determine if the given statement
is a strength or weakness of quantitative research.

6. Since there are more respondents compared to qualitative

research, the expenses will be greater in reaching out to
these people and in reproducing questionnaires.
7. Researchers must be on the look-out on respondents who are
just guessing in answering the instrument.
8. If not done seriously and correctly, data from questionnaires
may be incomplete and inaccurate.
9. Quantitative experiments are useful for testing the results
gained by a series of qualitative experiments, leading to a
final answer, and narrowing down of possible directions
to follow.
10. Standardized approaches allow the study to be replicated
1. weakness
2. weakness
3. strength
4. strength
5. weakness
6. weakness
7. weakness
8. strength
9. strength
10. strength

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