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 Capacity of mental, physical, emotional and social

What is your ambition in life?
What drives you to
achieve your goals in life?
Drive and ambition
needed to achieve
1. Qualities exemplified by a leader
2. Process of social influence in which
one person can enlist the aid and
support of others in the
accomplishment of a common task
 Vision
 Wit
 Passion
 Compassion
 Charisma
 Communication skills
 Persistence
 Integrity
 Daring
 Discipline
 Character
 Charisma
 Commitment
 Communication
 Competence
 Courage
 Bass (1990)
 Occurs when leaders broaden and elevate the
interests of their employees
 Have clear collective vision, manage communicate it
 Inspiring employees
 Recognition of employees’ needs
 Corrective action and mutual exchanges and
rewards only when performance expectations are
 coerced
Is articulate in creating compelling
vision of the future.
Uses stories and symbols to
communicate his/her vision and
Specifies the importance of having a
strong sense of purpose and a
collective mission
 Talks optimistically and enthusiastically
and expresses confidence that goals will
be achieved
 Engenders the trust and respect of
his/her followers by doing the right thing
rather than simply doing things right
 Instills pride in employees
 Talks most about important values and
 Considers the moral and ethical
consequences of decisions
 Seeks different perspectives when solving
 Encourages employees to challenge old
assumptions and to think about problems
in new ways
 Spends time teaching and coaching
 Considers each individual employee’s
different needs, abilities, and aspirations
 Is compassionate, appreciative, and
responsive to each employee and recognizes
and celebrates each employee’s
1. Charisma
2. Inspirational motivation
3. Intellectual stimulation
4. Individualized consideration
a. Transformation of values
 From power as dominion to power as
 From war and conflict to peace
 From efficiency consideration to equality and
equity ( balance between genders)
 From growth to sustainability
 From “winner-take-all” norm to sharing and
b. Transformation of processes
From hierarchical to participatory
From corrupt to clean
From secretive to transparent
From burdensome to empowering
C. Transformation of Institutions
 From bureaucratic to egalitarian, responsive,
and accountable

1. People are taking more responsibility for

their own decisions
2. Leaders concentrate on strategy to help
people respond to the changing world
 Task Functions
 Team Functions
 Individual Functions
 Defining the tasks – involves others
 Making the plan – involves others
 Allocating the tasks – involves others rather than the
leader giving out tasks
 Controlling the tasks – uses peer pressure and self-
management within the transformational approach
 Adjusting the plan – with group
 Setting the standards – involves the group
 Enforcing discipline
 Promoting team spirit
 Encouraging and motivating
 Developing sub-leaders
 Communicating with the group - has to be open and
 Training – lifelong learning process everyone needs
to undergo
 Attending to personal problems
 Praising individuals, enhancing
 Giving status pride
 Using abilities of the people
within the organization –
training as a continuing process
 Involving individuals in decision-
making processes
 Develop a pool of  Provide knowledge and
leaders skills
 Find people with basic  Build leaders’ personal
leadership qualities capacities
 Widen the “catchment  Recognize this as a
area” lifelong process
 Assure a democratic  Support active leaders

process continuously and not to

place them in positions
and leave them there
1. A leader should be energetic,
sypathetic,friendly,and understanding to
ensure the enthusiastic cooperation
2. He/She should have confidence in
knowing and doing his/her job to gain the
confidence of followers.
3. 3.He/She should be example to followers.
1. Be proactive.
 Proactive means being able to take responsibility for
your life.
2. Begin with the end in mind.
 Know where you want to go.
3. Put first things first.
 Practice self-management.
4. Think win-win.
 Look at life as a cooperative arena, not a competitive
5. Seek first to understand, then to be understood.
 As the saying goes, “The best way to understand is
to listen.”

6. Synergize.
 The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

7. Sharpen the saw.

 What you have learned a couple of years back will
have become oudated.
 is the process of working collaboratively with a
group of people in order to achieve a goal.
Time Management
 is the art of arranging, organizing, scheduling, and
budgeting one’s time for the purpose of generating
more effective work and productivity.
 is a process that involves selecting the most logical
choice from among two or more options.
1. Identification of alternative solution.

2. Evaluation of possible options to determine which

one meets the decision objectives.

3. Selection of the best option after an in-depth

1. Consensus or agreement involves compromising
various possibilities after all option have been
2. Majority voting is considered the most effective
way to make a decision.
3. The minority is not consciously organized, but a few
powerful personalities dominate the group, often
unconsciously .
4. The silent consensus of some groups leads to
unanimous decision.
5. The clique is a small group whose members plan
beforehand to get their way in decision-making.
6. The handclasp happens when one person makes a
suggestion and another commends it.
7. The one-person decision is quickly made, but later
when the decider needs free or voluntary support
from others to implement the decision, he/she
might find trouble getting it.
8. The plop occurs when a group makes a decision by
not making a decision at all.
1. Fear of consequences brings division and
2. Conflicting loyalties in one person as a member of
different groups frequently leads to divided loyalties
about decisions.
3. Interpersonal conflicts and personal differences evoke
various feelings among members, which interfere
with sound decision-making.
4. Hidden agenda or secret motive can hinder decision-
making for reasons a member does not share with the
5. Blundering methods include using rigid procedure
that leaves little room for expressing views,
substituting personal opinions for adequate
information, and disregarding proper consultation
or consensus.
6. Inadequate leadership restricts the expression of
opinions and discussion on issues.
7. Clash of interest occurs when different groups or
individuals within an organization have opposing

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