Reading 3 - Inisiasi 1

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Reading 3/ BING4206
• the process of reading only main ideas within a passage to get an overall
impression of the content of a reading selection

• How to do it:
1. Read the title.
2. Read the introduction or the first paragraph.
3. Read the first sentence of every other paragraph.
4. Read any headings and sub-headings.
5. Notice any pictures, charts, or graphs.
6. Notice any italicized or boldface words or phrases.
7. Read the summary or last paragraph.
Practice 1
• Read the text in the next slide and apply the skimming

• What is the passage mainly about?

The Pacific Garbage Patch
Did you know that water currents in the northern Pacific Ocean capture a huge
amount of garbage? Plastic and other types of man-made waste float on the surface
and circulate below the water. It is difficult to measure how much trash is in the ocean
because a lot of the trash has broken down into tiny pieces. As a result, this polluted
region is more like “trash soup” than a solid “island of trash” that is easy to see. Some
reports estimate that this area, known as the Pacific Garbage Patch, covers 700,000
square kilometers (270,000 square miles), while others say the area is as big as
15,000,000 square kilometers (5,800,000 square miles).

The Pacific Garbage Patch causes many environmental concerns. The small pieces
of plastic in the patch are called “microplastic”; they are hard to collect and clean up.
Microplastic that escapes the garbage patch washes up on shores. In the United
States, plastic pollution from the patch is a big problem in coastal Alaska. Also, fish and
other creatures, like sea turtles and birds, think microplastic is food. Eating microplastic
can harm animals; it can choke them, poison them, and affect their ability to reproduce.
People also consume fish that have eaten microplastic, exposing them to harmful
chemicals found in some plastic products.
• What is the text mainly about?

• If you answer the Pacific garbage causes some problems.

Then you are right.

• You can read the title, the first sentence of the first and
second paragraph and skim the rest.

• How long did you take to find the answer?

• Skim the text on the next slide and answer the following

1.What is the suitable title for the text?

2.What is the main idea of the text?
For most of human history, people thought that the Earth was the
center of the universe. Nicolaus Copernicus changed how people
understood the universe when he theorized that it was heliocentric, or
sun-centered. Interestingly, Copernicus had most of this theory
worked out some time before 1514, and his work was fully articulated
by 1532, yet publication of this text was not completed until 1543 as
he lay dying. Some scholars believe that Copernicus delayed
publishing this work because it contradicted the Catholic Church’s
view that the Earth was at the center of the universe. Copernicus’s
may have been smart in doing so because the Church did not formally
accept his view of the universe until 1822, almost 300 years later.
• The suitable title: Master of the Universe: Looking at
the World the Right Way

• The main idea: Copernicus figured out that the

Earth revolved around the sun but was too scared to
talk about it.

• How long did it take you to answer the questions?

Good luck!
Don’t forget to read your BMP
and open the OER

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