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PENGENALAN introduction
-etika adlh satu unsur penting dlm kehidupn ethics is
an important element in life
-jadi g/pand kpd t/laku as a guide line to behaviour –
action, decision
-kait dgn aspek moral, baik buruk, betul salah related
to aspects of morality, right or wrong, good or bad
-etika jadi sempdn penentu, yg sinonim dengan
konsep moral ethics as boundary which decides
between accepted or unaccepted behaviours, as the
-setiap hari kita diajukan dgn persoalan2:
Eveyday we are thrown by questions of:
- Adakah wajar? Is it proper?
-setiap indv., kelompok masy. ada tafsiran
sendiri, sama ada wajar atau tidak (aspek
moral) each indiv., group of indiv., has its own
meaning of whether the actions, decisions are
proper or not
-bgmnpun dari segi tindakannya mungkin
keputusannya sebalik itu (undang2)however,
from perspective of law, the meaning may differ
……(bincang)…… (discuss)
Definisi Konsep Conceptual Definitions
Etika Ethics
-istilah etika berasal dari bahasa Greek `ethos’ yg diterjemah ke
dlm bhs Inggeris `ethics’ membawa maksud karektor atau watak
(the Encyclopedia Americana –the term `ethics’ is from Greek
term `ethos’, which translated in English `ethics’ –means
-ia menjadi satu teori b’kait dgn suatu tindakan dan tujuan yg
m’bawa makna kpd tindakan tsb it becomes a theory related to
intention which drives the actions
-ada yg m’anggapnya sbg satu falsafah nilai atau disiplin ilmu yg
m’kaji ttg moral, prinsip moral kaedah moral, dan t/laku manusia
yg betul (M.Uthman El-Muhammady) some people think ethics
as a philosophy of value or a knowledge which studies morality,
principle of morality, and a right human behaviours
-Kamus Besar Indonesia m’bhgikan pengertian etika
kpd 3 iaitu: Indonesian General Dictionary divides the
meaning of ethics into 3:
i) b’kenaan apa yg baik atau buruk ttg hak dan
kewajipan moral (akhlak) about good or bad in
relations to morality (behaviour)
ii) Sbg asas atau nilai yg b’kait dgn nilai moral, spt kod
etika as a basis or a value in relations to moral
values, such as code of ethics
iii) Sbg nilai ttg benar dan salah yg dianuti oleh sesuatu
golongan atau komuniti (pegangan) as a value on
what is right or wrong about something that is
practiced by a group or a community (beliefs)
-dari segi falsafahnya, M.Nasir Omar (1986) dan
K.Bartens (2003) menyimpulkan etika kpd 3
bahagian: philosophically, M.Nasir Omar (1986)
and K.Bartens (2003) divide ethics into 3 groups
i) Etika deskriptif – yg m’kaji ttg sejarah sistem
moral bg individu atau masy descriptive
ethics –studies about history of moral system
of indv. or society
ii) Etika normatif (preskriptif) – yg b’kait dgn
norma2 atau standard yg ditentukan
normative ethics (prescriptive) –about norms
or standards accepted by group of indv or
iii) Etika metaetika (melebihi) – melihat sesuatu
dari satu aspek yg lebih luas sebagai ukuran
beretika metaethical ethics (exeggerated) –
studies something from broader aspect as
accepted standard of behaviours
Moral Morality
-istilah moral b’asal dr bhs Latin `mores’ yg membawa
maksud kebiasaan atau adat the term `moral’ is from
Latin term `mores’ which means customs and traditions
-ia sbg cara atau kaedah utk melihat dan menyoal pbgai
isu b’kait dgn sesuatu perbuatan atau t/laku it is about
method or approach to see to question on various
issues related to behaviours (actions, decisions)
-ia menjurus kpd istilah morality yg membawa maksud
adat, kebiasaan, kelakuan, gaya atau sikap yg menjadi
satu tanggapan umum bg sesuatu masy ttg sesuatu
t/laku manusia sama ada baik atau buruk related to the
term morality which means public acceptence of
customs, traditions, behaviours, styles, or attitudes
which represent a group or a society
Kaitan Moral dan Etika Relations of Moral and Ethics
- Etika adalah merujuk kpd tindakan yg praktis ethics
refers to a practical action
Cth. Apakah tindakan yg paling wajar? E.g. is an action
proper or not?
-dlm mana2 budaya pun, tindakan ukuran etika tetap
sama in any culture, ethics is measured at the same
Cth. Budaya korupsi dlm perkh awam di Malaysia,
Indonesia atau Barat ukurannya tetap sama e.g.
corruption in public services is unacceptable in any
culture, anywhere in the world
-Moral pula bincang aspek2 dr skop moraliti yg
berkait dgn agama dan juga undang2 whereas
moral discusses aspects in scope of morality
which related to religions and law
-jadi, moral akan berbeza mengikut budaya dan
masy. So, moral may differ according to culture
and society
e.g. hidup b’sekedudukan dlm Islam tidak sama
dgn moral dlm masy barat e.g. unmarried couple
living together viewed differently in Islam and
other religions
e.g. ada undang2 yg benarkan p’gguguran bayi,
Islam tidak benarkan, dan etika melihat sbg
tidak bermoral
e.g. issue on abortion –forbidden in Islam, some
laws allowed, and ethically it is immoral
Nilai Values
-nilai merujuk kpd sesuatu yg bernilai atau
penting bg sesuatu pihak values refer to
something invalueable or important to anyone
-sesuatu pihak adalah merujuk kpd indv atau
masy atau organssi Anyone refers to indv or
group of indv or society or organization
-satu skop yg pentingkan nilai adalah visi
seseorang, masy atau orgnssi a scope where
values is important is mission of someone or
society or organization
i.e. di mana setiap visi mesti selari dgn nilai2
teras (core values) spt integriti,
profesionalisme, prihatin, kerja kumpulan,
kesepaduan etc.
i.e. visions must in line with core values such as
integrity, professionalism, caring, group work,
cohesiveness etc.
Budaya Culture
-budaya adalah merujuk kpd satu penerimaan sesuatu
pihak (indv atau masy) culture refers to an acceptence
of individual or society towards something
-ia melambangkan pengalaman2 ttu indv atau masy tttu
it symbolizes experiences of indv or the society
-budaya biasaya ditunjukkn melalui simbol2 spt amalan,
percakapan, bahasa, pakaian dsb.
Culture displayed via symbols such as practices,
language, conversation, attires etc.
-budaya akan memandu t/laku seseorang indv
atau masy mengikut standard penerimaan
Culture will guide behaviours of indv or society
according to the standard of acceptence
Integriti integrity
-satu konsep yg dikaitkan dgn istilah teguh atau
kuat dalam apa-apa tindakan, prinsip, kaedah,
jangkaan atau hasil (keputusan) integrity is a
concept related to the term of `firm’ or `strong’
in whatever action, principle, approach,
expectation or outcome (result) taken
-teguh atau kuat adalah merujuk kepada
keadaan yang `tidak mudah dipengaruhi’ firm or
strong referred to circumstances where one is
not easily `influenced by’ anything offered to
-dalam konteks tindakan beretika, integriti
adalah merujuk kepada tindakan2 yang benar,
jujur dan tepat (atau bersih, cekap, amanah)
Within the context of ethics, integrity is referred
to all good, sincere, and accurate (efficient)
Cth. (Bincang) amalan rasuah dalam pekerjaan..
e.g. (discuss) corruption in at workplace
Development of Ethics in Administration

-gerakan b’kait etika dikatakn b’laku b’samaan dgn

gerakan pemulihan dlm pentad pada era 1990an w/pun
konsep etika telah dikaji lebih awal dr itu development
of ethics came about the same time of the global effort
on administration reforms during 1990s, although the
concept had been studied much earlier
-ini ekoran kejadian2 tidak beretika yang semakin
serius, nilai2 dlm sektor awam semakin merosot this
was due to increasing cases of unethical practices and
decreasing of good values in public sector
-jadi, muncul gerakan dinamakan pembaharuan
pentad awam (administrative reforms)
So, a movement known as public administration
reforms come into existence
-hingga muncul pent awam bentuk baru yg
mengubahnya dr bentuk tradisional kpd New
Public Management
Which transformed the traditional public
administration into new public management
-juga muncul bbgai sistem, struktur dan
program2 pembaharuan spt j/kuasa2, whistle
blowing, kod etika, kod amalan dsb.
And some new systems, structures, programs
were introduced to promote ethics in civil
e.g. Committees, whistle blowing, code of
ethics, code of practice etc.

-perkhid awam mrpkn satu institusi yg penting Civil

service is an important institution
-ia m’jadi jentera yg b/tjwb merealisasikan dasar,
aspirasi dan peraturan2 kerajaan utk capai
kesejahteraan rakyat Is a machinery which
implementing policies, aspirations and regulations of
the government
-kerajaan mp’untuk bbgai sumber kpd perkh awam utk
laksana t/jwb Government allocates public resources
to the civil service to carry out responsibilities
-rakyat pula m’harap perkhid yg baik dan
berkualiti the public expect good quality and
efficient services from the government
-ini hanya dpt dicapai dgn amalan bersih, cekap
dan amanah k/tgn awam this can only be
fulfilled by highly committed and integrity public
-tanpa integriti ini, kredibiliti peg2 awam akan
dipersoal without these traits, credibility of
public officials will be questioned
-peg2 awam juga perlu memiliki tahap keunggulan
peribadi (profesionalisme) yg tinggi, yg didokong oleh
keupayaan peribadi (professional competency)
supaya dapat melahirkan perkhid awam yg
All public officials must have highly professionalism and
professional competency to make up excellent civil
service in the country
-kedua2 elemen ini perlu berlaku serentak those two
traits must come simultanously
-kekurangn mana2 satu akan merosakkn etika pegawai2
awam the lack of anyone will decay the ethics of public
Cth. Berlaku amalan korupsi, nepotisme, penyelwengan,
penipuan, diskriminasi dilakukan oleh peg2 kelulusan
tinggi e.g. malpractices such as corruption, nepotism,
fraud, discrimination etc.
-kerajaan Malaysia telah m’perkenal Etika Kerja dalam
Perkhidmatan Awam khusus untuk fokus kpd perkara
etika ini the Malaysian Government introduced some
initiatives to ethics in Civil Service to specifically focuses
on ethics
Menurut Ahmad Sarji Abdul Hamid, bekas Ketua
Setiausaha Negara: Malaysian Chief Secretary of State,
Ahmad Sarji Abdul Hamid:
`etika kerja merupakan unsur yg sangat penting utk
dittk/beratkan kerana setiap k/tgn kjaan perlu
memiliki dan mjjukkan t/laku yg sempurna spt yg
dikehendakki oleh masy. Selain itu, mereka juga perlu
b’pegang teguh kpd sikap dan nilai yg positif spe
btjwb, b’disiplin, b’integriti, jujur, b’sopan dan
sebagainya’ `work ethics is prime important to be
observed by all public officials, for that will create
excellent civil service with full commitment and high

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