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Work order and Standard Operating
 is a set of step - -by step instructions compiled by an
organization to help workers carry out complex routine
 SOPs aim to achieve efficiency, quality output and
uniformity of performance, while reducing
miscommunication and failure to comply with industry
 It is a detailed written instruction to achieve uniformity
of the performance of a specific function.
 Work Order- it is an authorization of maintenance,
repair or operations work to be completed. It can
manually or automatically generate through a
request. -is-a-work-order/

* Work Instructions – these are the process flows

which give guidance on and can be more detailed.
 Service Manual.
It is a handbook that serves as a guide which contains
instructions and specifications for the maintenance
and repair of a specific material or equipment
 Operations Manual
It is the documentation by which an organization
provides guidance for members and employees to
perform their functions correctly and reasonably
 Hardware
It is the documentation on how to
create, assemble and put things together based on the
approved standard procedures in performing operations
safely to produce goods and provide services.
 Software
It also provides necessary information for installing,
maintaining and repairing computer systems and
network following the approved standard
Quality Certification is a general term that is used for two
main things: certifying the knowledge of individuals and
certifying a company's system of quality management.
Type approval or certificate of conformity is granted to a
product that meets a minimum set of regulatory, technical
and safety requirements. Generally, type approval is
required before a product is allowed to be sold in a
particular country, so the requirements for a given product
will vary around the world.
 Quality Standards – these are defined as documents
that provide requirements, specifications, guidelines, or
characteristics that can be used consistently to ensure
that materials, products, processes, and services are fit
for their purpose.
 Standards provide organizations with the shared vision,
understanding, procedures, and vocabulary needed to
meet the expectations of their stakeholders and the
customers as well.
Organizations turn to standards for guidelines,
definitions, and procedures that
help them achieve objectives such as:
• Satisfying their customers’ quality requirements
• Ensuring their products and services are safe
• Complying with regulations
• Meeting environmental objectives
• Protecting products against climatic or other adverse
• Ensuring that internal processes are defined and
ISO 9000 is defined as the international standard that specifies
requirements for a quality management system (QMS). Organizations
use the standard to demonstrate the ability to consistently provide
products and services that meet customer and regulatory requirements.
It helps organizations ensure their customers consistently receive high
quality products and services, which in turn brings many benefits,
including satisfied customers, management, and employees.
 ISO 14000 The standards seek to provide cost-effective tools that make
of best practices for organizing and applying information about
environmental management.
 ISO 26000 is defined as the international standard developed to help
organizations effectively assess and address social responsibilities that
are relevant and significant to their mission and vision; operations and
processes; customers, employees, communities, and other
stakeholders; and environmental impact.
 PS and ICC Marks
The Philippine Standard (PS) Quality and/or Safety Mark and Import
Commodity Clearance (ICC) Sticker serve as the consumers’ guide and
assurance that what they purchase are certified quality and safety
products conforming to the relevant Philippine National Standards
(PNS). Products covered by the Bureau of Philippine Standards (BPS)
Mandatory Product Certification Schemes, whether locally
manufactured or imported, are required to bear the PS mark or ICC
sticker before being distributed in the Philippine Market.
 Quality Control (QC)
It is a process by which entities review the quality of all factors
involved in production. ISO 9000 defines quality control as "A part of
quality management focused on fulfilling quality requirements". A
system of maintaining standards in manufactured products by testing
a sample of the output against the specification.
 Standards are sets of rules that outline specification
of dimensions, design of operation, materials and
performance, or describe quality of materials,
products or systems. These standards should cover
the performance expectations of the product for
particular applications. The intent of standards is to
provide at least minimum quality, safety or
performance specifications so as to ensure relatively
uniform products and performance, and to remove
ambiguity as to the suitability of certain commercial
products for particular applications. Following
standards may reduce the risk of error in working.
 Specific quality standards for:
 A. FAILURE TESTING A valuable process to perform on a whole
consumer product is failure testing, the operation of a product
until it fails, often under stresses such as increasing vibration,
temperature and humidity. This exposes many unanticipated
weaknesses in a product, and the data is used to drive
engineering and manufacturing process improvements.
 B. STATISTICAL CONTROL Many organizations use statistical
process control to bring the organization to Six Sigma levels of
quality, in other words, so that the likelihood of an unexpected
failure is confined to six standard deviations on the normal
distribution. Traditional statistical process controls in
manufacturing operations usually proceed by randomly sampling
and testing a fraction of the output. Variances of critical
tolerances are continuously tracked, and manufacturing
processes are corrected before bad parts can be produced.
The company-wide quality approach places an emphasis
on three aspects:
1. Elements such as controls, job management,
adequate processes, performance and integrity criteria
and identification of records
2. Competence such as knowledge, skills, experience
and qualifications
3. Soft elements, such as personnel integrity,
confidence, organizational culture, motivation, team
spirit and quality relationships. The quality of the
outputs is at risk if any of these three aspects are
deficient in any way.
 3. Final Product
Table 1.2.1 shows the Quality System Elements required by ISO
9000 in the making of the final product.

 4. Customer Service
According to Turban et al, 2002, “Customer service
is a series of activities designed to enhance the level of
customer’s satisfaction – that is, the feeling that a product
or service has met the customer’s expectation”. Its
importance varies by product, industry and customer.
 Quality Assurance VS. Quality Control
It is a process oriented when creating products so that defects will not arise
during the development or production. This stage is focuses on defect prevention.
It can be performed by a manager, client, or even a third-party reviewer using the
process checklists, project audits and methodology and standards.
Quality Control (QC)
It is product oriented wherein they identify defects after the products
developed and before it release to the market. This stage focuses on defect
identification. It also is used to verify that deliverables are of acceptable quality
that adheres to the standard requirements. Examples of quality control activities
include inspection, deliverable peer reviews and the testing process.
The following are forms used by the students in identifying and isolating
errors in Tools, Materials and Equipment inside the Computer Laboratory.
1. Inventory Form – a printed report by the students after the process of
identifying functional and non functional tools, materials and equipment
inside the laboratory.
 2. Requisition Slip Form - a written or printed request of something
that is needed.
 3. Incident Report Form – it is a form used in order to record details
of an unusual event that occurs in person, places or things.
A. Direction: With the supervision of the parents, the students will assess the
available materials, tools, equipment, components parts and appliances at
home if
it has certification/marks of quality standards. Give at least five items that have
marks of quality standards.
B. Direction: Read and Study available forms and documents of the materials,
equipment, components parts and appliances at home.
1. Service Manual
2. Manufacturer’s Manual
3. Work Order (if any…)
4. Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) (if any…)
 Direction: Choose the BEST answer from the given choices.ACT6
1. What will you do first when you see damage/errors in the components of the
computer you purchase upon bring it home?
A. Ask for the replacement of the damage components and check the quality of it
B. Isolate the components from the other components in the package
C. Repair the damage components of the computer you purchase
D. Report the damage components immediately to person concern and check the
quality performance of all other components
2. To ensure the functionality and performance of the product you purchased, you
must check the ___________ of it.
A. Brand C. Quality Standard
B. Lifespan D. Standard Design
3. Which of the following forms are you going to use when unexpected situation in
the laboratory happened during performance activity?
A. Financial Report C. Inventory Form
B. Incident Report D. Requisition Slip Form
4. It is a form used when requesting for materials, tools and equipment needed for
the task to be performed?
A. Financial Report C. Inventory Form
B. Incident Report D. Requisition Slip Form
5. It is a form used to check the functionality of tools, materials and equipment
before and after the activity?
A. Financial Report C. Inventory Form
B. Incident Report D. Requisition Slip Form
Direction: Arrange the scrambled letters to find the
words related to products. ACT7
and or services.
1. This document ensures that products and services
are fit for their purpose.
3. It is an authorization document presented before
performing the task.
KROW ORRED _____________________
4. It serves as the consumers’ guide and assurance that
the products are safe
to use.
TRECIFITIONSCA _____________________
5. It is a handbook that serves as a guide which
contains instructions and
specifications for the maintenance and repair
LUANAMVICESER _________________
 Direction: Read and study the situation/problem then, find an immediate
action by using the suitable forms and or documents needed. ACT8
Situation 1
1. New computers were delivered in Computer Laboratory. The teacher
asks your help in checking and inspecting the components of it. During
the inspection process, you have noticed that one of the components has
Action to Problems/Task
1. What will you do?

2. What form is you going to prepare and why?

 Situation 2
1. You were asked by the teacher to open and test the old computer
system while she does the same things to other computer system. While
the testing procedure is conducted, you smell like a burning wire or
component inside then suddenly the computer system automatically shut
down and start burning.
Action to Problems/Task
1. What will you do?
2. What form are you going to prepare for that case happened and why
you should
use that form?
 References:
and-iccmarks Wikipedia computer dictionary
y_Control #
Specifications of
Materials and
Wire & Cable
 Wires covered with a thin layer of copper. Solid copper are made of copper,
aluminum, or aluminum wires are the best conductors of electricity and are
the most widely used. Aluminum and copper-covered naluminum wires
require special installation techniques.
 A group of two or more wires enclosed in a metal, rubber, or plastic sheath is
called a cable (see photo, opposite page). The sheath protects the wires
from damage. Conduit also protects wires, but it is not considered a cable.
 Individual wires are covered with rubber or plastic vinyl insulation. An
exception is a bare copper grounding wire, which does not need an
insulation cover. The insulation is color coded (see chart, below
left) to identify the wire as a hot wire, a neutral wire, or a grounding wire.
New cable sheathing is also color coded to indicate the size of the wires
inside. White means #14 wire, yellow means #12 wire, and
red means #10 wire.
 In most wiring systems installed after 1965, the wires and cables
are insulated with plastic vinyl. This type of insulation is very
durable and can last as long as the house itself.
 Before 1965, wires and cables were insulated with rubber. Rubber
insulation has a life expectancy of about 25 years. Old insulation
that is cracked or damaged can be reinforced temporarily by
wrapping the wire with plastic electrical tape. However, old wiring
with cracked or damaged insulation should be inspected by a
qualified electrician to make sure it is safe. Wires must be large
enough for the amperage rating of the circuit (see chart, below
 A wire that is too small can become dangerously hot. Wire
sizes are categorized according to the American Wire Gauge
(AWG) system. To check the size of a wire, use the wire stripper
openings of a combination tool (see page 30) as a guide.
Electrical Tape
 Electrical tape is a pressure
sensitive tape used to insulate
materials that conduct
electricity, specifically electrical
wires. It stops the electrical
current from accidentally
passing to other wires, which
could create a short or even
start an electrical fire.
Activity: Extension Wire

 References : The Complete Guide to Electrical Wiring

By: Angky Tri Aditya

 LED’s
 Resistors
 Capacitors
 Integrated Circuits
 Diodes
 Transistors



What size of resistor needed?


 Which Power Rating should the LED be?

 How Long with the Battery Power the Circuit?

Instruction: In series and parallel circuit calculate the following:
Total Capacitance
 Total Charge
 Individual Charge
 Total Energy
 Individual Energy
 Individual Voltage
 Total Voltage

 Note: Show your solution

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