(Fish Capture) Hand Instrument and Its Variation

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Hand Instruments and its

Variations, Operation,
Analysis, Environmental and

At the end of this topic student should be able to:

1.Identify the kinds of hands instruments in every
fishing gear and its meaning.
2.Know the simple operations, variations and
analysis of common fishing gear.
3.Familiarize the fishing gear in hand instrument.

The type of fishing gears is classified to be the

simplest in terms of design and structure, and
the most basic in operation.
This is because the gears were conceptualized
with the consideration that a single person
should be able to use it, usually without too
much complicated operating procedures.

There are essentially two defining characteristics

of this classification:
1. the primary function is to extend the reach in
catching activities otherwise done by bare
hands, either by wounding, grappling with or
simply grasping and gathering the target
There are essentially two defining characteristics
of this classification:
2. it nature is one of on-sight principle, except
for rakes and hand dredges, and at times
cover pots too. On-sight operation refers to
the seek-and-capture method wherein the
traget species is firrst sought and sighted
before the gear is actually operation such
capture is achieved through a one-catch-at-a-
 the effort to catch is therefore highly selective
towards the target species.
 examples :
 spear, harpoon and spear gun
Main Content:
Snares - Panukot (Bulacan), Panundot, Ganso (Cavite)
A snare is a rope or line that forms a noose at one end by means of
running knot, which tightens and decreases the size of the noose when the
free end of the line is pulled. The line are mostly polyamide (PA)
polyethylene (PE) monofilaments, although plaited natural fibers and brass
wires are also used. Snares are more identifiable and known as accessory
tools used by fishers in catching sharks, porpoise, and other marine
mammals and large fishes than as primary fishing gears.
One very common of snare is to have one end of the line fixed and
secured to the edge of hallow pole, then the other end is drawn through
the cavity of the pole and out the other edge. Stick snare is the same
one used in apprehending stay animals out in the streets and is
commonly used for catching eels.
The principle in the use of a snare is the same as with lasso. First, the fisher props
oneself up in a spot where one can comfortably operate the snare without scaring with
ones movement or presence. The fisher dips the snare into the water and waits until a
potential catch comes within the snares reach. Baits helps a lot in shortening the
waiting time. What ever organism a fisher desires to catch, it will work to his/her
advantage to get the loop around the part of the body where there is something the
loop can grab hold of more firmly.
 Homemade snares hardly cost anything, as materials used are those that are
available from crap and provided by the surrounding environment. Commercially
available ones cost more.
 Only one person is needed to operate the snare.
 Men and women , children could all learn to use the gear
 The use of snares for catching fish is very difficult and time-consuming. It takes a certain amount
of skill to utilize the snare with efficiency.
 It takes much longer to manage a decent volume of catch because snares operate on “one-
catch-at-a-time” principle.
 The operation is exclusively during the day.

 The use of snares is generally environment friendly.
 The snares selectivity is dependent on the users discretion.
 Efficiency is relatively hard to achieve with this gear.

 The technology of the snare is one that dates back to prehistoric times. It basically also operates
on the “on-sight” principle like most hand instruments.
 A spear is a staff-like instrument with a tip pointed, barbed, pronged like the tines
of fork or flat bladed like a spade. The length of spear varies according to its
intended approximately as long as the height of their users, like those used for
hunting since prehistoric times. The shaped of spear is usually cylindrical, but it
can also be flat. Spears are different from Harpoons in that tip is not detachable
from the handle or the rest of the shaft.
 The spear maybe shot or thrown with the aid of a bow, gun or other types of
propelling devices. In this case the arrow like spear averages about half a meter
 In using spear, the user marked the target first and then hurls the spear in the
direction of the prey. The spear is commonly thrown from the shoulder, in a
manner where it is completely released. The fisher only charges forward with a
bit of a lunge and in the same motion pierces the prey. The piercing action may
be the same throwing motion that comes from the shoulder or one where the
spear is held like a epec sword.
Common Catch
 Crab, goat fish, octopus, parrotfish, prawn, and ray.

 The gear is comparatively cheap.
 A male or female can handle and hurl the spear.
 Divers utilize this gear at night to stab stationary, sleeping fishes.
 The gear is generally used to catch fish that is meant usually for household consumption.
 The operation subscribes to the “on-sight” principle and would be time consuming if a
large catch is to be desired.
 Spears are to became popular during the season of octopus.
 The ratio of effort and time spent to volume of catch is not encouraging in terms of the
fishing activity as profitable on the commercial market level.
 Selectivity, both in species and size, is subject to the fishers discretion.
 Ideal for rocky substrates, not coral reefs, since the spear can cause damage to sensitive corals.
 Gear is efficient for stabbing sleeping fishes underwater.

 The technology offered by the spear as a primary fishing gear, aside from operating on the ‘on-
sight” principle, is really limited to a “one-catch-at-a-time” capture process.
 Skill is needed to operate the spear.
 The fish caught is of low quality because of the wounding method used.

Management Options
 Prohibit the use of spears when used with the aid of a compressor or other breathing apparatus
that are not meant for such LPG gas tanks, vendo tank. These are health hazards whose effects
are not immediately felt by the divers. Coral reefs are vulnerable to damage couse by spears.
Is essentially a lance or an arrow composed mainly of two parts: the shaft and the piercing tips
or heads. Harpoons have the capacity for the piercing tips to disengage from the shaft after the
arrow penetrates the prey and this has been a marked characteristics to some extent.

 Harpoons released through a firing device or harpoon guns are regarded as spear guns.
Harpoon guns are powered by compressed air, metal springs or gas springs. Another way of
discharging a shorter harpoon is through a blowgun. Large harpoons are used for this fishing

 Like spears, a hand-trust or mechanically fired harpoon is propelled in the direction of the
marked prey. When a prey is hit, the heads disengage from the shaft as the prey is penetrated.
The use of blowguns entails a certain degree of difficulty because the power and speed of the
discharge or propulsion is determined by how strongly and forcefully the user blows the gear.
• Analysis
-Commercial type of harpoons are rather expensive.
-Both men and women can handle the operation of this gear.
-Gear is mostly used for high-valued species by sport divers.
-The user of the gear determines the species and size of the prey.
-With a skilled user, harpoons are very efficient.
-Although requiring skill, more manageable in the sense that the
propelling mechanism for the arrow is already incorporated in the gear.
-The technology follows the “on-sight” and “one-catch-at-a-time”
• Management Options
Assign zone where it can be used with minimal damage to the fish habitat or substrate. Coral
reefs are vulnerable to damage caused by harpoons. Where use harpoon is appropriate and users
are mostly sport divers., municipals can regulate and generate income by using limited permits.

Spear Gun
A spear gun is a firing device use to shoot and propel small to medium-sized spear. This firing
device is usually made of wood, shaped like a rifle, with a canal-like groove carve on a top of what
would be the barrel part of the gun. The rod like spear is placed into this canal, with the dull end
fastened to the trigger mechanism. A stretch rubber creates the propelling power for the gun.
• Variations
In some models there is just a rubber and a simple cylindrical tool. Together, the rubber and
the spear rod comprise another variation of the gear. Through these models do not really look like
a gun, these type of set up are still referred to as a type of spear gun by municipal fisher.
• Operation
the use of spear gun may require the user to wade or dip into the water and even dive for a
considerable amount of time to search and hunt for the prey. They usually stay under for as long
as they can hold there breath. In this way they are using a pressured gas lamp during nighttime
• Common Catch
Banded cavalla, blue crab, caesio, cardinal fish, carp, cattlefish, goat fish, goby, grouper and
• Analysis
-Spear guns are almost always just self made.
-Though both sexes can become skillful at operating the gear, but must users are male.
-The association of spear gun use with the employment of compressors presses the issue
of the whole fishing operation being a health risk for the divers.
• Environmental
-the level of the gears selectively in terms of species and size is subject to its user.
-There is strong case of coral damage by irresponsible divers to their use of spear guns
-spear guns due to its wounding method of fish capture are fairly efficient.
• Technological
-The gear follow the “on-sight” and “one-catch-at-a-time” principles.
-The elastic rubber, being the most affordable, remains the most popular firing
mechanism for the spear gun.
• Management Options
-Prohibit the use of spear guns when used with the aid of a compressor or other
breaching apparatus that are not meant for such LPG tanks, and vendo tank.
Gaff Hook
Is primarily made up of a handle and a steel with a pointed or curved tip. It is usually about one
to three meters long. It is used mainly to drive out octopus, crabs, lobsters, and other crustaceans
from there hiding places. This is considered a minor gear , and used frequently as an accessory
tool for other fish catching activities like line fishing and spear fishing.
• Variations
The gaff hook is a simple tool. The tip of the shaft, when not pointed or barbed, is usually
curved like hook, it can be also be bent in acute angles but more often than that not
perpendicularly at a 90 angle.
• Operation
For use in shallow waters, the gaff hook is held by the fisher wading through the waters in
search of crabs and other crustaceans hiding and buried in the ground. When used by the divers
under water the shaft is inserted into devices.
• Analysis
-The gear is very cheap and easily constructed.
-Because the use of gaff hook as a primary fishing gear more often than not involves
diving deep into waters.
-The operation is difficult for the fisher when it involves diving.
-When used in shallow waters like mangrove areas and riverbanks to catch crabs and
other crustaceans, the operation is simpler and easier.
-The operation is done anytime of the day, with gas lamps utilized for night operation.
-Catch is good during the season of crabs.
• Environmental
-Gear is selective in the sense that it can have a target species.
-It takes skill to effectively use a gaff hook as a primary fishing gear.
• Technological
-The difficulty in gaff hook operations is due to the fact that the operations are desired to
be carried out in areas or fishing grounds where it becomes necessary for the fisher to
submerged into the water for an extended period of time and not the gear perse.
• Management Option
Prohibit the use of gaff hooks when used with the aid of a compressor or other breathing
apparatus that are not meant for such.

Different gear types can have varied impacts depending on their design, where they are
used and what they are catching. The gear variance is why the same species may have
different sustainability ranking or eco-certifications depending on how it was caught.
Therefore, the introduction of new gear and fishing method should be accompanied by
proper monitoring and protection of the aquatic resources.

Answer the question:

1. Is a rope or line that forms a snooze at one end by means of a running knot, which
tightens and decreases the size of the nose when free end of the line.
2. Is a staff like instrument with a tip pointed.
3. Is essentially a lance or an arrow composed mainly of two parts.
4. Is a firing device used to shoot and propel a small to medium sized spear.
5. Is a primarily made up of a handle and a steel shaft with a pointed or curved tip.
Answer key:

1. Snare
2. Spear
3. Harpoon
4. Spear gun
5. References:
Gaff hook

Thank you and God

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