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Essay Planner Name: __________________________________________

Thesis Statement

Civil disobedience is not justified no matter the means.

Background Knowledge (clearly describe the problem or situation)

People are trying to justify civil disobedience considering they believe a law is unjust. this is bad
because it throws our government out the window, we can address laws other ways, and just by living
where we are we agree to it’s policies. We must obey the law under a
Point 1 Point 2 contract with other members of
Point 3
Unjust laws can be addressed our society. We have tacitly
Adopting civil disobedience is to
in other ways consented to the laws by
agree that our current
residing in the state and
government doesnt work.
Unjust laws made by a enjoying its benefits.
democratic legislature
can be Evidence
changed by a democratic
To resist the decisions of courts and the laws of If you do something bad than
elected assemblies is to say that democracy has legislature. The existence of
the state/government can
failed. Thoreau's position is not only morally lawful channels of change
irresponsible but politically reprehensible. relinquish the benefits they
( makes civil disobedience
received from the state by
unnecessary. (
committing a crim. so why do
Reasoning Reasoning Reasoning
If we can change the laws in a
This means that no one will peaceful manner why be agressive The government is why
have faith in our government about it. american society works, why
allowing for disorder and should we try to tear that down.

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