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Geographic Information System

Unit - 3

GIS - Introduction
GIS are a special category of DSS that use data visualization technology to analyse and display data for planning and decision making in the form of digitized maps. GIS software assembles, stores, manipulates and displays geographically referenced information, tying data to points, lines and areas on a map. GIS have modeling capabilities, enabling managers to change data automatically , revise business scenario to find better solutions. GIS supports decisions that require knowledge about the geographic distribution of people or other resources.

Example of GIS Activity

Helps state and local governments calculate emergency response times to natural disasters. Identify profitable new retail store locations

Help banks identify the best location for installing new branches (or) ATMS.



The interactive session on management describes an application of GIS for controlling crime. COMPSTAT . COMPSTAT uses GIS software to display data about where crimes are occuring and is credited with reducing crime rates in New York and other cities.
Data I put

Data Storage

Data manipulation and analysis

Data Output.

A GIS is one of the powerful and versatile tools as it can create information by integrating different data , sometimes from different sources and display the data in different ways to the end users.

International Information System

Unit - 3

International Information System

The two powerful worldwide changes in IT field have transformed the business environment and posed new challenges for management :
Transformation of industrial economies and societies into knowledge Emergence of a global economy and global world over.

The new world will sweep away many national corporations, national industries and national economies controlled by domestic politicians. Existing firm will be replaced by Fast moving networking corporations.

International Information System

The growth of international trade has radically altered domestic economies around the globe. In order to cope up with these changes managers to be more effective and a global perspective on business and an clear understanding of the support systems needed to conduct business on an international cycle.

Development Of International Information System Architecture

Study the Global Environment Business driven and challenges Build Corporate Strategies for competing in the global environment Form a Suitable Organization Structure Implementing your strategy

International/ Global Information System

Due to nature and complexity of global business managers need to face the challenges very quickly. Need for computerized information system to gather information for multinational organization. IIS is used in transforming and designing international organization. E-commerce E-CRM Teleconferencingvirtual private network are made available in the hands of global managers. Internet Intranet Extranet plays a crucial part in the organization designing and operations of International firms. Extranet links the intranet of business partners using Internet. It is also useful in transfering funds between inter organizations.

Problems faced by Global Managers

The single shared database irrespective of platforms Sharing the program such as financial information system may have different law at different countries. Incompatibility in the network & its technical standards Cost of building networks is also expensive

Dataflow Barriers
Attacks on computers by various hackers through out the world, very difficult to secure networked computers Restrictions on internet website Pricing of communication services by government owned pose, telephone and telegraph ministries is very high. Restrictive regulations are applied on processing of data. It is very difficult to transmit and share data.

Advantages Of IIS
E-commerce a global electronic market place is for free trading which flattens the globe. Buying and selling are made easy through internet. Business cycle time is reduced JIT is possible Multi currency is possible The global market place erases national borders and gives even the smallest companies world wide reach.

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