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Complications Of Aplastic

Heart Failure
- Abnormality heart function and
- Peripheral ischemia
Hb < 13 gr% untuk laki-laki, - Activates the renin-angiotensin
dan < 12 gr% untuk aldosterone system
perempuan. - Increased volume of extracellular fluid
due to retention fluid
- Plasma overloads

Risk Factors Etiology

Old age, female gender, a The reduced tolerance for
decrease in body mass index, use workload, exacerbate functional
of angiotensin converting class heart failure based on the
enzyme–inhibitor (ACE- New York Heart Association
inhibitor) drugs and angiotensin (NYHA) functional class, as well
receptor blockers (ARBs), as well leading to increased hospitalization
advanced heart failure and death from heart failure
- Inflammation
- Proinflammatory cytokines such as
TNF-ά, interleukin-1 and interleukin-6 : increased in heart failure, and cause impaired aspects of erythropoiesis
- Proinflammatory cytokines also increase hepcidin levels
- Hepcidin causes impaired absorption of iron in the duodenum: increases iron uptake into the macrophages and inhibits iron release from
- This leads to iron trapped in macrophages thereby reducing the bioavailability of stored iron for hemoglobin synthesis

- The renin-angiotensin system plays an important role in the regulation of plasma and erythrocyte volume.
- Coding improvements Angiotensin II in the kidney changes blood pressure peritubular oxygen is a factor important regulation of erythropoietin
- Decreased peritubular oxygen tension in the adrenal cortex causes increased hypoxia inducible factor-1 (HIF-1) activity and expression of the
erythropoietin gene.
-Angiotensin II increases erythropoietin secretion by decreasing blood flow kidneys and increase sodium reabsorption in the proximal tubule
- Angiotensin II too has a direct stimulating effect on erythrocyte precursors in the bone marrow.
- Inhibition of the renin-angiotensin system with ACE inhibitors or ARBs associated with decreased production erythrocytes, causing anemia

—Heart Failure
Chronic Lymphocytic
Leukimia Leukimia ( CLL )
Abnormal leukocyte Bone marrow : ↑producing too
production abnormal lymphocytes

Reduced body's ability to produce new Acute Myeloid

red blood cells. Because red blood cells, Leukimia ( AML )
white blood cells, and platelets are made
in the bone marrow, other blood cells are Bone marrow : ↑ produces too
affected immature myeloid cells or
Akute Lymphoblastic Chronic Myeloid
Leukimia ( ALL ) Leukimia ( CML )
Bone marrow : ↑ produces Bone marrow is unable to
too immature white blood produce mature myeloid cells.
cells (lymphocytes).
Febrile Neutropenia and Bleeding
Neutropenia is a common complication in
patients receiving immunosuppressive therapy
for various reasons such as with leukemia
acute and other hematology, malignancy, post
bone marrow transplant and anemia
A marked state
by anemia, leukopenia, and
thrombocytopenia in the peripheral blood
caused by a primary abnormality of the marrow
bone in aplastic or hypoplastic form
without infiltration, suppression or
bone marrow suppression
- An autosomal recessive disorder that is carried on a closely
related chromosome 6
with HLA-A3
- More homozygous prone to iron overload. However, 10% of the
heterozygotes will also show signs excessive iron production

In the patient there is a process absorption and storage of iron become

unbalanced due to the inheritance of an abnormal gene, HFE, a gene
that regulates the amount of iron absorbed from food

Because iron is constantly loaded inside

storage sites and cause symptoms and multiorgan damage for
many years.
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