EnviScn Q2 W3 Water Air Pollution

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It is the introduction of substances

(or energy) that cause adverse
changes in the environment and
living entities.
 A substance or condition that contaminates
air, water, or soil.\

 Types of Pollutants:
Artificial Natural
Pesticides Crude Oil

Inorganic Fertilizers Carbon dioxide

Plastic Volcanic Gases

Types of Pollutions
 Air Pollution
 Water Pollution
 Soil Pollution
 Radioactive Pollution
 Noise Pollution

►What are the FIVE

types of pollution?
What is Air Pollution?
refers to the release of
harmful contaminants
(chemicals, toxic gases,
particulates, biological
molecules, etc.) into the
earth’s atmosphere.
These contaminants are
quite detrimental and, in
some cases, pose
serious health issues.
Sources of air pollution
►Wild fires
►Energy sources

►What is the longest word in the

Medical Dictionary?

Air pollutants are substances whose
concentrations in air are high enough
to be considered hazardous to human

They may be solid, liquids, or gases

which are dissolved in air or are
dispersed in minute forms.
8 Classes of Air Pollutants
1. Oxides of carbon - Oxides of carbon
include carbon monoxide (CO) and
carbon dioxide (CO2).
Ex. Cigarette smoke and incomplete combustion
of fossil fuels
8 Classes of Air Pollutants
2. Oxides of sulfur - Oxides of sulfur
include sulfur dioxide (SO2) and sulfur
trioxide (SO3).
Ex. Acid Rain or Acid Fog
8 Classes of Air Pollutants
3. Oxides of Nitrogen - Oxides of nitrogen
include: nitric oxide (NO), nitrogen dioxide
(NO2), and nitrous oxide (N2O).
Ex. Photochemical Smog
8 Classes of Air Pollutants
4. Volatile organic compounds
Volatile organic compounds
(VOCs) include hydrocarbons
such as methane (CH4),
propane (C3H8), and octane
(C8H18), and
chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs)
such as

Ex. Aerosol Spray

8 Classes of Air Pollutants
5. Suspended particulate
matter - Suspended
particulate matter
consists of tiny particles
of dust, soot, asbestos,
and salts, and of
microscopic droplets of
liquids such as sulfuric
acid and pesticides.
Ex. Asbestos and Pesticide
8 Classes of Air Pollutants
6. Photochemical oxidants are primarily
produced during the formation of
photochemical smog.
8 Classes of Air Pollutants
7. Radioactive substances include
radon-222, iodine-131, and
8 Classes of Air Pollutants
8. Hazardous air
pollutants -
Hazardous air
pollutants include
benzene (C6H6)
and carbon
tetrachloride (CCl4).

Ex. Paint
Additional Readings:

►Article Title: Outdoor Air

Learning Check
1. Cigarette smoke Oxides of Carbon
2. Acid rain Oxides of Sulfur
3. Photochemical smog Oxides of Nitrogen or
Photochemical oxidants
4. Aerosol spray
Volatile organic compounds
5. Pesticide Suspended particulate matter

6. Radon-222 Radioactive substances

7. Paint Hazardous chemicals

What is Water Pollution?
It occurs when toxic
pollutants and particulate
matter are introduced into
water bodies such as
lakes, rivers and seas.
These contaminants are
generally introduced by
human activities like
improper sewage
treatment and oil spills.
Sources of water pollution
 Rapid Urban Development
 Improper Sewage Disposal
 Use of Toxic Chemicals for the Plants
 Discharge of Radioactive Wastes
 Oil Spills
 Throwing of Plastics in the Ocean
 Dumping of Chemical Wastes by Big
8 Classes of Water Pollutants
1. Infectious agents
Infectious agents such as bacteria, viruses,
and parasitic worms enter water from human
and animal waste, and cause diseases

2. Oxygen-depleting wastes
This includes animal manure in feedlot and
farm runoff, plant debris, industrial discharge,
and urban sewage.
8 Classes of Water Pollutants
3. Inorganic chemical This
include mineral acids, toxic
metals such as lead, cadmium,
mercury, and hexavalent
chromium, and mineral salts.

4. Organic chemical
it encompasses a wide
variety of compounds including
oil, gasoline, pesticides, and
organic solvents.
8 Classes of Water Pollutants
5. Plant nutrient pollutants
These are found mainly in
urban sewage, runoff from
farms and gardens, and
household wastewater.

6. Sediments.
Erosion of soils is the main
process contributing
sediments, or silts, to water
Video to Watch

►Video Title: Are We Running Out of

Clean Water?
Group Activity:
►ACTIVITY 1: Pollution: The Silent Killer
answer: Guide questions ONLY
►ACTIVITY 2: Pollution is Everywhere!
answer: 1-4 and guide questions.
-write the week # activity #, before the question and
-attach 4 pictures showing that you collaborate with your
group mate (G-meet, FB messenger, or screen shot of
communication via online or SMS)
Activity 1
Activity 2
Activity 2
Activity 2
Happy Working 

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