Text Analysis - Persuasive Speech 2 1

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(Insert namelanguage:
Persuasive of resource)
speech: part 2

(insert of
Name name of file)
resource Example
Text analysis
name – persuasive
goes here speech

Subject Example subjects go here

Key Stage 3
KS3 and KS4

Topic Example topics

Persuasive speech
go here

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© Bell Educational Trust Limited.
Beyoncé, class of 2020

What can you remember?

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Recap on last lesson

What persuasive device is being used here?

“Dear Friends, on the 9th of October 2012, the Taliban shot me on the left side of my
forehead. They shot my friends too. …..”​

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© Bell Educational Trust Limited.
Recap on last lesson

What device is being used here? Facts/ statistics

“Dear Friends, on the 9th of October 2012, the Taliban shot me on the left side of my
Malala Yousafzai: 16th birthday speech at the United Nations
12/07/2013 shot my friends too. …..”​
forehead. They

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© Bell Educational Trust Limited.
Recap on last lesson

What device is being used here?

“Dear brothers and sisters, we must not forget that millions of people are suffering
from poverty, injustice and ignorance. We must not forget that millions of children are
out of schools. We must not forget that our sisters and brothers are waiting for a
bright peaceful future.”​

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© Bell Educational Trust Limited.
Recap on last lesson

What devices are used here? Personal tone, rule of three and emotive language. 

“Dear brothers and sisters, we must not forget that millions of people are suffering

from poverty, injustice and ignorance. We must not forget that millions of children are
Malala Yousafzai: 16th birthday speech at the United Nations
out of schools. We must not forget that our sisters and brothers are waiting for a
bright peaceful future.”​

The Bell Foundation: EAL Resource - free downloadable teaching materials https://bell-foundation.org.uk
© Bell Educational Trust Limited.
Recap on last lesson

What device is being used here?

“ A world organisation has already been erected for the prime purpose of preventing war…..”​

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© Bell Educational Trust Limited.
Recap on last lesson

What device is being used here?


“A world organisation has already been erected for the prime purpose of preventing war…..”

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© Bell Educational Trust Limited.
Recap on last lesson

What device is being used here?

“There will be regular, open and free elections…. There shall also be a social order which
respects completely the culture, language and religious rights of all sections of our

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© Bell Educational Trust Limited.
Recap on last lesson

What device is being used here?

The Rule of Three (twice)

“There will be regular, open and free elections…. There shall also be a social order which

respects completely the culture, language and religious rights of all sections of our

 Nelson Mandela Inaugural speech 09/05/1984

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© Bell Educational Trust Limited.
Recap on last lesson

What device is being used here?

“Don’t dwell on your failures, learn from them… If you ever have a job that bores you rigid,
please leave, never settle for anything less than passion…”

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© Bell Educational Trust Limited.
Recap on last lesson

What device is being used here?

Imperative voice

“Don’t dwell on your failures, learn from them…If you ever have a job that bores you rigid,
please leave, never settle for anything less than passion…”​

The Bell Foundation: EAL Resource - free downloadable teaching materials https://bell-foundation.org.uk
© Bell Educational Trust Limited.
Group work

You will get a section of the speech and instructions. Use the highlighters to
mark examples of two types of persuasive language on your text.

A Alliteration 
F Facts 15 minutes
O Opinions
R Repetition Any questions?
E Emotive language
S Statistics
T Three (rule of three)

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© Bell Educational Trust Limited.
Feedback time

Share your group’s ideas with the class.

Look at the results and add anything you missed.

•Is there anything the teacher missed?

•Is there anything you disagree with?

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© Bell Educational Trust Limited.
Text analysis exercise
Text  A: Find examples of: Repetition - Rule of three - Alliteration

To all those who feel different, if you’re a part of a group that’s called other, a group
that does not get the chance to be centre stage, build your own stage and make
them see you. Your queerness is beautiful. Your blackness is beautiful. Your
compassion, your understanding, your fight for people who may be different from you
is beautiful. I hope you continue to go into the world and show them that you will
never stop being yourself. That it’s your time now, make them see you. Now, if
you’ve ever been called dumb, unattractive, overweight, unworthy, untalented, well,
so have I. Whatever you do, don’t let the negativity of people projecting their own self
doubts on you, deter you from your focus. I know those moments are painful and
you’re human and it hurts like hell. But now is the time to turn those criticisms into
fuel and motivation to become a beautiful beast.

The Bell Foundation: EAL Resource - free downloadable teaching materials https://bell-foundation.org.uk
© Bell Educational Trust Limited.
Text analysis exercise
Text  A: Find examples of: Repetition - Rule of three - Alliteration

To all those who feel different, if you’re a part of a group that’s called other, a group
that does not get the chance to be centre stage, build your own stage and make
them see you. Your queerness is beautiful. Your blackness is beautiful. Your
compassion, your understanding, your fight for people who may be different from you
is beautiful. I hope you continue to go into the world and show them that you will
never stop being yourself. That it’s your time now, make them see you. Now, if
you’ve ever been called dumb, unattractive, overweight, unworthy, untalented, well,
so have I. Whatever you do, don’t let the negativity of people projecting their own self
doubts on you, deter you from your focus. I know those moments are painful and
you’re human and it hurts like hell. But now is the time to turn those criticisms into
fuel and motivation to become a beautiful beast.

The Bell Foundation: EAL Resource - free downloadable teaching materials https://bell-foundation.org.uk
© Bell Educational Trust Limited.
Text analysis exercise
Text  B: Find examples of: Repetition - Rule of three - Alliteration

To the young women, our future leaders, know that you’re about to make the world
turn. I see you. You are everything the world needs. Make those power moves, be
excellent. And to the young kings, lean into your vulnerability and redefine
masculinity, lead with heart. There are  so many different ways to be brilliant. I
believe you and every human being is born with a masterful gift. Don’t let the world
make you feel that you have to look a certain way to be brilliant and no, you don’t
have to speak a certain way to be brilliant. But you do have to spread your gift
around the planet in a way that is authentically you.

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© Bell Educational Trust Limited.
Text analysis exercise
Text  B: Find examples of: Repetition - Rule of three - Alliteration

To the young women, our future leaders, know that you’re about to make the world
turn. I see you. You are everything the world needs. Make those power moves, be
excellent. And to the young kings, lean into your vulnerability and redefine
masculinity, lead with heart. There are  so many different ways to be brilliant. I
believe you and every human being is born with a masterful gift. Don’t let the world
make you feel that you have to look a certain way to be brilliant and no, you don’t
have to speak a certain way to be brilliant. But you do have to spread your gift
around the planet in a way that is authentically you.

The Bell Foundation: EAL Resource - free downloadable teaching materials https://bell-foundation.org.uk
© Bell Educational Trust Limited.
Text analysis exercise
Text  C: Find examples of:  Facts or statistics - Opinion - Repetition

Respect is everything. There’s no successful relationship without respect, nor a

successful movement if the basic principle is not respect. The world will respect you
as much as you respect yourself. I’m often asked, “What’s your secret to success?”
The shorter answer, put in that work. There may be more failures than victories. Yes,
I’ve been blessed to have 24 Grammys, but I’ve lost 46 times. That meant rejection
46 times. Please don’t ever feel entitled to win, just keep working harder. Surrender
to the cards you are dealt. It’s from that surrender that you get your power. Losing
can be the best motivator to get you even bigger wins. So never compare yourself to
anyone else. There will be wins and losses. There will be tears and laughter. You’ll
feel the shades of life deeply.

The Bell Foundation: EAL Resource - free downloadable teaching materials https://bell-foundation.org.uk
© Bell Educational Trust Limited.
Text analysis exercise
Text  C: Find examples of:  Facts or statistics - Opinion - Repetition

Respect is everything. There’s no successful relationship without respect, nor a

successful movement if the basic principle is not respect. The world will respect you
as much as you respect yourself. I’m often asked, “What’s your secret to success?”
The shorter answer, put in that work. There may be more failures than victories. Yes,
I’ve been blessed to have 24 Grammys, but I’ve lost 46 times. That meant rejection
46 times. Please don’t ever feel entitled to win, just keep working harder. Surrender
to the cards you are dealt. It’s from that surrender that you get your power. Losing
can be the best motivator to get you even bigger wins. So never compare yourself to
anyone else. There will be wins and losses. There will be tears and laughter. You’ll
feel the shades of life deeply.

The Bell Foundation: EAL Resource - free downloadable teaching materials https://bell-foundation.org.uk
© Bell Educational Trust Limited.
Homework task

What to do:

1.Choose a charity

2.Write your speech – free writing or writing frame

3.Practice your speech. You might wish to record yourself

4.Next week, you will make a speech to a small group in your class.

The Bell Foundation: EAL Resource - free downloadable teaching materials https://bell-foundation.org.uk
© Bell Educational Trust Limited.
Homework task

Free writing or writing frame

1.Your school is going to raise funds for a charity. It needs to decide which charity.
Write a speech trying to persuade the school to choose a particular
charity. Complete the sentences below to make your speech. Try to use some
persuasive techniques.

2.You can find the most popular charities in the UK here or invent one of your own.

The Bell Foundation: EAL Resource - free downloadable teaching materials https://bell-foundation.org.uk
© Bell Educational Trust Limited.

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