MODULE 7 - Masangkay

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Erikson’s Psycho-Social Theory of Development


At the end of this Module, you should be able to:

• explain the 8 Stages of Life to someone you care about.
• write a short story of your life using Erikson’s stages as
• suggest at least 6 ways on how Erikson’s theory can be
useful for you as a future teacher.

Erikson’s stages of psychosocial development is a very

relevant, highly regarded and meaningful theory. Life is a
continuous process involving learning and trials which help us
to grow. Erikson’s enlightening theory guides us and helps to
tell us why.
Erikson’s ‘psychosocial’ term is derived from the two
source words- namely psychological and social.
Erik Erikson first published his eight stage of theory of
human development in his 1950 book, Childhood and
Society. The stages were included in the chapter entitled
“The Eight Stages of Man”.
Stage One

•The first stage, infancy, is

approximately the first year or year
and a half of life.
•The crisis is trust vs. mistrust.
•Maladaptation: Sensory Adjustment
•Malignancy: Withdrawal
•If the proper balance is achieved, the
child will develop the virtue of hope.
Stage Two

•The second stage, early childhood, from

about eighteen months to three years old.
•Autonomy vs. Shame.
•Maladaptation: Impulsive
•Malignancy: Compulsive
•If you get the proper, positive balance of
autonomy and shame and doubt, you will
develop the virtue of willpower or
Stage Three

•The third stage, early childhood

stage, from three or four to five or six.
•Initiative vs. Guilt
•Maladaptation: Ruthlessness
•Malignancy: Inhibition
•A good balance leads to the
psychosocial strength of purpose.
Stage Four

•The fourth stage, school age stage,

from six to twelve year.
•Industry vs. Inferiority.
•Maladaptation: Virtuosity
•Malignancy: Inertia
•A happier thing is to develop the right
balance of industry and inferiority-
then we have the virtue of
Stage Five

•Stage five is adolescence, beginning

with puberty and ending around 18 or
20 years old.
•Ego Identity vs. Role Confusion
•Maladaptation: Fanaticism
•Malignancy: Repudiation
•If you successfully negotiate this
stage, you will have the virtue of
Stage Six

•Stage six, you are in the state of

young adulthood, which lasts from18
to 30.
•Intimacy vs. Isolation.
•Maladaptation: Promiscuity
•Malignancy: Exclusion
•If you successfully negotiate this
stage, you will have love.
Stage Seven

•Stage seven, the middle adulthood.

•Generativity vs. Stagnation
•Maladaptation: Over Extension
•Malignancy: Rejectivity
•If you are successful at this stage, you
will have capacity of caring or care.
Stage Eight

•The last stage, late adulthood or

•Ego Integrity vs. Despair.
•Maladaptation: Presumption
•Malignancy: Disdain
•Someone who approaches death
without fear has the strength call
1. What is the name of Erik Erikson’s development theory?
a. Psycho-social
b. Cognitive
c. Moral

2. How many stages are in the psycho-social theory?

a. 8
b. 9
c. 7

3. The stage that occurs between birth and one year of age is concerned with:
a. Initiative vs. Guilt
b. Trust vs. Mistrust
c. Identity vs. Role Confusion
4. What do people face during each psychosocial stage that can serve as a turning point in
a. Conflict
b. Turmoil
c. Epiphany

5. Intimacy vs. Isolation occurs at what stage?

a. Infancy
b. Young Adulthood
c. Maturity

6. Preschoolers (ages 3-6) go through what stage?

a. Initiative vs. Guilt
b. Ego vs. Identity
c. Shame vs. Doubt
7. Successful completion of Erikson’s 8th stage of psychosocial development results in
which of the following virtues?
a. Wisdom
b. Fidelity
c. Purpose

8. When a child is constantly told by their parents that they cannot do something, this is
negative outcome of which stage of development?
a. Stage 1 - Trust vs. Mistrust
b. Stage 3 - Initiative vs. Guilt
c. Stage 2 - Autonomy vs. Doubt

9. A teenager joining a jazz band would be an example of what psychosocial stage?

a. Identity vs. Confusion
b. Industry vs. Inferiority
c. Initiative vs. Guilt
10. Which is an example of the autonomy versus shame and doubt stage?
a. An infant chewing on a teething toy
b. Teenager trying out new fashions and hairstyle
c. A preschooler insisting on picking out her own clothes, no matter how mismatched they

11. A 38-year-old woman quits her high paying marketing job to focus on her children and
become a school counselor. What stage would Erikson consider this to be:
a. Identity vs. Role Confusion
b. Generativity vs. Stagnation
c. Ego Integrity vs. Despair

12. If a children struggles to do well in school, what problem might emerge?

a. Struggle with feelings of inferiority
b. Develop a poor self identity
c. Begin to mistrust the people around him
13. Erikson first published his eight stage theory of human development in his 1950 book,
what book it is?
a. Child Adolescent
b. Childhood and Society
c. Childhood Stages

14. If the proper balance is achieved, the child will develop the virtue oh hope, in what
a. Stage 4
b. Stage 6
c. Stage 1

15. Erikson’s “psychosocial” term is derived from the two source words, namely _______
and _______.
a. Psychological and Social
b. Psycho and Social
c. Bio-Psychological Social

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