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2ND QUARTER 1ST SEM 2020-2021

Slide Title
• A session of Zumba, a cardio-dance routine, can feel like
a trip to the nightclub of a cruise ship, where a well-
toned crew member teaches you to wiggle your hips
and do the fast footwork for a mix of dance styles to the
thump of loud music. While Zumba crowds are not plied
with alcohol, people often throw away inhibitions - they
pump their arms, applaud, let out “yeahs” - as they
work out.” - The New York Times
History of Zumba
• Place of Origin: Columbia
• Creator: Alberto “Beto” Perez Perez is a celebrity fitness
trainer who accidentally discovered the concept of fusing a
fitness program with Latin music and influence. In one
ordinary day, he entered his fitness class realizing that he had
left his regular aerobics music. The only choice then was to
use the tapes available in his car. It just happened that all
there were available were traditional tunes that originated
from his native country in South America, Columbia. He was
then led to use and improvise with meringue and Latin salsa.
He realized that the new type of music could be phenomenal
for fitness. This happened during the mid 1990s.
• Zumba is a fitness program that combines Latin and
international music with dance moves. Zumba routines
incorporate interval training — alternating fast and slow
rhythms — to help improve cardiovascular fitness.

• Zumba is an aerobic activity that can count toward the

amount of aerobic activity recommended for most healthy
adults by the Department of Health and Human Services. -
Edward R. Laskowski, M.D., Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn.
July 11, 2019.
• Comfort is a key in Zumba. You need to wear appropriate
attire. Keep the following in mind before having a zumba
• Wear work-out clothes: shorts, tank tops, sweat pants, etc
• Wear dance shoes or sneakers: You will move your feet
around a lot. Make sure your feet are comfortable.
• Bring a bottle of water. You need to re-hydrate between
dances. Drink plenty after as well.
Basic Steps in Zumba
• 1. Basic Salsa Procedures:
• Stand with both feet together.
• Step to the right. Bend your knees.
• Return to the middle.
• Step to the left. Bend your knees slightly.
• Return to the middle.
• Try it a little faster. Slightly rock to the side as you move. Loosen up
your upper body. Let your shoulders move with your feet.
• Faster this time! Add some hip as you rock. Make it your own!
Travel Salsa
• Procedures: Bend your knees.
• Slightly bend arms. Point them to the right towards the sky.
• Take four steps to the right-use your hips to move.
• Return to the middle.
• Repeat step 1. This time point arms to the left.
• Take four steps to the left. Use your hips to move.
• Try it faster.
3. Merengue March
• Procedures:
• Stand straight with both feet together.
• Bend your right foot slightly.
• Return to the middle.
• Bend your left foot slightly.
• Return to the middle.
• Try it faster. Interchange feet like your marching rapidly.
• Add arms. Place one arm out to the side: Right side if left foot is bent. Left side if right foot is
bent. Opposite arm goes directly in front of your chest.
• Interchange arms and feet like a rapid march.
• Travel forward.
• Travel back.
4. Basic Reggaeton
• Procedures:
• Start with both feet together.
• Bend your right foot.
• Drop your right arm to the side. Make sure it is pointing towards the floor.
• Bend your left arm. Place it in the center. It should be covering your stomach.  Return to the
middle.  Bend your left foot.
• Repeat step 3. This time drop your left arm.
• Repeat step 4. This time bend your right arm.
• Return to the middle.
• Try it faster. Interchange feet: 2 singles and 1 double. ("Single, single, double, double") Add pop
to your shoulders as you move.
• Pick up the pace.
4. Basic Reggaeton
• Procedures:
• Start with both feet together.
• Bend your right foot.
• Drop your right arm to the side. Make sure it is pointing towards the floor.
• Bend your left arm. Place it in the center. It should be covering your stomach.  Return to the
middle.  Bend your left foot.
• Repeat step 3. This time drop your left arm.
• Repeat step 4. This time bend your right arm.
• Return to the middle.
• Try it faster. Interchange feet: 2 singles and 1 double. ("Single, single, double, double") Add pop
to your shoulders as you move.
• Pick up the pace.
5. Reggaeton Pump
• Procedures:
• Separate feet slightly. Bend arms. Place them to the right
diagonally. It should like your boxing sideways.
• Contract your stomach 6 times. After the third contraction pause
briefly. Count 1 and 2. 1 and 2 to separate contractions.
• Return to the middle.
• Repeat step 1. This time place right to the left.  Repeat step 2.
• Return to the middle.
• Try it faster. Contract rapidly. Use your arms to pump.
6. Basic Cumbia
Dig your right heel into the floor. Step to the back. Dig your right toe into the floor.
Travel to the left. Use you both feet to travel. Take small steps with right foot. Move
further with each front dig. Keep digging to the front and back.
Return to the middle.
Repeat step 1. This time dig your left heel. Dig your right toe.
Repeat step 2. This time travel right.
Return to the middle.
Try it faster. Dig front and back rapidly. Loosen your shoulders. Let your arms hang. Put
them on your hips if it feels weird. Allow your hips to move you.
Speed up the pace.
6. Basic Cumbia
Dig your right heel into the floor. Step to the back. Dig your right toe into the floor.
Travel to the left. Use you both feet to travel. Take small steps with right foot. Move
further with each front dig. Keep digging to the front and back.
Return to the middle.
Repeat step 1. This time dig your left heel. Dig your right toe.
Repeat step 2. This time travel right.
Return to the middle.
Try it faster. Dig front and back rapidly. Loosen your shoulders. Let your arms hang. Put
them on your hips if it feels weird. Allow your hips to move you.
Speed up the pace.

• Bone – strengthening activities These are physical activities are

primarily designed to increase the strength of specific sites in
bones that make up the skeletal system. Bonestrengthening
activities produce an impact or tension force on the bones that
promotes bone growth and strength. Some examples of bone-
strengthening activities include:
 hopping
 skipping
 jumping rope
 running
 gymnastics
 lifting weights
 volleyball
 Tennis
 basketball
 This kind of activity (sometimes called weight-bearing
or weight-loading activity) produces a force on the
bones that promotes bone growth and strength. This
force is commonly produced by impact with the
ground. As the examples above illustrate, bone-
strengthening activities can also be aerobic and
muscle strengthening.
Muscle – strengthening activities

 These are physical activities that increase skeletal

muscle strength, power, endurance and mass.
Muscle-strengthening activities are activities that use
the principles of strength training, resistance training,
or muscular strength and endurance exercises. Some
examples of muscle-strengthening activities include:
Muscle – strengthening activities

 tug-of-war
 push-ups
 sit-ups
 tree climbing
 swinging on playground equipment
 rock climbing
 using weight machines
Muscle – strengthening activities

 Muscle-strengthening activity also has three

1. Intensity. How much weight or force is used relative
to how much a person is able to lift.
2. Frequency. How often a person does muscle
strengthening activity.
3. Repetitions. How many times a person lifts a weight
(analogous to duration for aerobic activity).
Muscle – strengthening activities

 Muscle-strengthening activities provide additional

benefits not found with aerobic activity. The benefits
of muscle-strengthening activity include increased
bone strength and muscular fitness. Muscle-
strengthening activities can also help maintain
muscle mass during a program of weight loss.
Muscle – strengthening activities

 No specific amount of time is recommended for muscle

strengthening, but muscle-strengthening exercises should be
performed to the point at which it would be difficult to do
another repetition without help. When resistance training is
used to enhance muscle strength, one set of 8 to 12 repetitions
of each 50 exercise is effective, although two or three sets may
be more effective. Development of muscle strength and
endurance is progressive over time. Increases in the amount of
weight or the days a week of exercising will result in stronger

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