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Internship Report

Haramaya Poly Technic College ICT

Derartu Abdi Abrahim
Work Done During Internship: -
 Facilitating Computer Basic Skill Short Term
Training for Haramaya City Public Civil Cervices
Coordinators and
 Network installation and Digitalization
development in college.

Internship Duration: - (July - August, 2022)

My internship report has the following as in Table of Contents;
• Background Information of Haramaya Poly Technic College
1. Mission
2. Vision
3. Core Values
4. Main Products and Services
5. Main Customers of Haramaya Poly Technic College
6. The overall organizational structure and work flow of Haramaya Poly Technic
• The Overall Internship Experience
1. How I get in to the company
2. The section of the Company I have been working on
3. The Work Flow of Main Campus Data Center
4. Work piece and work tasks I have been executing
5. Procedures I have been following while performing my tasks
6. How good I have been in performing my tasks
7. Challenges I have faced while performing my tasks
• The Overall Benefits I gained From the Internship
• Conclusion and Recommendations
1. Conclusion
2. Recommendations
• References
Background of Haramaya Polly Technic College
Sustainable economic development and TVET are
interdependent. Economic growth is a basic condition for the
reduction of unemployment and poverty. However, it does not
automatically lead to more jobs and less poverty. It can only
contribute to poverty reduction if broad sections of society find
productive work which attempts to a decent income.

Economic development cannot take place without the

development of human resources. Therefore, well-qualified
professionals must be trained in order to raise the
competitiveness of skilled workforces, enterprises, regions, and
countries. Regarding these, Haramaya polytechnic which is a
government college was established in 1994 E.C. bounded
from the high school and located Haramaya, Eastern Hagarge
Zone of Oromia regional State.
The collage, which lies 17Km from Eastern Hararge
Zone Town (Harar) and 510 Km from the East of
"Finfinne", the capital city of the region and Country.
It offers quality training, which emphasizes independent
thinking and freedom of expression and has produced a
number of highly successful trainees who joined the
college. The college was published (build) by the
participation of society and government and plays the core
objectives through the training producer or manpower skill
Having the main objective of the TVET, that focused on
the training middle level of human power and transfer
demanded technologies, and by doing so contribute to
poverty reduction and sustainable development.
The instant beneficiaries of the TVET would be
satisfactions of industries, government workers, service
sectors, on one hands and youth (trainees), adult,
special needs, any citizen who have been suffering from
skill gaps resulting in incompetence, under employment
as well as unemployment who will acquire employable
skills from the college, also trainers, trainee’s families,
community surrounding the East Haraghe zone, the
regional government, the private industry sector getting
skilled manpower in the market, government and the
largely society.
Core Values
 Infulfilling its mission and achieving its vision
the Haramaya Polly Technic College will
uphold, promote and be guided by the following
core values:
 Quality
 Integrity
 Transparency
 Accountability
 Rule of law
 Equality
 Promote diversity
Main Products and Services

One to create job opportunity to skilled manpower

occupied training satisfaction and to distribute realization
of high quality, equitable and applicable of technical
vocational education and
Training considerably that skilled manpower through
technology capability and transfer to micro- and small
enterprises (MSEs) to achieve the participations of
societies on poverty reductions.
The Overall Organizational Structure and
Work Flow of Haramaya Poly Technic College
Haramaya Poly Technic College has attempted to address
management system that is democratic, honest, inspiring,
transparent, and highly participation in the economic
development of the country. The College has two the core
processes and five support processes. The College’s top
management includes the Deans/Directors, two vice
deans/directors and five process owners for academic
facility processors units.
Figure : Organizational Structure and work flow of Haramaya Poly Technic College
The Work Flow of Main Campus Data Center
In the figure, main campus data center is under System & Network
administrator. The work flow of main campus data center is from
the president to network Administrator it is hierarchical steps.

Figure; -The work flow of HPT College

The Overall Internship Experience
Internships provide me an opportunity to link theory with
practice and further serve as a temporary labor pool for
HPTC, Information communication technology
development that have hosted me in the internship program.
The Haramaya Poly Technic College internship Program
allows me an opportunity to understand the Unique
environmental conditions associated with a particular level
of government, such as regional, local administration and
the nonprofit sector.
It provides me the career with demonstrated academic
competence, and a hands-on experience in the public sector.
I made contacts with the regional government and nonprofit
agencies to develop arrangements to work with them.
How I get in to the company
I have been HNS trained before four years at Haramaya
Poly Technic College ICT development and in this time I
have seen many changes and great growth in the section
when compared with the previous.
Though the college which can I get the existing network
was not installed appropriately in ICT department itself.
While the expansion network of Haramaya Poly Technic
College has understood that in today’s creation of
information communication technology implementing a
reliable secure and scalable network infrastructure that
systematizes different office activities through regional is
of great importance.
The Department of the College I have been
working on
I have been doing my internship in the Haramaya Poly
Technic College ICT Department specifically in the
important points dividing in to two way times. During the
first month my internship period, the college was delivering
the short term training to public civil service’s co-worker.
That time I start Internship vocation in the college. While in
the second month I have spent the time on the institutional
designed network arrangement.
Procedures I have been following while performing
my tasks
Procedures I have been using during my
internship period in Haramayapolly technic
college, ICT department center performing my
tasks are:-
Analyze each network hardware equipment in
Identified the different network model
Analyze switch command
Configuration of distribution layer switch
Configuration of access layer switch
The Overall Benefits I gained From the
Internship is the beginning of the street that will take me
to the fact I want to be at after my graduation and is a
practice I need to perform, because it prepares me for the
professional life that I purpose on in different ways like;
•Practical Skill,
•Theoretical Knowledge,
•Interpersonal Communication Skills,
•Team Playing Skills,
•Leadership Skills,
•Work Ethics Related Issue and
• Entrepreneurship Skills
Conclusion and Recommendations
 During this internship period I acquired
practical experience to complement the
theoretical content of my study for network
installation and detailed configuration of every
layers, wireless local area network (WLAN)
and network security of main college digital
lab. To conclude, I think that this internship
was very beneficial to me as I learnt a lot, and
it made me discover work's in a real world.
• The ICT Department is the essential of
the college’s computing resources,
which are shared by the educational,
investigation, and administrative
communities. These facilities provide a
safe, initiative wide, reliable, and
redundant infrastructure for the
delivery of mission-critical college
• As per earns observation some suggestion for
the improvement of the situation are given
below as Access floors, Cable Management,
Data center hardware identification should be
with the appropriate, fully qualified server
names, and all equipments within the
cabinets. If implement in this way the
hardware is easily identifiable and all training
program should be strong and started for both
academic and administrator staff.
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