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By Aadhi 8B
What are kings
 Kings can be either men or women. A King is
basically the ruler of an independent state.
Especially the one who inherits the birth.
 Example
 1. Raja Raja cholan
What is AD AND BC
 Ad stands for Anno domini. BC stands for
before christ. These are the years in which
kings lived.
 Example
 1. Chandragupta maurya
Indian kingdoms were the political entries
which was guarded by kings.
For example
1. Indus valley civilization
What is a dynasty
 Dynasty is a line of hereditary rulers in a
 Example
 1. Chola dynasty
 2. Mughal dynasty.
Chandragupta maurya
 Chandragupta maurya is the founder of the
Mauryan Empire. He was taught by chanakya
the author of arthashastra.
 Ajatashatru was a king of the Haryanka
dynasty of Magadha In east india. He was the
son of king Bimbisara.
 Samudragupta was the ruler of gupta
empire. He greatly expanded his dynasty
political power.
 Ashoka the great was an indian emperor of
the maurya dynasty. He is the son of
Bindusara. He is the only king who gave up
 Harsha also known as Harshavardhan was an
Indian emperor who ruled north india from
606 AD 647 AD. He was a member of the
Vardhana dynasty.
 Sivaji was an Indian warrior king and a
member in the Bhonsle Maharatha clan.
Raja Raja cholan
 Raja raja cholan was born as Arulmozhi
Varman. Was a chola emperor from the
present day south India who ruled over the
chola kingdom of medieval tamil nadu.
Alexander the great
 Alexander was a greek king who conquered
the world especially Egypt.
Mughal empires
 The Mughal empire or Mogul empire was an
empire in the Indian subcontinent founded in
 Babur was the ultimate founder and first
emperor of the Mughal dynasty in the Indian
Shah jahan
 Shah jahan was the fifth mughal emperor
who reigned from 1628 to 1658. He
constructed Taj Mahal.
 Aurangzeb was the sixth Mughal emperor.
His reign lasted for 49 years from 1658. He
ruled over the Indian subcontinent.
 Jahangir was the fourth Mughal emperor who
ruled from 1605 from 1627.
 Humayun was the second emperor of the
Mughal empire. He ruled all territories which
is now Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh and
Northern India.

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