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Unipolarity: The End

of History?
Francis Fukuyama

• What did Fukuyama mean by the ‘end of history’?
• Who turned out to be the winner of the twentieth
century, according to Fukuyama?
• Did he think the triumph of the west/liberal democracy
was a good thing?
• Do you think Fukuyama was right?
Fukuyama: The End of History?
• Liberal democracy in the Western model was the ideological endpoint
of humanity – it effectively resolved all underlying problems and could
not be improved upon
• Optimistic view of international relations – opposed the “realist”
framework that conflict was inherent to the international system
• Instead took the “liberal” view, in which (liberal democratic) states were
natural oriented towards cooperation
Fukuyama: Criticisms
• Triumphalism – mistaking hegemony and unipolarity for a final victory
• Lacks understanding of imperialism – hegemony is temporary
• End of History as new imperialism
• Third World will naturally follow the lead of the developed countries
• Iraq War and “regime change”
• View of class – has the issue of class been resolved?
• Globalisation as utopia – will the global market resolve social
• Rise of China – what global model will China build?

Bipolarity – when two states or powers have the

majority of influence

Multipolarity – when more than two states have

nearly equal amounts of influence or power

Unipolarity – when power is concentrated in one

Acharya and Buzan (2019): Chapter 7 + 9
• P. 217: 1989-2017: 1) expanding core, 2) eroding West-centrism and 3)
shrinking periphery
• 1990s and 2000s
• Unipolarity for US economically (with EU + Japan) and in security matters (through
• 2010s:
• instability: populism, nationalism, identity politics
• China & US in economic interdependence + challenge from BRI
• Rise of BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) and regionals (Nigeria,
Pakistan, Indonesia etc.)
• Regional organisations (Africa, Latin America, South East Asia etc.)
• Migration (86% of refugees in Global South and 25% in poorest countries)
• Climate change as global amplifier or risk
Does Asia’s economic rise pose a
challenge to the West?

Is the United States a major power

in Asia?

Does China pose an opportunity or

a threat to other Asian powers?

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