Family The God's Masterpiece

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Family the god's masterpiece

Cimbir Marius Mihai

The importance of
• Since man is a social being, he was created to
live in collectivity. Only in the presence and in
relation to other human beings can man reach
the full development of his intellectual and
psychic faculties and his socio-emotional
characteristics. In solitude, certain fundamental
human traits are inhibited, the man becoming
unconscious of his true affective potential.
Research has also revealed that, lacking
affectivity, even from a physical point of view,
man remains at a lower stage of his
development. This led to the discovery of the
overwhelming importance of the manifestation
of affection between the parent and the
newborn, within the subsequent interpersonal
relationships of the child.
• For millennia, the family meant
everything, it was the human
reservoir of history, it was the first
nucleus of civilization, it meant
stability over time and hope for the
future. The first form of organization
of society was that based on the
family. Kinship ties made this society
very stable. Any attack against one
of its members was an attack
against the entire clanand and the
father was the one who had the
dominant role.
The role of the family
• Since nowadays there are more and more families that fall
apart, it follows from this that the way of perceiving it has
changed in a negative sense. The family not only ensures
stability and human development, but also plays an important
role in motivating the individual, in his achievements and

The family is where habits, character

traits, preconceptions and personal ambitions are
given a new direction.

Family is the place where you can't hide even from

yourself. Someone will always remind you who you are.

The family is where you, as a parent, have the power to

shape or mold your child's character.
• I think we all want a successful marriage, but it, like
all things of value, takes time. Only in time do we
In conclusion gain trust in each other, only in time do we learn
how to communicate better, only in time do we
learn to accept each other

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