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Web 2.0 Tool: Docsteach.

Delaney Graf
What is Web 2.0?

● Web 2.0 are online tools and resources that help teacher and students
engage in new material specifically in the learning environments
● Some examples:
○ Prezi
○ Digital Vaults
○ Google Docs
○ Flipgrid

● This specific Web 2.0 tool that

is an interactive archival
database with the National
Archives that shows how to
teach historical moments in the
United States with primary
How does it work?

● On this specific website, you must register and create account in order to
access more information, specific the lessons and other primary source
● The tool has a combination of both created activities/lessons and certain
primary sources in regards to certain history concepts
● On the tool, you can navigate through the different material based on topic
or the primary sources archives
Video on the Tool

● How to Find and Create Primary Source Lessons With DocsTeach org
Educational USES For

● This specific tool is currently used in education

● It allows a platform for students to investigate primary sources as it
relates to history
● Teachers can register and then modify the specific materials
Some possible practices

● Identify possible primary sources to use in the classroom

● Engaging in the given lessons and material created by their fellow educators
● One specific example: Lesson on Analyzing the concept of check and balance
in action
● Second specific example: Lesson on having the students analyze deeply the
10 amendments of the Constitution

● Houses all the primary source type of material from the National Archives
in one spot
● Some already created lesson plans and activities to engage in
● Good variety of primary sources
○ Letters
○ Cartoons
○ Primary source documents
○ Pictures

● More on the teacher to find the certain material they want to use for
specific lesson
● Not going to fully online but rather material and lesson plans online that
can be applied towards another Web 2.0 tool


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