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Presentation Package for

Concepts of Physical Fitness 12e

Section V: Concept 16:

Created by:
Gregory J. Welk
Iowa State University
General Nutrition Concepts

 Influences of Nutrition
– Health
– Appearance
– Behavior
– Mood
 Role of Nutrients in Diet
– Growth and development
– Provide energy
See Web16-1 for info
– Regulate metabolism on general nutrition guidelines

2 Concepts of Physical Fitness 12e

Classes of Nutrients

 Carbohydrates
 Proteins
 Fats
Subsequent slides will
 Vitamins provide basic information
about each nutrient
 Minerals
 Water

3 Concepts of Physical Fitness 12e

Caloric Content of Foods

Carbohydrates 4 cal/g
Protein 4 cal/g
Fats 9 cal/g
Alcohol 7 cal/g

4 Concepts of Physical Fitness 12e

Types of Carbohydrates
(2 types)

 Simple
– pop, candy, sweets, fruit
– individual glucose or fructose

 Complex
– pasta, rice, breads, potatoes
– Chains of glucose molecules
5 Concepts of Physical Fitness 12e
Click icon
for info Trends in Carbohydrate
on fiber

R 35%
R H 60
C Y 65%
E D 40 50%
T 20
S 0
1910 1950 1980
See Web16-5 for distinctions
6 Concepts of Physical Fitness 12e
between complex and simple
Types of Protein

 Sources of Protein
– Animal (complete)
» meats, dairy
– Vegetable (incomplete)
» beans, nuts, legumes,

Amino acids linked together

 Types of Amino Acids
– Nonessential (14) – can be made by body
– Essential (8) – must be made by body

7 Concepts of Physical Fitness 12e

Protein Requirements

 RDA average = .8 g/kg/day

 RDA athlete = 1.2-1.6 g/kg/day

High levels of protein intake above

2 g/kg/day can be harmful to the body

8 Concepts of Physical Fitness 12e

Click icon
for info on
Types of Fats
Click icon
 Saturated for info on
fat content
– Animal sources of oils

– Solid at room temperature

 Unsaturated (poly- or mono-)
– Vegetable sources
– Liquid at room temperature


HHHHH HH HHH Web16-6,7

9 Concepts of Physical Fitness 12e

Recommendations for
Fat Consumption
 Dietary Fat Recommendations
– Less than 30% of calories in diet from fat
– Less than 1/3 of dietary fat should be saturated
 Ways to Decrease Intake of Fat
– Minimize "fast" foods
– Minimize processed foods
– Use better cuts of meats
– Use low fat alternatives
– Decrease use of condiments
– Eat lower fat snacks
– Choose foods with “artificial fats”

10 Concepts of Physical Fitness 12e

Recommended Dietary Intake

Click icon for info on

calorie calculations PRO

PRO (10-15%)
CHO FAT (30%)
FAT CHO (55-60%)
Click icon for
info on Lab 16a

11 Concepts of Physical Fitness 12e


 Organic substances that regulate

numerous and diverse physiological
processes in the body
 Do not contain calories
 Two types
– Fat soluble
– Water soluble

12 Concepts of Physical Fitness 12e

Click for info on

Vitamin Guidelines
 A balanced diet containing
recommended servings of
carbohydrates, fats and proteins
will meet the RDA standards

 Extra servings of green and

yellow vegetables may be

 Extra consumption of citrus and

other fruits may be beneficial

13 Concepts of Physical Fitness 12e

Vitamin Supplementation?

 Not necessary if diet is healthy

 Multivitamins are safe (100% RDA)
 Not all vitamins are “pure”
 Can be toxic at high doses

14 Concepts of Physical Fitness 12e


 Inorganic elements found in food

that are essential to life processes
 About 25 are essential
 Classified as major or trace minerals
 RDA’s have only been determined for
7 minerals

15 Concepts of Physical Fitness 12e

Click for
more info on
Mineral Guidelines

 A diet containing recommended

servings of carbohydrates, fats and
proteins will meet the RDA standards
 Extra servings of green and yellow
vegetables may be beneficial
 Dietary supplementation of Calcium is
beneficial for post-menopausal women
 Salt should be limited in the diet

16 Concepts of Physical Fitness 12e

Populations Who May Benefit
from Supplementation
 Pregnant/lactating women
 Alcoholics
 Elderly
 Women with severe menstrual losses
 Individuals on VLCD’s
 Strict vegetarians
 Individuals taking medications or with
diseases which inhibit nutrient absorption
17 Concepts of Physical Fitness 12e
Click for
more info on water


 Vital to life
 Drink at least 8 glasses a day

18 Concepts of Physical Fitness 12e

Click icon for
info on Lab 16b
Guidelines for
Healthy Eating

 Eat regular meals (including

Fats &
breakfast) Sweets
 Eat foods from all food groups and Meat Dairy,
according to the food pyramid Group Beans
 Limit processed foods Vegetable Fruit
Group Group
 Get adequate amounts of
vitamins and minerals Carbohydrates
(Breads, cereals, rice, pasta)
 Drink plenty of water and
limit alcohol and caffeine

19 Concepts of Physical Fitness 12e


 Soluble - decreases cholesterol levels

– found in oat bran, fruits and veggies
 Insoluble - reduces risk of colon cancer
– found in wheat bran and grains

Recommendation: 25-40g per day

Are you getting enough?
20 Concepts of Physical Fitness 12e
Ways to Get More Fiber

 Eat more fruits

and vegetables
 Eat whole grain

21 Concepts of Physical Fitness 12e

Return to
A Grain of Wheat

- B vitamins
- minerals
- dietary fiber
- starch
- protein
- some iron and
GERM B vitamins
- essential fats
- minerals
- vitamins
(B's , E and folacin)

22 Concepts of Physical Fitness 12e

Return to
Composition of Oils (%)
Type Sat Poly Mono
safflower 9 75 16
sunflower 10 66 24

corn 13 59 28
soybean 14 58 28
sesame 14 42 44
peanut 17 32 51
palm 49 9 42
olive 14 8 78
canola 7 35 58
23 Concepts of Physical Fitness 12e
Return to
Hydrogenation Process

24 Concepts of Physical Fitness 12e

Fat Soluble Vitamins

 Consist of Vitamins A, D, E, and K

 Absorbed at the small intestine in the
presence of bile (a fatty substance)
 Overdoses can be toxic (A and D)

25 Concepts of Physical Fitness 12e

Water Soluble Vitamins

 Consist of B complex and vitamin C

 Excesses will be excreted in the
urine, however, B-6 and Niacin can
be toxic when ingested in unusually
large amounts

26 Concepts of Physical Fitness 12e

Return to
Water Soluble Vitamins

 B-1 (thiamine)
 B-2 (riboflavin)
 B-6 (pyridoxine)
 B-12 (cobalamin)
 Niacin (nicotinic acid)
 Pantothenic Acid
 Folic Acid (folacin)
 Biotin
 C
27 Concepts of Physical Fitness 12e
Antioxidant All-Stars
 Broccoli
 Canteloupe
 Carrot
 Kale
 Mango
 Pumpkin
 Red Pepper
 Spinach
 Strawberries
 Sweet potato

28 Concepts of Physical Fitness 12e

Minerals with established
RDA guidelines
Return to

 Calcium
 Phosphorus
 Iodine
 Iron
 Magnesium
 Zinc
 Selenium
29 Concepts of Physical Fitness 12e
Return to
presentation Calcium

 Important for preventing

 RDA = 800-1000 mg/day
 Found in dairy products and

High protein diets leach calcium from

bones and promote osteoporosis
30 Concepts of Physical Fitness 12e
Return to
presentation Iron

 Important component of hemoglobin

 Iron deficiency is known as anemia
(Symptoms: shortness of breath, fatigue)

31 Concepts of Physical Fitness 12e

Return to Functions of Water

 Comprises about 60% of body weight

 Chief component of blood plasma
 Aids in temperature regulation
 Lubricates joints
 Shock absorber in eyes, spinal cord, and
amniotic sac (during pregnancy)
 Active participant in many chemical
32 Concepts of Physical Fitness 12e
Calorie Calculation
 Heather consumes 2000 calories per
day and wishes to obtain 20% of her
calories from fat:

2000 calories x 20% = 400 calories

from fat per day

400 calories from fat = 44 grams of

33 Concepts of Physical Fitness 12e
What is Balogna?
80% "fat free”
52 calories / slice
4 grams fat / slice

= 4 g/slice X 9 cal/g = 36 calories
from fat
Percent of
calories = 36 cal / 52 cal total = 69%
from fat
34 Concepts of Physical Fitness 12e
What about
Return to
presentation Sliced Turkey?
98% "fat free”
30 calories / slice
1 gram fat / slice

= 1 g/slice X 9 cal/g = 9 calories
from fat
Percent of
calories = 9 cal / 30 cal total = 30%
from fat
35 Concepts of Physical Fitness 12e
Return to
presentation Fat Substitutes

 Olestra
 Simplesse

What are the dietary implications of

these new food products?

36 Concepts of Physical Fitness 12e

The Food Pyramid

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