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NPD 4 : Mosquito Repellent

Function: Marketing Owner: Abhinaya Siva Estimated date of completion:

Detailed Initiative along with benefits Current Status –

To Introduce the In- house Mosquito Vaporizer

Estimated costs (if any) -

Work Plan (Steps for initiative)

Activity Responsible person Start date End date
• To understand the overview of the market size, visited MGC center to Abhinaya S. 10th Dec-21 31st Dec-21
understand the channel.
• Market research with internal audience Abhinaya S.,
Dr. Suresh Jan -22 March -22
• Product bio efficacy study conducted
• Market research initiated with an external audience. Agencies Abhinaya S.
identified, research Methodology fixed, elimination & selection criteria 15th Mar-22 15th Aug -22
identified. To proceed with research
• Test launch planned to understand the reception of the product. Abhinaya S. Jan -22 July - 22

• Preparing for full fledged GTM launch Abhinaya S.

• Briefed several marketing agencies – awaiting pitch and proposal Dinesh – Corporate 30 Jul-22 Sep-22
• Agency to be finalized – marketing strategy & communication strategy Communication
to be closed

Status indicator: Not initiated Initiated 80% complete Completed
Packaging Design – Design philosophy
Stage 1: Benchmarking & studying competition
(Good night natural – National brand)


• Owning a shade of green

heroing the organic story

• Focus on the product,


• Pictorially cueing the

neem story
Front view

Tagline – Key
message delivered
in a consumer
friendly language

Logo USPs

Product pack shot

that represents the
TG. Cueing “safe
sleep”. A picture
that delivers
promise & builds a
sense of assurance

Other view

Claim 2

Claim 1 -- That
sets up a
QUITE - Competitor Product Analysis
Cost Working

20% Margin

Parameter QUITE Good Knight Natural Mosrelief

(CIL) (Godrej) (Herbal Strategy)
MRP 150 103 150
Reliance Billing Price Including
142 NA
Market Research – To study perception & factors
Future pegs
influencing purchase behaviour

Branding & Communication:

Research objective
 Incorporate the learning of the
research & tailor strong
positioning statement
 USPs to be re-looked at from a
consumer standpoint
 Brand elements & design to be
re- looked with help of agency
 Finalise on the Go To Market
Strategy – Pre launch, launch,
Post launch
 Finalization of ATL & BTL
Drill down the difference
Check Consumer elements. Tailor the overall
in consumer behavior
across segments marketing strategy

Expected Outcome: Gauge Perception, Preference in Odor, Price finalisation –

price point & more pointers that get identified in the
Qualitative phase  Post studying the willingness
to pay, pricing to be worked
Agency – Proposal vs cost discussion
 FCB Ulka – Approximately 8 to 9 lakhs per month. Briefed both the strategy & communication team
 Leo burnette – Discontinued due to cost levied to pitch. Have pushed them to not charge for the pitch,
briefing scheduled.
 Interactive Avenues --- Approximately 8 to 9 lakhs per month. Briefed both the strategy & communication
 Contract India -- Approximately 8 to 9 lakhs per month Briefed both the strategy & communication team
 Kraft digi – attached proposal – For now it’s around 5 lakhs but the potential of agency to be probed.
 Briefed both the strategy & communication team
 Lowli lintas – 11 lakhs + taxes
 Network advertising – Briefed very recently
Discussion Pointers
• Agency wise – Cost vs scope vs capability
• Budget
• Agency budget
• Marketing budget
• Project wise vs retainer

Current Roadblocks while briefing:

• Budgets
• Pan India launch – phases, timelines, key markets
• Partners identification – Strategy
Without the scope the GTM cannot take full shape

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