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Iso 9000 family

Iso was founded in 1946 in geneva, switzerland. Iso is composed of 90 member countries United states ANSI In India-BIS adopts ISO under the dual numbering scheme. Replaced by 3rd party. Creates snowball effect-gradually increasing the volume.

ISO 9000
The ISO 9000 family addresses "Quality management". set of international "quality systems" standards for designing, manufacturing and servicing the products a company produces ISO-9000 is a goal oriented, customer driven system of quality control and quality assurance This "quality system" is audited by a third party with the resulting report being published ISO-9000 is a goal oriented, customer driven system of quality control and quality assurance

Iso 9000 requirement

The standard has eight clausesScope Normative references Definitions Quality management systems Management responsibility product./service realization Measurement Analysis Improvement

Benefits to using the ISO-9000 standards

Quality improvements Improved liability protection Documented and published proof of compliance by a non-interested third party ISO-9000 series standards only require a company to document what it does, and then do what it documents. Company sets the standard

ISO 9001-2008
covers the entire process from product design through after sales service. it provides a set of generic requirements relating to the processes of development and production the only certification standard in the ISO 9000 family. organization needs to review its processes in accordance with the standard s requirements to meet cust. sat

There are eight quality management principles on which the QMS standards of the ISO 9000:2000 and ISO 9000:2008 series are based. These principles can be used by senior management as a framework to guide their organizations towards improved performance. 8 Principles are :
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Customer focus Leadership Involvement of people Process approach System approach to management Continual improvement Factual approach to decision making Mutually beneficial supplier relationships


Management commitment to quality. Customer focus. Adequacy of an organization's resources. Employee competence. Process management (for production, service delivery and relevant administrative and support processes). Quality planning. Design, purchasing, monitoring and measurement of its processes and products. Processes to resolve customer complaints. Corrective/preventive actions. A requirement to drive continual improvement of the organisation. A requirement to monitor customer perceptions about the quality of the goods and services it provides.

Potential benefits
It improves the quality of all of the organization's management activities It is one of the most nationally and internationally known quality standards that affirms the independent approval of a management system designed specifically to deliver high levels of customer satisfaction. It has the potential to improve internal and external accountability and communication of management and production procedures.

Potential limitations
expensive in terms of start-up and running costs and has the potential be time consuming to implement. it is much more difficult to use in smaller parts of for single issues. it may be less suitable for socially enterprising organisations

Practical implementation
Garuda mall Ok industries- is committed to producing consistent quality of products with best workmanship and value for money products

ISO 9004
ISO-9004 is an "Internal Use" standard - it cannot be registered and is not subject to the third party audits Guiding Lines for Improvement of Performances is an add-on to ISO 9001:2000 standard It is framed on the principles of iso 9000

customer loyalty operating results (sales, share in profit) costs and cycle times by means of efficient and effective use of resources targeting of the processes that best suit the purpose of achieving the desired results competitive advantages through improved competences of the organization Employee participation


an effective and efficient way of identifying and fulfilling the needs of customers and parties interested achieving, maintaining and enhancing of the organizations overall level of performance and competence

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