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“To speak well is

part of living
― Gaston
Bachelard [source]

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Speaking is the act to talk to somebody about
something or to have a conversation with
somebody. [source]

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1. Listening
2. Vocabulary
3. Pronunciation
4. Confidence

Speak Photo by Unsplash

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Task 1: Vital Signs Check

Vital Signs Check is

measurements of the
body's most basic
functions monitored by
medical professionals and
health care providers.

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No. Vocabulary Meaning in Indonesian
1. Obs (Observation) Observasi
2. Weight Bobot
3. Temperature Suhu
4. Pulse Denyut nadi
5. Respirations Pernapasan
6. Oxygen sats (Saturation) Saturasi oksigen
Good morning / Good afternoon / Good evening, my name’s
(1)____. I am a nurse. I would like to report a patient’s observation
on behalf of Mr. Jude Colin. First, he weighs 78 kilos. Second, his
temperature is 33. Third, his pulse is 68. Fourth, his respiration is
16 breaths per minute. And lastly, his oxygen sats are 98%.
Good morning / Good afternoon / Good evening, my name’s
(1)____. I am a nurse. I would like to report a patient’s observation
on behalf of Mr / Mrs. (2)____. First, he / she weighs (3)____ kilos.
Second, his / her temperature is (4)____. Third, his / her pulse is
(5). Fourth, his / her respiration is (6)____ breaths per minute. And
lastly, his / her oxygen sats are (7)____.
Task 2: Patient’s Pain

Patient’s pain is the

process of asking patients
about their pain
complaint before
proceeded to further

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No. Vocabulary Meaning in Indonesian
1. Pain Rasa sakit atau rasa nyeri
2. Complaint Keluhan
3. Not feeling well Tidak enak badan
4. Stomach Perut
5. Quite bad Cukup buruk
6. Burning pain Rasa nyeri terbakar
7. Go away Hilang
8. Stay the same Tetap sama
Body Parts
Inner Body Parts
• Throbbing pain — Rasa sakit atau nyeri berdenyut-denyut
• Sharp pain — Rasa sakit atau nyeri yang menusuk
• Burning pain — Rasa sakit atau nyeri terbakar
• Shooting pain — Linu
• Dull ache — Rasa sakit atau nyeri tumpul
• Gnawing pain — Perih
• Cramping pain — Kram
Good morning / Good afternoon / Good evening, my name’s
(1)____. I am a nurse. I would like to report a patient’s pain
complaint on behalf of Mr. Smith. Mr. Smith says that he’s not
feeling well today. He complained of pain in his stomach. And it's
quite bad. He further describes the pain is like a burning pain. It
never goes away and it stays the same.
Good morning / Good afternoon / Good evening, my name’s
(1)____. I am a nurse. I would like to report a patient’s pain
complaint on behalf of Mr. / Mrs. (2)____. (3) Mr. / Mrs. ____ said
that he’s / she's not feeling well today. He / She complained of pain
in his / her (4)____. And it's quite bad. He / She further describes
the pain is like a (5)____ pain. It never goes away and it stays the
Task 3: Patient Medication

Patient Medication is an
activity where healthcare
workers, such as
pharmacists or nurses,
provide information
about medication that
must be prescribed to
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No. Vocabulary Meaning in Indonesian
1. Abdominal pain Nyeri perut
2. Respiratory tract infection Infeksi saluran pernafasan
3. Constipation Sembelit
4. Skin infection Infeksi kulit
5. Allergy Alergi
6. Antibiotic Antibiotika
7. Painkiller Penawar rasa sakit
8. Laxative Pencahar
9. Antihistamine Antihistamin
No. Vocabulary Meaning in Indonesian
11. Morphine Morfin (obat yang berfungsi untuk meredakan nyeri
jangka pendek maupun panjang)

12. Infusion Infusi

13. Clindamycin Klindamisin (obat untuk mengatasi berbagai infeksi
bakteri, termasuk jerawat dan radang panggul)

14. Tablespoon Sendok makan

15. Metamucil Metamucil (suplemen yang digunakan untuk
menyerap dan menyingkirkan sisa-sisa yang
menumpuk, seperti lemak dan minyak di dalam
pencernaan sehingga membantu proses pembuangan
racun alami di dalam tubuh)
No. Vocabulary Meaning in Indonesian
16. Cephalexin Cephalexin (obat antibiotik untuk mengobati
penyakit infeksi yang disebabkan oleh infeksi
17. Injection Injeksi
18. Dimotane Dimotane (antihistamin yang digunakan untuk
meredakan gejala alergi, demam, dan flu biasa)
Good morning / Good afternoon / Good evening, my name’s
(1)____. I am a nurse. I would like to prescribe medicine to Mrs.
Gwen Alison. Mrs. Alison has pain in the lower abdomen. The
doctor says she needs stronger pain relief, so she will be
prescribed thirty milligrams of Morphine every four hours.
Good morning / Good afternoon / Good evening, my name’s
(1)____. I am a nurse. I would like to prescribe medicine to Mr. /
Mrs. (2)____. Mr. / Mrs. (3)____ has (4)____. The doctor says he /
she needs (5)____, so he / she will be prescribed (6)____.
This presentation slide was made by Andry Yuriandi.
All forms of writing and pictures that are not the
original work of the author have been cited properly.
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