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Barrett Hodgson University, Karachi

Introduction to Networks

Lecturer: Duaa Baig

Course Title:
Barrett Hodgson University, Karachi

Data Communications
The term telecommunication means communication at a distance.
Data communications are the exchange of data between two devices
via some form of transmission medium such as a wire cable.

Effective Characteristics of Data Communication

• Delivery (intended receiver )
• Accuracy (unchanged data)
• Timeliness (timely manner)
• Jitter (uneven delay in audio/video streaming/packets)
Barrett Hodgson University, Karachi

Simple Data Communication

Simplified Block Diagram of Data Communication Network
Barrett Hodgson University, Karachi

Simple Data Communication Model

 Source : where the data is originated.

 Transmitter : convert data into suitable form for transmission
through the medium
 Communication system: medium through which signal is sent.
 Receiver : which receives the signal and convert it into data or
 Destination : where the data is sent.
Barrett Hodgson University, Karachi

Transmission Modes

 Data can flow only in one direction
 E.g. Television

Half duplex
 Both stations transmit, but only one
at a time
 E.g. Walkie talkie

Full duplex
 Simultaneous transmissions
 E.g. Telephone
Barrett Hodgson University, Karachi

Data Communication Techniques

Serial transmission - is the process of sending data one bit at a time, in

sequentially, over a communication channel / computer bus. A data
channel that transfers digital data in a serial mode, one bit after the
other over one wire, with start and stop bit.
Barrett Hodgson University, Karachi

Data Communication Techniques

Parallel transmission - is a method of sending several data signals

simultaneously over several parallel channels.
In parallel transmission, multiple bits (usually 8 bits or a
byte/character) are sent simultaneously on different channels (wires,
frequency channels) within the same cable, or radio path, and
synchronized to a clock. Due to multi channels lines in parallel
transmission, it may comparatively fast as serial transmission.
Barrett Hodgson University, Karachi


A network is a set of devices (often referred to as nodes) connected by

communication links. A node can be a computer, printer, or any other device
capable of sending and/or receiving data generated by other nodes on the network.

Network Criteria
 Transit time (device to device)
 Response time (enquiry to response)
 Throughput (processing rate)
 Delay
Barrett Hodgson University, Karachi

Networks Classification (By Scale)

Local Area Network (LAN)

 Short Distances
 Designed To Provide Local Interconnectivity

Wide Area Networks (WAN)

 Long Distances
 Provide Connectivity Over Large Areas

Metropolitan Area Network (MAN)

 Provide Connectivity Over Areas Such As A City
Barrett Hodgson University, Karachi

Type Of Connections

Point-to-point communication
 Communication takes place between two end points.

Multipoint communication
 There is one sender and multiple recipients.
Barrett Hodgson University, Karachi


The internet has revolutionized many aspects of our daily lives. It has affected the
way we do business as well as the way we spend our leisure time. The internet is a
communication system that has brought a wealth of information to our fingertips
and organized it for our use.
Barrett Hodgson University, Karachi


A protocol is synonymous with rule. It consists of a set of rules that govern data
communications. It determines what is communicated, how it is communicated
and when it is communicated. The key elements of a protocol are syntax,
semantics and timing.
Barrett Hodgson University, Karachi

Elements of a Protocol

 Structure or format of the data
 Indicates how to read the bits

 Interprets the meaning of the bits
 Knows which fields define what action

 When data should be sent and what
 Speed at which data should be sent or speed at which it is being received.
Barrett Hodgson University, Karachi


 Data communications are the transfer of data from one device to

another via some form of transmission medium.
 The five components that make up a data communications system are
the message, sender, receiver, medium, and protocol.
 Data flow between two devices can occur in one of three ways:
simplex, half-duplex, or full duplex.
 A network is a set of communication devices connected by media links.
 A protocol is a set of rules that govern data communication; the key
elements of a protocol are syntax, semantics, and timing.
Barrett Hodgson University, Karachi

Network Topology
The way in which devices are interrelated or arranged.

Network topology
Network topology is the schematic description of a network
arrangement, connecting various nodes (sender, receiver) through
lines of connection. Or defines how the nodes of a network are

Physical Topology (Defines how the nodes of the network are
physically connected .)
Logical Topology (How data is transmitted between nodes.)
Barrett Hodgson University, Karachi

Physical Topologies

 Star
 Bus
 Ring
 Hybrid
Barrett Hodgson University, Karachi

Mesh topology

A network setup where each computer and network

device is interconnected with one another, allowing
for most transmissions to be distributed, even if one
of the connections go down. This topology is not
commonly used for most computer networks as it is
difficult and expensive to have redundant
connection to every computer. However, this
topology is commonly used for wireless networks.
Full duplex-mode cables: n(n -1) /2
Half duplex-mode cables: n(n -1)
Barrett Hodgson University, Karachi

Mesh Topology

They use dedicated links so each link can only carry its own data load. So traffic
problem can be avoided.
It is robust. If any one link get damaged it cannot affect others.
It gives privacy and security.(Message travels along a dedicated link)
Fault identification and fault isolation are easy.
The amount of cabling and the number of I/O ports required are very large. Since
every device is connected to each devices through dedicated links.
The bulk of wiring is larger than the available space.
Hardware required to connected each device is highly expensive.
Telephone Regional Office.
WAN. (Wide Area Network).
Barrett Hodgson University, Karachi

Star Topology

In a star topology, each device has a

dedicated point-to-point link only to a
central controller, usually called a hub,
or switch. The devices are not directly
linked to one another. Unlike a mesh
topology, a star topology does not
allow direct Traffic between devices.
Ports and cables
n cables
n ports
Barrett Hodgson University, Karachi

Star Topology

Less expensive than mesh since each device is connected only to the hub.
Installation and configuration are easy.
Less cabling is need than mesh.
Robustness. (If one link fails, only that links is affected. All other links remain
Easy to fault identification & to remove parts.
Even it requires less cabling then mesh when compared with other topologies it
still large.(Ring or bus).
Dependency(whole dependent on one single point(hub). When it goes down. The
whole system is dead.
LAN. (Local Area Network).
Barrett Hodgson University, Karachi

Bus Topology

A bus topology is multipoint. Here one long cable act as a backbone to link
all the devices are connected to the backbone by drop lines and taps.
Drop line- is the connection the devices and the cable.
Tap- is the splitter that cut the main link.
This allows only one device to transmit at a time. Single cable connects all
network nodes without intervening connectivity devices. Devices share
responsibility for getting data from one point to another.
Barrett Hodgson University, Karachi

Bus Topology
Ease of Installation.
Less cabling.
Less expensive

Difficult reconfiguration and fault isolation.
Difficult to add new devices.
If any fault in backbone can stops all transmission.

Most Computer’s motherboard.
Barrett Hodgson University, Karachi

Ring Topology

In a ring topology, each device has a dedicated point-to-point connection with only
the two devices on either side of it. A signal is passed along the ring in one
direction, from device to device, until it reaches its destination. Each device in the
ring incorporates a repeater. When a device receives a signal intended for another
device, its repeater regenerates the bits and passes them along.
Ports and cables
n cables
n*2 ports
Barrett Hodgson University, Karachi

Ring Topology

Easy to install.
Easy to reconfigure.
Fault identification is easy.

Unidirectional traffic.
Break in a single ring can break entire network.

Ring topologies are found in some office buildings or school campuses.
Barrett Hodgson University, Karachi

Hybrid Topology

A network which contain all type of physical structure and connected

under a single backbone channel.
Barrett Hodgson University, Karachi

Considerations for Choosing


Money - bus n/w may be the least expensive way to install a n/w.
Length-of cable needed - the linear bus n/w uses shorter lengths of
Future growth - with star topology, expending a n/w is easily done
by adding another devices.
Cable type - most common used cable in commercial organization is
twisted pair which often used with star topologies.
Barrett Hodgson University, Karachi

That's all folks

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