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KD : 3.1
LEARNING OBJECTIVES (Tujuan Pembelajaran)
1.Menyebutkan bermacam- macam greeting dan dapat memberikan jawaban yang
benar sesuai situasi.
2.Menyebutkan tujuan mempelajari greeting.
3.Menyebutkan ungkapan leave taking dan dapat memberikan response yg benar .
4. Mengidentifikasi pronunciation, intonation dari bermacam-macam greeting dan
leave taking.
5. Mengidentifikasi unsur kebahasaan .
6. Menuliskan dialoh sederhana tentang “Greeting & Leave taking.
7. Mengkomunikasikan dialog sederhana tentang “Greeting and Leave taking.
What is greeting ? A kind of expression that we use when we meet someone .we usually greet
him/her whatever formal or informal.
The formal greetings are usually used when we meet someone whom we respect.Informal greeting is
used when we meet someone we already know each other, like classmates, close friend, or friend.
Tugas ( Dikerjakan dikertas dan dikumpulkan di loker sekolah yang telah disediakan sebelum tgl 27 Juli 2020)
Sandi : Hi,Titin Good morning.
Titin: Good morning Sandi. Will you come to the swimming pool after school?
Sandi : Yes,I will. How about you?
Titin: I’ll come with you.
Sandi : Okay then.I’ll call you when the class is over.
Titin: Good,See you later.
Sandi : See you.
Pay attention to the dialogue above,then answer the following questions !
1. What does Sandi say when he meet Titin?
2. Where will Sandi and Titin go?
3. What does Sandi say when Titin say “see you later “?
4. Mention the expression of greeting ,and leave taking and its ‘response in the dialogue above !
5. Find other expressions of greeting and leave taking and its reponse(You can browse from internet or English Text book/Others
to get information)
1. Dina meets Mr Alif at 05.00 p.m. So, she says.....
a. Good afternoon b. Good night c. Good morning d. good evening 
2. Shinta wants to sleep. So,she says .... to her mother.
a. Good afternoon b. Good night c. Good afternoon d. good evening
3. Budi asks Rita’s condition. So, he says......
a. Hello b. How are you c. Thank you d. I am so sorry
4. Jack : Hi, Lisa, how are you ?
Lisa : . . . And you ?
Jack : I’m OK
A. How do you do ? B. Fine, thanks C. Goodbye D. Yes, I am
5. Noval : I have to go now. Nice to meet you, Zahra.Zahra : . . . Noval
A. Bye B. You are nice C. Nice to meet you, too D. You make me happy
6. It is not a greeting  expression
A.Hi! B.Good Bye C.Good morning D. Good Afternoon
7. It is not a parting expression.
A.Good night B. Good bye C. See you again! D. Hello
8. A : ……… B : I am fine, thank you.
A.How old are you? B.How do you do? C.How are you? D. What’s your name?
9. What will you say when you meet your teacher at school gate in the morning?
A.Good evening Sir! B.Good bye Sir C. Good morning, Sir! D. Good luck Sir!
10. When someone says” How do you do?” We will answer.....
a. Fine, thank you b. Thank c. How are you d.How do you do


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