M1 Nerve/Muscle Physiology Exam Review

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M1 Nerve/Muscle Physiology Exam Review

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1) 2) 3) 4)

Approx. 3 questions per lecture 1.2 minutes per question Department practice exam on Blackboard TLEs on M1 website (go to: Class Materials then Physiology)

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Fluid Mosaic Model

Phospholipid bilayer with proteins and cholesterol embedded within bilayer. Cholesterol makes bilayer stiffer or more viscous!! Membrane composition depends on function (ie. More lipid in Schwann cells and more protein in mitochondria).

Intrinsic/Integral vs. Extrinisic/Peripheral Proteins

Intrinsic proteins span the entire membrane and contain hydrophillic ends and a hydrophobic core, often serving as transporters. Extrinsic proteins are present on one side of the bilayer or the other and are anchored by electrostatic interactions. Glycolipids can be conjugated with either an intrinsic or extrinsic protein and serve as a surface marker for the cell.

1) Simple Diffusion - small, nonpolar > large, polar 2) Osmosis - water follows solute 3) Facilitated Diffusion - not energy dependent transport of solute down its concentration gradient 4) Active Transport - energy dependent transport of solute against its concentration gradient

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Note: All transport mechanisms exhibit saturation kinetics, chemical specificity and competitive inhibition. When the [substrate] increases, the transportation rate increases until transport mechanism becomes saturated.


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DC J = - DA DX

Diffusion is driven by concentration gradients. Ficks 1st Law of Diffusion:

Use to calculate Rate of Diffusion Note: C = C1-C2 where C1 = target compartment

Stokes-Einstein Equation:

kT D= Use to calculate Diffusion Coefficient 6prh

Expresses relative Lipid Solubility 0 (lipid insoluble) 1 (completely lipid soluble)

Partition Coefficient ( )

Which factors allow fast diffusion?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

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Lipid solubility ( ) - the more lipid soluble, the faster the diffusion. C - the greater the change in concentration, the faster the diffusion. Membrane thickness - the thinner the membrane, the faster the diffusion. Viscosity of membrane - the less viscous the membrane, the faster the diffusion. Radius of molecule - the smaller the radius of the molecule, the faster the diffusion.


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Vant Hoffs Law: =RT( iC)

o o

Use to calculate osmotic pressure = pressure required to oppose the movement of water from an area of high [H2O] (low osmolarity) to an area of low [H2O] (high osmolarity). Vw=L Use to calculate the osmotic flow rate of water when the membrane is permeable to both water and solute. = reflection coefficient (0-1) - a high reflection coefficient reflects a solute that does NOT permeate the membrane well.

Osmotic Flow Rate

o o

Hypertonic vs. Hypotonic Solutions

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Hypotonic solutions have a lower osmolarity than cellular osmolarity (0.3 osm) and thus the cell will swell when placed in a hypotonic solution.

Cell will swell in hypOtonic solution

Hypertonic solutions have a higher osmolarity than cellular osmolarity and thus the cell will shrink when placed in a hypertonic solution.

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Facilitated Diffusion
Helps larger, less soluble molecules cross

the membrane Dependent on concentration gradient No Energy Needed!

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Active Transport

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Active Transport

Against concentration gradient Requires Energy (ATP) Primary Active Transport

Transporter directly breaks down an energy molecules (mostly ATPNa+/K+ pump)

Secondary Active Transport

Transporter is indirectly dependent on energy expenditure from another transporter ex. Na/glucose co-transporter fueled by Na+/K+ pump
NOTE: Na+/K+ pump = PumpKin (Pump K+ in)

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Gated Channels

Utilize gradient: high to low [ ]

Ligand Gated Channels - passive diffusion through a channel opened through ligand binding (hormone or neurotransmitters) Voltage Gated Channels - passive diffusion through a channel opened by changes in the membrane potential

Vesicle Mediated Transport

Requires Energy!! Endocytosis - into cell Exocytosis - out of cell

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Membrane Potentials
Results because of an unequal distribution of charge across a membrane Two equations you need to know:

1) 2)

Nernst Equation Goldmans Equation

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Nernst Equation:

- 60 mV E = z

[ X ]A log + [X ]

(Dont forget about zvalence of ion)


Use to calculate the membrane potential of an ion at equilibrium Represents the electrical potential necessary to maintain a certain concentration gradient of a permeable solute.

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Goldmans Equation

( Pk [K ] o + PNa [ Na] o + PCl [Cl] i ) E m = (60mv)log ( Pk [K ] i + PNa [ Na] i + PCl [Cl] o )

Used to calculate overall membrane potential when multiple ions are involved. Incorporates permeability of each ion. Permeability of K+ > Na+ > Cl- thus..

K+ drives Resting Membrane Potential


Acetylcholine (ACh)

Somatic NS
At neuromuscular junction

Autonomic NS
Preganglionic PNS and SNS neurons Postganglionic PNS


ANS- postganglionic SNS neurons Inhibitory neurotransmitter of brain Excitatory neurotransmitter of brain




Ionotropic - binding of NT opens ion channel

nACh receptors - Na+ and K+ channels

At neuromuscular junction and autonomic ganglion

Metabotropic - binding of NT generates a 2nd messenger which opens an ion channel

GABA receptors - ligand gated Cl- channels Glutamate receptors

Non-NMDA - ligand gated Na+ and K+ channels NMDA

Binding activates Gprotein which activates and enzyme serving as a 2nd messenger
mACh receptors

Must bind glycine to be active Ligand gated Na, K and Ca channels blocked by Mg at rest

At PNS effector organs

1, 2, 1, 2, and 3

At SNS effector organs

SNS Receptors

1 - contraction (sphincters) 2 - decreases sections (salivary glands)

1 - heart (excitatory) and kidney 2 - lungs, pupil (relaxation) Mnemonic: 1h , 2 lungs

Agonists and Antagonists

Pro-PNS Effects

Neostigmine - Inhibits Acetylcholinesterase prolonging ACh activity Propanolol - antagonist

Pro-SNS Effects

Isoprotenerol - agonist Belladonna and Atropine - mACh antagonist

Anti-ANS (both PNS and SNS)

Hexamethonium - nACh antagonist (ganglia)

Anti-Skeletal Muscle Contraction

Curare - nACh antagonist (NMJ)

Action Potentials (APs)

APs are the result of time and voltage dependent changes in ionic permeability of excitable cells (i.e. neurons). Na+ and K+ channels that generate APs are only found at the axon hillock. Any other depolarization in a neuron is called a receptor potential. APs are ALL-OR-NOTHING events. A stronger stimulus only increases the frequency of firing.

Phases of Action Potentials

1. 2.


4. 5.

Slow depolarization to threshold Rapid depolarization due to opening of voltage dependent Na+ channels leading to Na+ influx (Hodgkin Cycle!) Repolarization due to increased K+ conductance leading to K+ efflux Hyperpolarization (refractory period) Resting membrane potential

Refractory Periods

Absolute Refractory Period - due to time dependence of Na+ channel

No amount of inward current will generate another AP Due to the Na+ inactivation gate which is slow to close when triggered at threshold

Relative Refractory Period

Need an excess of current to generate an AP because the Na+ channels are still inactivated until the end of repolarization phase

Velocity of Conduction of AP
Velocity increases

with increased diameter of axon.

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Velocity increases

when membrane resistance increases (myelination!)

Synaptic Transmission
Presynaptic Membrane:

AP Ca+2 channels opening Ca+2 influx synaptic vesicle fusion release of NTs

Post-synaptic membrane: Neurotransmitter binds to postsynaptic neuron or muscle leading to increased conductance of Na+ and K+ causing a generator or action potential.

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Response of Post-Synaptic Cell

Response may be inhibitory or excitatory depending on the nature of postsynaptic cell (NOT Neurotransmitter!!) Temporal or Spatial Summation Temporal - multiple signals from 1 axon firing in rapid succession such that successive inputs add to the stillexistent present inputs. Spatial - multiple signals from different axons occurring simultaneously. Repetitive Stimulations Facilitation - successive APs cause postsynaptic membrane potential to grow more and more intense in amplification Post-tetanic Potentiation - after repetitive firing, Ca+2 channels are synchronized resulting in a more amplified EPSP following tetanus Synaptic Fatigue - delay in response after synapse following prolonged tetanus (NTs have to be re-packaged)

Generator vs. Action Potentials

Generator Potentials

Action Potentials

Subthreshold Graded Intensity of signal = larger response Decremental conductance

Longer length constant = less decrement Larger nerves = longer length constant

Over threshold All or Nothing!!! Intensity of signal = more frequent Aps No decrement in signal

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Autonomic vs. Somatic NS

Somatic NS

Autonomic NS

Acts on skeletal muscles 1 neuron ACh nACh (motor end plate) Controlled by voluntary thought (motor cortex)

Acts on smooth muscle, glands, cardiac muscle 2 neurons: post and preganglionic PreG: ACh nACh Post G:
PNS: ACh mACh SNS: NE or

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Controlled by hypothalamus (involuntary)

Associated w/ limbic system leads to emotionally linked response Ablation (cant respond to changes)

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Autonomic NS

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Cell bodies of postganglionic nerves are in ganglia near spinal cord Diffuse control (1:10 ratio of pre to postG fibers) Short preganglionic nerves (ACh nACh receptors) Long post ganglionic nerves (NE 1, 2, 1 and 2)


Cell bodies of postganglionic nerves are in ganglia near organ Precise control (1:3 ratio of pre to postG fibers) Long preganglionic nerves (ACh nACh receptors) Short postganglionic nerves (ACh mACh receptors)

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SNS = fight or flight

PNS = rest and digest

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Dilates pupils Opens airways Increases heart rate and BP Increases blood flow to heart, brain and skeletal muscle Inhibits digestion Piloerection Gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis (makes glucose available)

Constricts pupils Restricts airways Decreases heart rate and BP Promotes digestion Increases blood flow to gut Increase saliva Glyconeogenesis (stores glucose as glycogen)
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Salivary Secretions:

SNS: salivary amylase production PNS: watery saliva SNS: motility of colon until appropriate time PNS: motility of colon leads to expulsion of stool SNS: Relaxation of bladder to allow for fill-up PNS: Contraction of bladder SNS: Ejaculation and psychogenic erections PNS: Erection (ACh NO release vasodilation)





Skeletal Muscle
Controlled by Somatic NS Skeletal muscle specific terms:

Neuromuscular junction Motor endplate skeletal muscle on the receiving end of nm junction End Plate Potential (EPP) generator potential of skeletal muscle

ACh release is quantal (miniature end

plate potential = 0.4 mV)

Organization and Structure of Muscle

Classification of Muscle
Functional Syncytium Cardiac Automaticity Single-Unit

Striated Muscle
Motor Unit Composition Skeletal Motor Nerve Required Multi-Unit

Smooth Muscle

Connective Tissue (Know this!)


surrounds entire muscle separates muscle into bundles of muscle fibers (fascicles) contains blood vessels separates muscle fascicles into individual muscle cells (myofibers) contains capillaries



Epimysium, perimysium, and endomysium all come together at the ends of muscles to form TENDONS

Anatomy of a Muscle

Nerves and blood vessels are embedded in connective tissue. The major connective tissue components are collagen and elastin. Muscles are attached to bones by tendons at their origin and insertion.

Muscle Growth During Development

Myoblasts Myotubes

Cell Division (Hyperplasia)

Cell Fusion

Re-Enter the Cell Cycle

Satellite Cell (quiescent)

Activated by injury or trauma


Cell Growth (Hypertrophy)

The Sarcomere
Basic Contractile Unit in Muscle

M line

Myofilament Arrangements

A cross-section through the A Band/I Band overlap shows the hexagonal array of thick and thin myofilaments

When muscle contracts, the sarcomere shortens. The I band and H Zone also shorten. But the length of the A band remains the same.

The Thick Myofilament

MHC 220,000 Daltons MLC 15 20,000 Daltons

Myosin Light Chains

The thick myofilaments are composed of myosin molecules arranged in an end to end fashion at the M-line. Each myosin is composed of two myosin heavy chain subunits and two pair of myosin light chains.

Thin myofilaments

Actin core Tropomyosin

Filamentous protein blocks myosin binding site on actin

T attaches troponin complex to tropomyosin I along with tropomyosin inhibits myosin binding site on actin C binds free intracellular calcium to produce a conformational change in tropomyosin

Other Structural Proteins


keeps thick myofilaments centered in sarcomere extends from M line to Z line, largest MW protein known determines length of thin myofilaments, molecular ruler


filament structure during contraction Cap-Z and tropomodulin associated with opposite ends of growing thin filaments, regulates length Dystrophin anchors actin filaments to sarcolemma, defective in MD Myotilin interacts with alpha actinin and Z-lines, sarcomeric organization

Alpha Actinin anchors thin myofilaments to the Z-line Beta Actinin determines length of thin filaments Myomesin binds titin, aligns thick filaments into hexagonal array Desmin cytoskeletal protein, connects adjacent sarcomeres C-, H-, and X- proteins form rings around thick filaments, maintains thick

Nerve Muscle Relation

Some definitions
Motor Unit

Composed of an alpha motorneuron and all the myofibers innervated by that neuron The region of the myofiber directly under the terminal axon branches Where the axon terminal and the motor endplate meet

Motor Endplate

Neuromuscular junction

Size Principle of Motor Unit Recruitment

Input from CNS Corticospinal Tract Recruited Last Forceful Contractions Recruited First Finesse Contractions

Spinal chord

Large Cell Body

Small Cell Body

Type II

Type I

few myofibers easily recruited

Two different motor units within the same myofiber

Acetylcholine receptor

T-tubules are aligned w/ ends of A band(near myosin heads).

Excitation-Contraction Coupling
Resting Muscle
No at resting membrane potential

RyR Receptor
_ _

Ca++ Ca++

DHP Receptor


Ca++ Calsequestrin

Ca++ Ca++

Ca++ Ca++

Ca++ Ca++



SR-Ca++ ATPase

Excitation-Contraction Coupling
Contracting Muscle


RyR Receptor
+ +

Ca++ Ca++

DHP Receptor


Ca++ Calsequestrin Ca++ Ca

+ +



Ca++ Ca++




+ +


SR-Ca++ ATPase

Crossbridge Formation

Sarcomeric Shortening

Excitation-Contraction Coupling
Relaxing Muscle
No at resting membrane potential

RyR Receptor
_ _

Ca++ Ca++

DHP Receptor


Ca++ Calsequestrin Ca

Ca++ Ca++
+ +


Ca++ Ca++


Ca++ ADP + Pi

SR-Ca++ ATPase

Tension is longer than electrical or biochemical events

Steps in excitation-contraction coupling:

1) Action Potential 2) Depolarization of the T-Tubules - Causes conformational change in the DHPR - opens Ca2+ channels(Ryr) on sacroplasmic reticulum 3) Ca2+ released from SR into ICF 4) Ca2+ binds to Troponin C cooperatively - causes conformational change 5) Tropomyosin is out of way 6) Cross-bridge cycling 7) Relaxation via Ca2+ ATPase

The Crossbridge Cycle

Relaxed state
Crossbridge energized
Actin-Myosin Binding Sites

A + M ADP Pi
(Ca edIn ed te) h rg term ia

Crossbridge attachment

Crossbridge detachment

Crossbrige Motion

Rigor mortis if no ATP

ADP + Pi

Features of the Crossbridge Cycle

1) 2) 3) 4) 5) CB cycle is repetitive CB cycle is asynchronous Tension is proportional to CB number Velocity is proportional to cycle rate Velocity is inversely proportional to load

Crossbridge Motion
Changes in the conformation of the hinge region of the myosin molecule allow for swivel motion of the crossbridges that produces sarcomeric shortening.

Sliding Filament Theory

Describes the mechanism of muscle contraction Free energy from cleavage of Mg*ATP induces a bend in myosin head from a 90 to 45 degree angle Actin filaments slide toward the H zone, pulling the Z lines inward Sarcomere shortens and muscle contracts This happens in a wave - not synchronous for each sarcomere

Sample Question #1
Lengths at rest: A band = 1.5 m I band = 1.0 m H zone = 0.7 m What is the length of the a) sarcomere? b) thin filament? c) overlap?

Sample Question #1
Lengths at rest: A band = 1.5 m I band = 1.0 m H zone = 0.7 m What is the length of the a) sarcomere? 1.5 + 1.0 = 2.5 m b) thin filament? (2.5 0.7) / 2 = 0.9 m c) overlap? 1.5 0.7 = 0.8 m

Sample Question #2
Lengths at rest: A band = 1.5 m I band = 1.0 m H zone = 0.7 m Sarcomere = 2.5 m During contraction, the muscle shortens by 20%. What is the length of the a) sarcomere? b) thick filament? c) I band? d) H zone? e) overlap?

Sample Question #2
Lengths at rest: A band = 1.5 m I band = 1.0 m H zone = 0.7 m Sarcomere = 2.5 m During contraction, the muscle shortens by 20%. What is the length of the a) sarcomere? b) thick filament? c) I band? d) H zone? e) overlap? 2.5 0.5 = 2.0 m 1.5 m (no change!) 2.0 1.5 = 0.5 m 2.0 [(2) x (0.9)] = 0.2 m 1.5 0.2 = 1.3 m

Length Tension Relationship

Generation of tension in a muscle depends on its initial length Maximal tension can be developed at a sarcomeres optimal length, usually its resting length At the optimal length, a maximum number of crossbridge sites are accessible to the actin molecules for binding and bending When a muscle is passively stretched, the thin filaments are pulled out and there are less actin sites available for cross-bridge binding, decreasing tension When a muscle is shorter than its optimal length, tension decreases because the thin filaments overlap and the thick filaments become forced against the Z-lines

Length vs. Tension

- maximum # of crossbridges


- thin filaments pulled away and less room on actin for binding = less tension


- thin filaments overlap, thick filaments run into Z lines = less tension

Active State

Describes criteria which must be met for contraction to occur: a) binding of calcium to troponin C b) cross-bridge formation c) ATP splitting d) cross-bridge motion

Action potential

Myoplasmic [Ca] Ca-troponin complex Twitch force

Elastic and Contractile Components

1) Contractile Component: Responsible for Active Tension(proportional to # of crossbridges that cycle) 2) Parallel Elastic Component: Responsible for Passive Tension 3) Series Elastic Component: Must be stretched in order to develop active tension

Parallel Elastic Component

Contractile Component Series Elastic Component

Modulation of Muscle Contraction


Muscle force can be modulated by the frequency of stimulation Depends on active state and refractory period Skeletal muscle exhibits a long active state and a short refractory period Allows a second action potential long before the initial twitch response is complete Subsequent twitches build upon the one before, ultimately achieving a tetanus state

Summation of Twitches

The force of muscle contraction can be increased by increasing the frequency of nerve stimulation. The key is the difference in the time course for the action potential, calcium transient, and mechanical response.

Tetanus and Fatigue

Onset of Fatigue





Stimulation at low frequencies produces summation of twitches and tetanus. However, when stimulation frequency reaches a rate rapid enough to produce a complete tetanus, fatigue will develop. Fatigue in tetany is due to fast twitch muscles

Muscle Architecture

Force production and velocity of shortening of the whole muscle depends on the architecture. It is important to remember that force is proportional to myofiber number, while velocity is proportional to myofiber length. Therefore, strap-like muscles provide the greatest velocity of shortening, while pennate muscles can generate more force.


Because muscles operate across joints, the force applied to move an object depends on the leverage factor LF = Leverage arm / Distance from joint The farther away from the joint a muscle is inserted, the smaller the leverage factor and the easier it is to move an object (example: door hinge) The closer a muscle is inserted to the joint, the larger the leverage factor (mechanical disadvantage), but the more maneuverable the object is

Preload, Afterload and the Latent Period

(influence on twitch force)
Extent of Shortening
Action Potential Muscle Twitch

Extent of Shortening

Preloaded with 10 kg

Afterloaded with 10 kg
Action Potential Muscle Twitch

The latent period is prolonged in an afterloaded muscle because it takes time to stretch the series elastic component. The length of the latent period is dependent on load for afterloaded muscle, but independent of load for preloaded muscle. Increasing load decreases twitch shortening independent of effects on latent period.

8 msec latent period

12 msec latent period

Extent of Shortening

Action Potential

Muscle Twitch

Extent of Shortening

Preloaded with 20 kg

Afterloaded with 20 kg
Action Potential Muscle Twitch

8 msec latent period

20 msec latent period

Load-Velocity Relationship

As load increases the velocity of shortening decreases.

Sample Question #3
A muscle which weighs 12 g and is 100 cm long is stimulated for a total of one hour at a frequency of 4/min. Upon each stimulation the muscle lifts 204 g and shortens 0.5 meters. What is the work and power output of that muscle?

Sample Question #3
A muscle which weighs 12 g and is 100 cm long is stimulated for a total of one hour at a frequency of 4/min. Upon each stimulation the muscle lifts 204 g and shortens 0.5 meters. What is the work and power output per hour of that muscle?
Force produced per stimulation = 0.204 kg x 9.81 m/s2 = 2.00124 N Work done during 1 contraction = 2 N x 0.5 m = 1.0 Joules Work done per hour = 1.0 J x 4/min x 60 min = 240 J Power output over 1 hour = 240 J / 3600 sec = 0.067 Watts Total work per gram of muscle = 240 J / 12 g = 20.0 J/g

Rate of Onset of Energy Pathways

Percent Capacity of Energy Generating System

Anaerobic Glycolysis

Aerobic Mechanisms

Creatine Phosphate

10 sec. 30 sec.

2 min.

5 min.

Exercise Duration

Characteristics of Muscle Fiber Types

Biochemical Profile
Fiber Type Glycolytic Activity
V. High

Performance Profile
MHC-ATPase Twitch Speed

Oxidative Activity

Fatigue Activity Profile Resistance

Low Short term phasic

Fast Twitch White

Fast Twitch Red Moderate V. High High High Sustained phasic

Slow Twitch Low Moderate Low V. High Sustained Tonic

The activity profile of the major muscle fiber types matches the biochemical and contractile profiles for these fiber types.

Anaerobic Threshold


Oxygen Consumption

100 80

Blood Lactate (mg/dL)


45 60

Anaerobic Threshold
Untrained Trained

40 20


Exercise Work Load

Oxygen Debt
oxygen debt and oxygen repayment are equal

Rate of Energy Expenditure

Oxygen Debt

Oxygen Consumption

Oxygen Repayment

Time (minutes)

Parameters of Endurance Training

TCA Cycle Enzymes

Adaptive Ratio (Control/Trained)


Oxidative Potential of Fast Fibers


Capillary Density

VO2 Max Slow twitch fiber diameter



Time (months)

Efficiency Calculations
A 70-kg individual does 20 pullups, lifting his body weight 1 meter each time. In doing so, he consumes 4 liters of O2. Baseline is 400 ml of O2/min. Total exercise time is 5 mins. What is his gross and net mechanical efficiency. 1 L O2 = 4.8 kcal 1 cal = 4.186 J

Efficiency Calculations
A 70-kg individual does 20 pullups, lifting his body weight 1 meter each time. In doing so, he consumes 4 liters of O2. Baseline is 400 ml of O2/min. Total exercise time is 5 mins. What is his gross and net mechanical efficiency. 1 L O2 = 4.8 kcal 1 cal = 4.186 J W = mgh = (70 x 9.8 x 1) x 20 reps = 13.7 kJ = 13.7 kJ/4.186 kJ/kcal = 3.3 kcal

Efficiency Calculations
A 70-kg individual does 20 pullups, lifting his body weight 1 meter each time. In doing so, he consumes 4 liters of O2. Baseline is 400 ml of O2/min. Total exercise time is 5 mins. What is his gross and net mechanical efficiency. 1 L O2 = 4.8 kcal 1 cal = 4.186 J W = mgh = (70 x 9.8 x 1) x 20 reps = 13.7 kJ = 13.7 kJ/4.186 kJ/kcal = 3.3 kcal Total E = 4 L x 4.8 kcal = 19.2 kcal Net E = (4 L 0.4 L x 5 min) x 4.8 kcal = 9.6 kcal

Efficiency Calculations
A 70-kg individual does 20 pullups, lifting his body weight 1 meter each time. In doing so, he consumes 4 liters of O2. Baseline is 400 ml of O2/min. Total exercise time is 5 mins. What is his gross and net mechanical efficiency. 1 L O2 = 4.8 kcal 1 cal = 4.186 J W = mgh = (70 x 9.8 x 1) x 20 reps = 13.7 kJ = 13.7 kJ/4.186 kJ/kcal = 3.3 kcal Total E = 4 L x 4.8 kcal = 19.2 kcal Net E = (4 L 0.4 L x 5 min) x 4.8 kcal = 9.6 kcal Gross Efficiency = W/E = 3.3 kcal/19.2 kcal = 17% Net Efficiency = 3.3/9.6 = 34%

Fiber Types
Metabolism White Fast Slow Red Fast Red Glycolysis Oxidative Oxid/Glyc ATPase Fatigue Contraction activity Resistance + Short term phasic ++ Sustained tonic + + Sustained phasic Adaptation hypertrophy Incr mt myoglobin both Example Power lift Postural mm rowing

Smooth Muscle: Unitary

Present in GI tract, bladder, uterus, and ureter Contracts in coordinated fashion b/c of gap jxns Modulated by NTs and hormones Has pacemaker activity, slow waves

Smooth Muscle: Multiunit

Found in iris, ciliary muscels of lens, and the vas deferens Cells dont communicate w/ each other electrically Densely innervated by autonomics

Excitation-Contraction in Smooth Muscle

1) Action potential opens Ca2+ channels in sacrolemmal membrane 2) Rise in intracellular Ca2+ concentration causes Ca2+ bind to calmodulin the Ca2+ - Calmodulin complex binds to and activates myosin light chain kinase(MLCK) 3) Activated MLCK phosphorylates myosin, which can now form an break cross-bridges *amount of cross-bridges=tension=intracellular Ca2+ 4) Intracellular Ca2+ decreases(b/c of SRs Ca2+ ATPase) and myosin is dephosphorylated by myosin light chain phosphatase(MLCP)

Ratio of MLCK:MLCP is main determinant of tension in smooth muscle

Practice Questions for Nerve/Muscle Physio Test


Choose the correct sequence of events during excitation/contraction coupling:


Action potential, calcium release, depolarization of the t-tubules, contraction, calcium re-uptake Action potential, depolarization of the t-tubules, calcium release, contraction, calcium re-uptake Action potential, depolarization of the t-tubules, calcium re-uptake, contraction, calcium release Action potential, calcium release, contraction, depolarization of the t-tubules, calcium re-uptake




Choose the correct sequence of events during excitation/contraction coupling:


Action potential, calcium release, depolarization of the t-tubules, contraction, calcium re-uptake Action potential, depolarization of the t-tubules, calcium release, contraction, calcium re-uptake Action potential, depolarization of the t-tubules, calcium re-uptake, contraction, calcium release Action potential, calcium release, contraction, depolarization of the t-tubules, calcium re-uptake




At equilibrium the concentration of Na + is 5 mM inside the cell and 500 mM outside the cell. What is the Na + equilibrium potential for this cell?
a) b) c) d) e)

+90 mV -90 mV +120 mV -120 mV +60 mV

At equilibrium the concentration of Na + is 5 mM inside the cell and 500 mM outside the cell. What is the Na + equilibrium potential for this cell?
a) b) c) d) e)

+90 mV -90 mV +120 mV -120 mV +60 mV

According to the "size principle" which of the following statements would be true?
a) b) c) d) e)

large motor units are recruited first but generate less force large motor units are recruited first and generate more force small motor units are recruited first and generate more force small motor units are recruited first but generate less force motor unit size and force production are not related so none of the above are true.

According to the "size principle" which of the following statements would be true?
a) b) c) d) e)

large motor units are recruited first but generate less force large motor units are recruited first and generate more force small motor units are recruited first and generate more force small motor units are recruited first but generate less force motor unit size and force production are not related so none of the above are true.

According to the sliding filament theory, which of the following occurs during a muscle contraction:

The thin filaments pull the H zone to the center of the sarcomere. The Z lines pull the thick filaments in the overlapping region. The area of overlap between the thick and thin filaments increases, however the actual lengths of the thick and the thin filaments remain unchanged. The width of both the I band and the A band decreases while the H zone increases.

b) c)


According to the sliding filament theory, which of the following occurs during a muscle contraction:

The thin filaments pull the H zone to the center of the sarcomere. The Z lines pull the thick filaments in the overlapping region. The area of overlap between the thick and thin filaments increases, however the actual lengths of the thick and the thin filaments remain unchanged. The width of both the I band and the A band decreases while the H zone increases.

b) c)


Warming the blood supply to the hypothalamus causes

a) b) c) d) e)

shivering. increased pulmonary circulation. piloerection. increased cutaneous circulation. increased mesenteric circulation.

Warming the blood supply to the hypothalamus causes

a) b) c) d) e)

shivering. increased pulmonary circulation. piloerection. increased cutaneous circulation. increased mesenteric circulation.

Which of the following features are the same in the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system?
a) b) c) d)

Average length of preganglionic fibers. Average length of postganglionic fibers. Neurotransmitter in preganglionic fibers. Neurotransmitter in postganglionic fibers.

Which of the following features are the same in the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system?
a) b) c) d)

Average length of preganglionic fibers. Average length of postganglionic fibers. Neurotransmitter in preganglionic fibers. Neurotransmitter in postganglionic fibers.

The following data are given for a skeletal muscle fiber: Length of thin filament: 0.8um Length of H-zone: 0.4um The muscle is stimulated under isotonic conditions and it shortens 20%. What is the approximate length of the sarcomere in the contracted muscle according to the sliding filament theory?
a) b) c) d) e)

1.20 um 1.60 um 1.76 um 2.08 um Cannot be determined from above data.

QuickTime and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture.

H-zone = 0.4 um Thin Filaments = 0.8 um

QuickTime and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture.

0.8 + 0.8 + 0.4 = 2.0 um 2.0 x 80% = 1.6 um

The following data are given for a skeletal muscle fiber: Length of thin filament: 0.8um Length of H-zone: 0.4um The muscle is stimulated under isotonic conditions and it shortens 20%. What is the approximate length of the sarcomere in the contracted muscle according to the sliding filament theory?
a) b) c) d) e)

1.20 um 1.60 um 1.76 um 2.08 um Cannot be determined from above data.


http://www2.uic.edu/stud_orgs/prof/M1/courses/physiology/ jwalsh3@uic.edu strent1@uic.edu dgolde1@uic.edu


Obi Ekwenna and Jason Emer

QuickTime and a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor are needed to see this picture.

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