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Ancient Civilization

Muhammed Salem Sajid And Omar Yaser - 11BA

What does the term
“Ancient Civilization”
Ancient civilization refers
specifically to the first
settled and stable
communities which later
developed to nations and
When and where did it all
Ancient Civilization spanned from the 3000 BC.
Though, humans did exist for a long time before
this period but the invention of writing led to the
possibility of recording of events thus having
historical records
Civilizations first appeared in Mesopotamia [Iraq]
and extended to Egypt. 
All events in history were not just
found in recorded forms but were also
through archeology, where most were
found in the past 200 years.
After the late 1970s many important
archaeological findings were found in
How they Agriculture changed the way of living tremendously in the ancient times.
Farming and the development for the tools for it brought and agricultural
developed revolution. Due to this, people did not have to in search of food and hunt for it,
instead they got food supplies from there crops.

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